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bending's Issues

HeatWave (Sunshine)

Describe the bug
1 using heatwave while below a block locks players into a stuck state, where the move has to go up completely before disabling.

2 while in the middle of heatwave, you are in the air, you can hold forward and shift. doing such will allow you to spread heatwave in that direction, and will actually disable the falling part of the move, giving the player infinite hover flight.

To Reproduce
1 try to use heatwave while below a block. you will just float there for a while

2 activate heatwave, hold forward until you are no longer above flames.

Expected behavior
1 perhaps, when hitting a block, heatwave activates there.

2 player stays in place or minimal movement, but fire spout should not be kept on.

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Additional Information
Also using fortify before heatwave causes heatwave to stay stuck in your cage until the cage disappears.

Drain (Plants)

Describe the bug
The discription of Drain states that you can use to drain water from plants to fill bottles or buckets.
this does not work on 1.13 or 1.15 Avatar

##Works with water source blocks##
#However uncraftable potion is given not water bottle,Bucket works as expected#

To Reproduce
use drain on plants, giving no result

Expected behavior
drain water from plants filling up bottles and buckets, if nothing to fill up you use it as a water blast.

Reflection (Sunshine)

Describe the bug
1 Activating the move disables damage and bending moves reliant on clicking, however you can still sneak and use moves that rely on sneaking, such as combustion.

2 shift clicking to disable reflection does not work.

3 reflection does not actually stop the player from taking damage from mobs.

To Reproduce
1 Activate reflection, select combustion, sneak.

2 enable reflection by clicking, shift click to disable does not work.
Expected behavior

3 enable reflection, take damage. suffer and die

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional Information
Add any other information about the problem here.

Firecomet Lagmaggedon

There's too many particles. I have a decent computer and graphics card, but the move still lags my game. I would recommend reducing the flame particles, and greatly reducing the fireworks particles (this seems to be the main cause of the lag).

Things that need to happen in order for the server to get fixed

-removed irrelevant ranting-

Set the server's render distance to default.
The server's render distance of a mere 3 chunks/50 blocks (compared to the default 10 chunks/160 blocks). This would be annoying in any case, but it's especially terrible for a bending server. In bending PVP, players move at an incredibly fast pace because of all their mobility moves (airblast, firejet, etc). This means that the player will constantly disappear in a PVP match, which makes PVP effectively impossible. We should have a much higher render distance, just like every other bending server in existence. If this causes lag, then there's a problem with the server. Perhaps it needs more RAM, or perhaps the developers of PK have optimized their plugin since it was last installed and subsequently forked into Megabending.

Install the OldCombatMechanics plugin
Minecraft's regen/hunger mechanics were tweaked by the Combat update. Regen is incredibly fast, but only when your food bars are full. Since food and saturation depletes rapidly, regen is effectively abolished. This might be useful for vanilla PVP where duels can last seconds, but it is incompatible with bending PVP, because matches tend to last much longer, and the bending arena (keep in mind that the arena is the main reason why people join a bending server) is supposed to be a place where you don't need to worry about hunger. All of this can be solved by installing the OldCombatMechanics plugin. PVP with no regen might be a fun minigame, but it makes the main gameplay impossible.

Install the latest versions of ProjectKorra and Jedcore
I don't think that you even realize how broken the server is. I don't even realize how broken the server is, because I've only tested fire. You seem to be under the impression that we can fix the server by patching a few bugs here and there. I don't even know what version of PK and Jedcore we're using (before it forked into Megabending), but I assume that it is ancient. So we're running an ancient, suboptimal plugin, which becomes buggier and buggier with each successive Mojang update.
And it usually takes the developers of PK months before they put out a new update, and the updates are not strictly limited to adjusting the plugin to the latest version of Minecraft. And they have a helluva lot more developers and testers than we do. And it seems that every time we patch a bug, new bugs are created to replace it. How many times have I reported bugs on firejet, only to find new bugs immediately after (Jetblast and Jetblaze are still broken BTW)? And this is only fire, not even including the other elements!
So, realistically speaking, the project that you're trying to pursue is completely pointless. You cannot manually update the entire PK and Jedcore, especially since you don't even know how these moves are supposed to function (even I don't, I only know fire.) So the project is a fantasy. It is a complete waste of everyone's time, including your own, because it's going nowhere. It is heading towards a dead end.
Therefore, we need to install the latest versions of PK and Jedcore, with everything set to default (at least for now). Custom moves should be rewritten or replaced by new ones (I can help you with ideas). I think this would be easier for you, since you're more intimately familiar with your own moves since you yourself designed them. You know exactly what they're supposed to look like and how they're supposed to function. If you had done this from the beginning, bending arguably could have been fixed by now.

