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bar-card's Introduction

Project Maintenance




Entity Row


Old Layout

Custom CSS


Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:bar-card
entity string Required Entity State
animation object none Defines animation options. See Animation Options.
attribute string none Displays a specific attribute instead of state value.
color string var(--custom-bar-card-color, var(--primary-color)) Color of the bar.
columns number none Defines the amount of bars to be displayed on a single row when multiple entities are defined.
complementary boolean false Displays complementary value (max - state_value) instead state value.
decimal number none The amount of decimals to be displayed for the value.
direction string right Direction of the bar. right, up
entities array none A list of entities. Accepts individual config options per defined entity.
entity_config boolean false Sets the card to use the configured entity attributes as the card config.
entity_row boolean false Removes the background card for use inside entities card.
height string 40px Defines the height of the bar.
icon string icon Defines the icon to be displayed.
limit_value boolean false Limits value displayed to min and max value.
max number 100 Defines maximum value of the bar.
min number 0 Defines minimum value of the bar.
name string none Defines custom entity name.
positions object none Defines the positions of the card elements. See Positions Options.
severity object none A list of severity values. See Severity Options.
tap_action object none See home assistant documentation.
target number none Defines and enables target marker value.
title string none Adds title header to the card.
unit_of_measurement string attribute Defines the unit of measurement to be displayed.
width string 100% Defines the width of the bar.

Severity Options

Name Type Default Description
from number Required Defines from which value the color should be displayed.
to number Required Defines to which value the color should be displayed.
color string Required Defines the color to be displayed.
icon string none Defines the icon to be displayed.
hide boolean false Hides the bar if conditions are met.

Animation Options

Name Type Default Description
state string off Enables or disables animation. on, off
speed number 5 Defines the speed of the bar animation in seconds.

Positions Options

Name Type Default Description
icon string outside inside, outside, off
indicator string outside inside, outside, off
name string inside inside, outside, off
minmax string off inside, outside, off
value string inside inside, outside, off

Theme Variables

Name Description
bar-card-color Defines the default bar color.
bar-card-border-radius Defines the default border radius of the bar.
bar-card-disabled-color Defines the bar color when state is unavailable.

CSS Elements

See example. (requires card-mod)

Name Description
#states HA states containing all rows.
bar-card-card The root bar of each defined entity containing all elements.
bar-card-background Contains bar and any elements outside of the bar.
bar-card-backgroundbar The background of the bar.
bar-card-currentbar The filled part of the bar.
bar-card-contentbar Contains all elements inside of the bar.
ha-icon Icon element.
bar-card-iconbar Contains ha-icon.
bar-card-name Name element.
bar-card-min Min value element.
bar-card-divider Min/Max divider element.
bar-card-max Max value element.
bar-card-value Value element.
bar-card-animationbar Animated part of the bar.
bar-card-targetbar Target bar element.
bar-card-markerbar Target marker element.
bar-card-indicator Indicator element.


Prefered method of installation is Home Assistant Community Store.

It's required to load this card as module.

- url: /hacsfiles/bar-card/bar-card.js
  type: module




entity: sensor.example
title: Default
type: 'custom:bar-card'



entity: sensor.example
title: Severity
type: 'custom:bar-card'
  - color: Red
    from: 0
    to: 25
  - color: Orange
    from: 26
    to: 50
  - color: Green
    from: 51
    to: 100

Entity Row

Entity Row

  - sensor.example
  - entity: sensor.example
      minmax: inside
    entity_row: true
    target: 50
    type: 'custom:bar-card'
  - entity: light.group_bedroom
    name: Example
title: Entity Row
type: entities



  - sensor.example
  - sensor.example
  - sensor.example
title: Direction
direction: up
height: 200px
stack: horizontal
type: 'custom:bar-card'

2.0.0 Default Layout (requires card-mod)

Old Layout

entity: sensor.example
  icon: 'off'
  indicator: inside
  name: outside
type: 'custom:bar-card'
width: 70%
title: 2.0.0 Default Layout
style: |-
  bar-card-value {
    margin-right: auto;
    font-size: 13px;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px #0005;

Custom CSS Layout (requires card-mod)

Custom CSS

  - entity: sensor.example
  icon: 'off'
  indicator: 'off'
  minmax: inside
  title: inside
  value: inside
style: |-
  .contentbar-direction-right {
   flex-direction: column;
  .min-direction-right {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-left: 4px;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-bottom: -20px;
    bottom: 10px;
    bar-card-value {
    margin: 0px;
  bar-card-name {
    margin: 0px;
  bar-card-max {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-top: -20px;
    top: 10px;
  bar-card-divider {
    display: none;
title: Custom CSS Layout
type: 'custom:bar-card'


Inspired by Big Number Card by ciotlosm.


Home Assistant Community Topic

bar-card's People


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bar-card's Issues

Severity not correct?

Maybe I am misunderstanding how severity works but I would have expected the following config:

      type: 'custom:bar-card'
      direction: right
      entity: sensor.pct_used_gb
      height: 30px
      max: 100
      min: 0
        - value: 0
          color: '#0da035' # green
        - value: 75
          color: '#e0b400' # yellow
        - value: 90
          color: '#e45e65' # red
      title: NBN Data Used
      unit_of_measurement: '%'

To be green for a value of 6.6%. Instead it is yellow.

Can not set options for entities in a list?

custom:bar-card v 1.6.2

Not sure if I read the documentation right.

entities | array | none | A list of entities. Accepts individual config options per defined entity.

