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dan-learns-python's Introduction



Dandelions is a pen-and-paper game developed by Ben Orlin and included in his amazing 2022 book "Math Games with Bad Drawings".

To play the game, two players each take a role, either Dandelion or Wind.

Then they draw a 5ร—5 grid and a compass with eight cardinal directions.

They take seven turns. On a turn, first the Dandelion player places one dandelion on the grid, then the Wind player chooses a direction to blow the wind. When the wind blows, the players draw seeds in each space from all the dandelions to the border in the direction it blew.

On each turn, the Dandelion player places a new dandelion and the Wind player blows in a new direction. The Wind cannot blow in the same direction twice, but new Dandelions can grow where seeds already exist.

At the end of the game, if the board is full of dandelions and seeds, the Dandelion player wins. If even one space is empty, the Wind wins.

Learning Python

To help me learn Python, I'm programming an automatic version of this game.

Step 1

The first step is to represent the data. And while I'm at it I should make functions to visualize the data.

The board looks like this when it's blank:

 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -

And it looks like this when it's full of dandelions:

 - - - - -
|* * * * *|
 - - - - -
|* * * * *|
 - - - - -
|* * * * *|
 - - - - -
|* * * * *|
 - - - - -
|* * * * *|
 - - - - -

It's not a valid board state for the board to be full of dandelions, but we want to visualize any state, even invalid ones.

The compass looks like this when the game starts:


And it looks like this after 8 turns:


Again, this is an invalid state, because only 7 turns are allowed.

In my first commit, in, I've laid out the functions board_to_string and compass_to_string.

The board is represented by a list of 5 lists of 5 strings. In a board, an empty space is ' ', a dandelion is '*', and a seed is '.'.

The compass is represented by a dictionary of abbreviated cardinal directions as the keys and booleans as the values. A compass starts out with all values False, and as turns are taken, values change to True.

Right now I'm unhappy with how complicated board_to_string looks. But it works fine, so I'll probably leave it for a while.

I printed test boards and compasses and got the results above. Now we're cooking!

What did I learn in Step 1?

I got a lot of error messages reminding me to put a : after def, if, and else statements.

I also learned that the join method is found on a string and accepts a list parameter.

Dictionary and list literals look like they do in many other languages and trailing commas are not a problem.

True and False are written in that casing.

Python doesn't have the usual ternary expressions. If it has anything like that, I still need to find it.

Closures are called lambdas and use the lambda keyword.

map is a freestanding function.

Step 2

It's never too early to get organized, so in my second commit, I move the functions into a module called to_string, then add the import statements in my main script.

I ran again and got the same results.

What did I learn in Step 2?

Modules are as easy as just putting your functions into a file and using:

from filename import function_name, other_function_name

I've heard there's another way too, but the easy way works for now.

Step 3

Now seems like a good time to build some automated tests.

In my third commit, I create, a script that runs all the exercises in and also asserts that the results are equal to some expected values.

After some back and forth that had more to do with learning how to manipulate strings than with the code under test, I got four tests passing.

I don't use a framework for the tests, not yet anyway. I just include some test functions and run them, being sure to count how many pass. I use Python's assert which throws exceptions, so the first test that fails stops execution.

What did I learn in Step 3?

Python's multiline string literals start and end with triple quotes. Any indentation between those is preserved, making it uncomfortable to use multiline string literals inside of functions or blocks.

Python's standard library provides a solution to this in a module called textwrap with a function called dedent.

dedent didn't help me writing tests because indents weren't the only whitespace I needed to get exactly right when doing comparisons in my tests. But now I know it's there.

Python has an assert function which is like the one from C and Java: it can be used anywhere and it's usually turned off in production. This represents a sort of "mix your tests with your code" philosophy that we can just... not do.

For the simple tests I wrote, the assert function worked fine. Of course, it doesn't explain why assertions fail in detail.

The substring features built into Python's strings are really enjoyable. When string == expected started to fail assertions, it was easy to change them to string[0] == expected[0] which passed and then string[0:15] == expected[0:15] which failed, and then binary search my way to the problem character. (It was a whitespace character at index 11 from when I was still trying to use multiline strings.)