-more irrelevant rambling-

There are many other issues with the server, but these are the biggest ones. They make it absolutely impossible to play. If these issues are addressed, then we can proceed to talk about other issues with the server (and there are many). But if dniym doesn't cooperate, then I quit. I can't help you if you refuse to take my help. If you stubbornly insist that you can fix the server with all of these limitations, then you can go right ahead. But I don't see it as a worthy investment of my time.

cosmetics echest

Unable to remove the "Cosmetics" echest from your inventory, or your even hotbar, or even from one slot to another. Very annoying. Especially because it opens whenever you use a left-click move attached to that slot.

PS: I omitted the issue template because I was able to accurately describe the problem without it, so it would have been superfluous

PumpkinBomb (Scarecrow)

Describe the bug
the move states that holding shift will shoot a rotten pumpkin bomb.

To Reproduce
hold sneak on pumpkin bomb, nothing happens

Expected behavior
Should fire a missile or something if you hold sneak for long enough

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional Information
Add any other information about the problem here.

[Ability Request] - FrostBreath change

Frost Breath
The name for the ability you wish to see created or modified.

It spits out a beam of ice, as long as you sneak
A descriptive and well worded description of the Ability.

From the technical side, its obvious that it only works in some biomes, those that have a temperature that only a snow golem can survive in. It also seems this beam does damage but does not seem to apply a status effect of any sort.
Please fill out as much of the information as you can. Please do not just put (I don't know or It's up to you) I will likely reject requests that are not well thought out.

  1. What element is this ability for? Frost
  2. Is this ability OFFENSIVE or DEFENSIVE? Offensive
  3. Is it passive or do you have to activate it? Activate by sneaking.
  4. Should there be any animations / particles when the ability is activated? Current is fine
  5. If the ability requires charging, what should that animation look like? N/A
  6. Can this ability target other players? Yes
  7. Can this ability target NPCs? Yes
  8. Can this ability be used on the player that activated it? No
  9. How much damage (in hearts) should this move deal or heal (if a healing ability) Current is fine
  10. How much cooldown should this move have after being used? Same cool down as FireBreath
  11. If this ability needs a source of a specific type to activate, what should that be? should not use source, the bender should be considered the source

Additional information

  1. Why do you think this move should be added / changed?
    This is basically a rebranded version of Fire Breath, but worse.
    This move cannot be used in all biomes like its predecessor and has a significantly longer cool down especially with an element that has so few moves to start with. The restrictions put on this move really put it at a massive disadvantage unless given pros to balance it out. I suggest removing the biome restrictions based on temperature (with the argument being that katana was able to create ice during the agni kai during Sozin's Comet. Very hot environment and she still made ice), and lowering the cool down to about half the current cool down time. Ideally, this move should be on par or a little more powerful than Fire Breath so as to give snowman a little more fire power.

  2. Any other comments you believe to be relevant.
    Snowman currently on the test server has 5 moves. No one is going to use snowman if there are only five moves. This suggestion is focusing on making snowman a bit more fair. With so few moves, their moves should be a bit more focused when it comes to damage.

[Ability Request] - Scarecrow Particles

Simple request to make all the moves of scarecrow use the same particles. You got moves like ghost and teleport that use dark grey colors, then spirit tap which just spits out rainbows. More consistency perhaps?

