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Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Thanks for checking it out.

All documentation is in the "docs" directory and online at If you're just getting started, here's how we recommend you read the docs:

  • First, read docs/intro/install.txt for instructions on installing Django.
  • Next, work through the tutorials in order (docs/intro/tutorial01.txt, docs/intro/tutorial02.txt, etc.).
  • If you want to set up an actual deployment server, read docs/howto/deployment/index.txt for instructions.
  • You'll probably want to read through the topical guides (in docs/topics) next; from there you can jump to the HOWTOs (in docs/howto) for specific problems, and check out the reference (docs/ref) for gory details.
  • See docs/README for instructions on building an HTML version of the docs.

Docs are updated rigorously. If you find any problems in the docs, or think they should be clarified in any way, please take 30 seconds to fill out a ticket here:

To get more help:

To contribute to Django:

To run Django's test suite:

Supporting the Development of Django

Django's development depends on your contributions.

If you depend on Django, remember to support the Django Software Foundation:

Django's Projects

.github icon .github

Org-level integration with GitHub features

channels icon channels

Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django

daphne icon daphne

Django Channels HTTP/WebSocket server

deps icon deps

Django Enhancement Proposals

django icon django

The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

django-box icon django-box

VM to run the Django test suite. ARCHIVED Please use

django-docker-box icon django-docker-box

Run the Django test suite across all supported databases and python versions

django-docs-translations icon django-docs-translations

Translations of the Django documentation. Questions and discussions happen on The previously used group on Google Groups is no longer being used. If you are looking for old topics, you may be able to find them at!forum/django-i18n.

djangobench icon djangobench

Harness and benchmarks for evaluating Django's performance over time icon

The code that powers, it allows users to post and share useful "snippets" of code.

ticketbot icon ticketbot

Django's IRC ticketbot. Linkifies tickets and changesets. Hangs out in #django and #django-dev.

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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