The function that gives the length of a string or list is len.

Step 4

It's time to take some action. During the game, the wind will blow seeds from dandelions.

Say a player has set down a dandelion in the center of the board:

 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|    *    |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -

Next suppose the other player blows the wind to the north-east. That would result in a board state like this:

 - - - - -
|        .|
 - - - - -
|      .  |
 - - - - -
|    *    |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -

If the first player places a dandelion just below the first and then the wind blows to the west, the board state would become:

 - - - - -
|        .|
 - - - - -
|      .  |
 - - - - -
|. . *    |
 - - - - -
|. . *    |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -

In my fourth commit, I created a new module called wind with a method called blow which takes a board and direction as parameters and then fills in seeds at the right locations in the board lists.

My first solution had problems if a dandelion was placed at the border. And it overwrote dandelions with seeds if they happened to be in the way of some other dandelion. Once I worked out those problems it worked perfectly.

I used recursion to extend the seeds all the way to the border, and it worked without any surprises.

What did I learn in Step 4?

You can compare lists with ==. Even deeply, because comparing lists involves comparing their elements and if their elements are lists, == still works.

The for loop only has one form, the one that iterates over iterables. Plus if you want the index of a list while you loop, you must first convert the list to a dictionary using enumerate.

if and else are easy, but you have to remember elif.

or is spelled like that.

Step 5

Brandon Shar showed me how to do ternary expressions so I thought I might as well try it in compass_to_string.

I did it in my fifth commit, but I can't tell if it's any easier to look at.

While I was at it, I refactored board_to_string and it looks a little better. I took away what turned out to be a spurious use of list() and split parts of the work onto different lines.

What did I learn in Step 5?

The ternary expression, the one which yields one value under a true condition and another value under a false condition, looks like <true value> if <test expression> else <false value>.

Because Python has no end-of-statement character, there are just a few ways to spread a statement onto multiple lines: putting \ at the end of a line; opening parentheses on one line and only closing them on a later line; as part of a multiline string.

Step 6

I really prefer that each action on the game board would produce a new instance of the board list. That way I could choose to keep a list of states that led to each other.

In my sixth commit, I use the standard library's deepcopy function from the copy module to copy the board passed into blow before making any changes.

I'm a bit troubled that I'll have to remember to use deepcopy again later. The other time a board can be altered is when a dandelion is placed. Maybe I'll find a better place for it.

What did I learn in Step 6?

Apropos of nothing, there are 97,684,392,960,000 different paths the game could take.

Lists have their own copy method but it makes a shallow copy and I needed a deep copy. The copy library has deepcopy.

Step 7

I started writing strategy classes, which will generate the moves to play the game, but I stopped when I realized they need something.

In a way, strategy classes run "on top" of this Dandelions engine. So the engine needs to respond to mistakes. It also needs to handle as much boiler plate as it can.

With that in mind, I created plant in a new module dandelion in my seventh commit. plant places a dandelion onto the board, but throws an exception if (a) a dandelion is already there or (b) the location is outside the board. These are all the illegal moves the Dandelion player can make.

What did I learn in Step 7?

Python has a second array-like structure called a "tuple", which is immutable. Soon, dandelion strategy classes will return a tuple with x, y coordinates because that just seems like the right data structure in Python.

Tuples and lists can be "unpacked". Example: x, y = move.

In Python we "raise" exceptions using raise and provide an instance of an exception class.

Classes are instantiated by simply calling them like functions. Example: raise RuntimeError('BAD').

When you catch an exception (using except), you don't even have to give it a name if you're not going to inspect it at all.

Python throws an exception on its own if you attempt to assign to an index beyond the end of a list. You have to use append for that. But if you attempt to assign to a negative index, Python's magic interprets that as the end of the list - n.

At first, I left it to Python to raise an exception when the x or y coordinates were too large, but then I remembered that there is unnecessary work we can avoid if the function checks for those values early.

Step 8

Now we're ready to create some strategy code. A strategy acts as a player, making decisions about whatever role it is playing in the game.

In my eighth commit, I created FixedStrategy in the dandelion module. It has a method called generateMove, which all strategies should have. A generateMove method must accept parameters board and compass and, for a Dandelion strategy, it must return an x, y tuple.