Additional information

  1. Consistency will make the entire element feel more professional and polished.
  2. sorry for like not using a template, most of it was irrelevant

vanishing fire particles

Describe the bug
The render distance for fire moves is very tiny.

To Reproduce
Use a long range fire move

Expected behavior
The particles will disappear in your view. They still exist, you just can't see them.

Additional Information
This may seem like a tiny tedious unimportant detail, but it's crucially important. Combustion, for example (a crucial weapon in the firebender's arsenal) is rendered completely useless. Firebending depends very very heavily on one's aim and prediction skills, and this is usually what determines the outcome of a fight between two fire pros. I know many firebenders, and they simply will not play on a server where they can't see their particles. I haven't invited them because I don't want them to get a bad impression. I hope that this is fixed soon.

Freedom (Sunshine)

Describe the bug
Sometimes under certain cases, using Freedom (SunShine) the field does not expand and it will remain a tiny ball of green notes

To Reproduce
Sneak to charge Freedom, then jump while charging. Releasing afterwards does not allow the field to expand.

Expected behavior
Sneaking to charge, after release. The move's field expands to full range, which is like 5 blocks or so

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Additional Information
Add any other information about the problem here.

Flight not working

Describe the bug
when using flight you gain a slow falling like effect.

To Reproduce
use flight

Expected behavior
when shift is held you fly/ glide in the direction you are looking at

/B gui preset

Describe the bug
/b gui presets are not rebinding saved presets

To Reproduce
unsure if it is a personal issue or if it effects everyone, click the preset and it wont bind.

Expected behavior
click the preset and moves bind.

Air Moves Fire particles

Describe the bug
when using Air moves such as AirBlade and AirBlast are using Fire Particles

To Reproduce
use AirBlade or AirBlast (might be all air moves untested)

Expected behavior
air particles not fire

JetBlast and Jetblaze

Describe the bug
Jetblast and Jetblaze do not work, at all.

To Reproduce
Try to use these moves (tap shift w firejet x 2 > tap shift w blaze/fireshield > left click w firejet).

Expected behavior
JetBlast or Jetblaze should have activated

Additional Information
When you try to use these moves, you can see "Jetblast" or "Jetblaze" above your slots. So the move apparently activates to some extent, but doesn't work.
P:S I chose to include both Jetblaze and Jetblast in the same report because they both seem to have the same underlying issue, as far as I can tell.

Fortify (Sunshine)

Describe the bug
When activated, fortify creates a glass block cage around you. its a shield. however the walls are panes, and they do not connect to each other, allowing players and mobs to get in.

To Reproduce
Activate the move fortify.

Expected behavior
Fortify creates a shield that does not let players or mobs through

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Additional Information
Add any other information about the problem here.


Describe the bug
When duration for firejet expires, you seem to stop suddenly, almost as if you ran into an invisible wall. It feels very unnatural.

To Reproduce
Use firejet

Expected behavior
The end of firejet's duration should be simply the cessation of firejet; that is, you stop propelling forwards. After that, normal gravity should take effect.

FireJet Hover

Describe the bug
Normal FireJet does not work at all.

To Reproduce
Left-click with FireJet.

Expected behavior
Instead of propelling forwards, FireJet Hover is activated.

Additional Information
FireJet Hover is not activated when you press Shift, like it should be.
Also, there's no cooldown on FireJet Hover, so you can just keep clicking to hop in the air like a bunny

Firejet bugs, compiled in one report for your convenience

FireJet Hover bugs

  1. When you look directly at a block that is within range for mining, Hover will not activate.
  2. When you press Shift with Hover activated, it doesn't end the Hover as it should.
  3. If you continue to hold shift after Hover is activated, and then left-click, firejet will not activate. Instead you fall to the ground.
  4. Firejet after using Hover seems unjustifiably long, almost as long as jetblaze. This destroys any advantage to using default firejet. (I think that Hover's primary uses should be 1. quick escape when you get surprise attacked and 2. an extra boost when jetting vertically upward)
  5. Jetblast and Jetblaze cannot be activated from Hover

Quasi-activation of Jetblast and Jetblaze during cooldown
Jetblaze and Jetblast apparently activate (i.e, the cooldown, particles and sound effects are there), but they do not propel you into the air as they should. This bug only occurs if you try using jetblaze/jetblast immediately after using it previously, while it is still on cooldown.