For simplicity this one has 7 x, y tuples that it returns in order.

What did I learn in Step 8?

The constructor for a class is called __init__.

By convention the first parameter to a method is called self because it represents an instance of the class. This parameter can be named anything, but IDEs give special highlighting for self.

A function will throw an exception if too many positional parameters are passed in. I haven't tried it with named parameters yet.

When importing you can change an identifier using the as keyword. Example: from dandelion import FixedStrategy as DandelionFixedStrategy

Step 9

In my ninth commit I did something very similar, but for wind.

What did I learn in Step 9?

The negation operator in Python is not.

Step 10

Wind strategies could return invalid moves, just like dandelion strategies could. So it's time to make blow push back with exceptions like plant does.

In my tenth commit I add a compass parameter to blow.

What did I learn in Step 10?

A set is a third array-like structure which has just one of each item type. I used it to store the valid directions because I suspect it's more efficient than an array or tuple.

Step 11

For symmetry, blow should return a new mutated compass, like blow and plant do with board.

In my eleventh commit, I altered the return signature of blow.

What did I learn in Step 11?

When I had written tests that expected to unpack the results of wind but hadn't yet changed wind to return packed results, Python attempted to unpack the board list that wind was already coded to return. Board lists have 5 elements but I wrote the new code to unpack only 2 unpacking values. In cases like this Python raises an exception about receiving too many values.

Step 12

We have all the elements of a game. Let's make one!

In my twelfth commit, it became a game. The new Game class accepts two strategy instances and runs a game, returning the winning strategy.

What did I learn in Step 12?

To loop a specific number of times with Python's for loops, you can use a range call to get a list with the number of elements you want.

Step 13

To make this transparent, it should visualize an entire game, starting with stringifying the Game object.

In my thirteenth commit, I combined the existing stringifiers to create a toString method on Game.

What did I learn in Step 13?

If there's a standard way to stringify objects in Python, it's not obvious on Google.

Step 14

The other part of visualizing an entire game is to step through the game, showing each step along the way.

In my fourteenth commit, I reworked the Game to use a step method as well as done and winner.

What did I learn in Step 14?

My most common mistake is to fail to put a : after flow control lines.

range from before actually didn't work like I expected. It gave me 6 elements when I expected 7. But it was naturally removed by the introduction of step.

Step 15

Now we can visualize a game.

In my fifteenth commit, I had the game play out while printing the strings in each step.

Here they are (cleaned up a bit):

 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -
|         |
 - - - - -


 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |    .    |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |    .    |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    *    |      |    *    |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |         |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |         |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
 +                 +

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    .    |      |    .    |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    . *  |      |    . *  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    *    |      |    *   .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |      .  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|         |      |        .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
 |                 |
 +                 +

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    .    |      |.   .    |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    . *  |      |  . . *  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    *   .|      |.   *   .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|      .  |      |  .   .  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    *   .|      |    *   .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
 |               \|
 +                +
  \                \

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|. * .    |      |. * . . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  . . *  |      |  . . * .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|.   *   .|      |.   * . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  .   .  |      |  .   .  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    *   .|      |    * . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
\|               \|
 +                +-
  \                \

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|. * . . .|      |. * . . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  . . * .|      |  . . * .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|.   * . .|      |.   * . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  .   .  |      |  .   .  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    * . *|      |    * . *|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
\|               \|/
 +-               +-
  \                \

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|. * . . .|      |. * . . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  . . * .|      |. . . * .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|.   * . .|      |.   * . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  .   *  |      |  .   *  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|    * . *|      |.   * . *|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
\|/              \|/
 +-               +-
  \              / \

 - - - - -        - - - - -
|. * . . .|      |. * . . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|. . . * .|      |. . . * .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|*   * . .|      |* . * . .|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|  .   *  |      |. . . *  |
 - - - - -        - - - - -
|.   * . *|      |. . * . *|
 - - - - -        - - - - -
\|/              \|/
 +-               +-
/ \              /|\

Wind wins

What did I learn in Step 15?

Nothing. I've learned everything!

dan-learns-python's People


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