Jetblaze damage and firetick are deactivated when changing slots
When using Jetblaze, the damage and firetick (represented by the extra smoke and creeper noises) are deactivated. This bug occurs only when you switch to another slot while Jetblaze is running.

General firejet bug
A firebender should be able to end their firejet midair by left-clicking with the firejet slot but this does not work. This applies to all variations of Firejet (besides Hover, obviously).

Jetblast and Jetblaze are broke

Describe the bug
Jetblast and Jetblaze do not work.

To Reproduce
Try to use these combos. They don't work. Instead, it just activates regular firejet.

Expected behavior
Jetblast and Jetblaze should have activated.

Additional Information
Interestingly, the cooldown for these combos is activated, even though the move doesn't work.

RocketLaunch (Sunshine)

Describe the bug
Damage isn't being applied in some cases. When hitting a mob directly, and or hitting near a mob does not deal AOE damage. it seems that damage is only applied when the move hits max distance first.

To Reproduce
Just use rocket launch, it gets weird

Expected behavior
Hitting a mob or player, or hitting close to mob or player is expected to deal damage.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional Information
Add any other information about the problem here.

Tip for reducing lag

Remove all smoke particles from every firebending move (except combustion, more on that soon).
The smoke particles are unneeded for bending, and inconsistent since some moves have smoke particles while others (firespin, firekick, firewheel) don't. But they do cause a lot of lag for a lot of players (especially moves like jetblaze and fireburst). Although most of these moves are not especially laggy, I think that the cumulative effect of removing smoke particles would be to reduce lag overall.
The only move for which smoke particles should not be removed is combustion, because the smoke is needed to signal when the move is charged and ready to launch (like shockwave and earthsmash). Perhaps we could remove the smoke particles from the beam, but not from the charge.

firejet problems

  1. Jetblast and Jetblaze are completely busted. I imagine that the reason is because firejet's cooldown is activated by hover, which interferes with the combo chain.

  2. Firejet's speed or duration seems small (has it been reduced from the default setting, or does it only seem small in comparison to icejet?). But when you use press shift for firejet hover, and, while continuing to hold shift, left click; then firejet's duration lasts much longer, which is weird.

There are some moves that firebenders can do without, but firejet is not one of them. Firejet and its two twin combos are arguably the most important move a firebender has. It is used to evade attacks, rush opponents, charge other moves, chase after runners, or run away if necessary. But sometimes it can be a disadvantage when used against experienced benders, so it must be used strategically. But all of this is impossible because of these problems. No serious firebender would be able to play on a server where firejet doesn't work smoothly. These bugs are like sand in the gears of a firebending fight. I hope this is fixed soon.

I would recommend that firejet, jetblaze and jetblast are all set to the default settings.

Ghost (Scarecrow)

Describe the bug
Sneaking with ghost enables the user to become invisible until the use of a move. however moves that use sneak to activate can be activated without disabling ghost

To Reproduce
enable ghost, choose combustion, sneak and activate it

Expected behavior
after enabling ghost, dealing any damage or using any moves should disable ghost

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Additional Information
sorry for the dark screen shot, accidentally quit my game to take this. that's combustion being used, and I'm in the middle invisible.

Fireshield is completely busted

Describe the bug
Title. Fireshield simply does not work. Neither the move itself nor the particles. Neither the shift version or the clicky version

To Reproduce
Try to use fireshield

Additional Information
Interestingly, even though fireshield itself is broken, Firewheel (a combo depending on fireshield) is working fine as far as I can tell (though the particles are a bit unorthodox)

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