As I read it, I can add

  - a
  - b
  - c

and give config options for each of them, but I get an error about bad indentation when doing so.

I would like to set the bars of each of them to have specific colous.

BUG: Error loading card

Error message:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' bar-card.js:5219

Home Assistant: 0.108.9
I've already clear cache and hard reloaded the frontend but the issue persists.

Let me know if you need any more information.

Add a sensor as a Target


Thanks for the card, it is really awesome and it really helps enhancing my views.

I am using this bar-card for my NUT sensors and I have two sensors I wanted to combine into one car card. First is the Current battery level and second is the low battery set point.

I created a bar-card for my Current battery level and I wanted to add the second sensor as my target but I could not as it only allows numbers.

The easy workaround is to input the number of my sensor as it is a static value but I was wondering if this is something you would consider.

Not critical but nice to have.


Round border bar

Hy, today i converted gauge card to bar card. It is very beautiful job your card, thank you.
how can I have the round edge of the bar like you example ?
I use normally car-mod to round border of other cards.
I try with code behind but dont' work.
border-radius: 10px

I use v. 3.0.1 and i have restarted.

  • type: 'custom:bar-card'
    entity: sensor.processor_use
    border-radius: 10px
    • color: green
      from: 0
      to: 50
    • color: orange
      from: 51
      to: 75
    • color: red
      from: 76
      to: 100

Thank you for you efforts.

Hide up and down arrows

Most likely I am just blind, but I can't find a way to hide the up and down arrows?!?
I'd like to use the bar-card to display f.e. disc-usage, so user-input shouldn't be allowed.
I guess this is possible, right?

Icon to replace title?

Would it be possible to have the icon replace the title I.e. be outside the bar, and then have the value positioned left, right or centre within the bar?


I'm confused about the Title. You can specify the Title in the Header. But Title is also used to display the friendly name of the entity.
Title: 'off' # means no friendly name.
I want to add CSS to the Header (to change the font size and the padding).
It used to be that I could just specify the title-style. Why has that been removed?

Thank you for all your work. The card is great to look at!

card does not render is null entity

I have the card render ink levels, however if the sensors with the ink levels fail to initialise (e.g. the printer is off when HA starts) then the card stops the whole view from being rendered and you a left with a blank screen.
Could the entities be checked that they are non-null and appropriate error be displayed?

โš ๏ธ Information: Future card configuration changes.


A change in how lovelace cards are set up in Home Assistant 0.105 increases performance, but enables cards to accidentally modify their own configuration in the loaded lovelace configuration.

I'm going through the cards in the HACS default repository, and noticed that your card may be susceptible to this. Looking through your code it seems you may modify parts of the config object passed to your card in setConfig.

The result could be that your card does not work well with the GUI editors or that parts of the configuration start showing up multiple times.

At some point in the future, it is likely that the configuration will be frozen before being passed to setConfig. At this point, your card will fail entirely when it tries to modify the configuration object.

There are several ways to fix/protect agains this problem.

The best is to restructure setConfig such that the configuration is never modified.
Other alternatives are to make a copy of the configuration and work on that instead.

setConfig(config) {
  config = { ...config }; // This works for simple configurations not containing arrays or objects
import { deepClone } from "deep-clone-simple";

setConfig(config) {
  config = deepClone(config); // This is a safe and fast method


setConfig(config) {
  config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); // This uses built-in functions, but may be slower than deepClone

Please note that I have not tested your card agains Home Assistant 0.105 or later, but just quickly looked through the code. If I'm mistaken in my assessment, I appologize for taking your time.

See thomasloven/hass-config#6 for more info.

Having Title inside keeping it in the default position


I've got the following code and expecting the title to be inside the bar chart

` - type: custom:bar-card

entity: sensor.time_shaun_been_home

title: Time Spent Home

align: split

color: 'var(--primary-color)'


  icon: 'off'

  title: 'inside'`


But as you can see in the screenshot the title is staying in the default position as well as being inside

NaN value in bar card

Since the 1.5.0 version, my hassio version sensor in the bar-card no longer wants to show the value, but NaN appears. While if I click on it, I will just see the correct value and if I put the entry somewhere else in my lovelace config it goes fine too.


Running Hassio: 0.97.2
Also tested release 1.5.2 and same problem

The lovelace code I used can be found here

Bar size relative to the containing card

Is it somehow possible to use a variable size in relation to the containing card? So that the bars get resized accordingly, when the size of the card gets changed?

Bar-graph on top of each other?

This is related to the other question I had to the other with the corona sensor (this is just as an example).
The sensor provides four numbers:


Where the first number is the total of the other three.

Is it possible to have a bar where the other numbers sort of mark the fraction of the total (stacked bar chart)?

Severity value & icons

For now it is not possible to use different icons at different value-ranges / severities (e.g. mdi: battery-10 and so on).

Can you allow icon-changes on severities?

Card Margin


This is not an issue really but is there a way to change the margins indicated by the green arrows in the screenshot?

Screenshot 2020-04-19 at 12 20 52

Thank you.

  state: 'on'
attribute: current_position
color: red
decimal: false
direction: up
  - entity: cover.master_bedroom_shutter
    name: Master
  - entity: cover.front_bedroom_shutter
    name: Front
  - entity: cover.back_bedroom_shutter
    name: Back
  - entity: cover.sitting_room_front_shutter
    name: Front
  - entity: cover.sitting_room_door_shutter
    name: Door
  - entity: cover.sitting_room_back_shutter
    name: Back
height: 100px
max: 100
min: 0
  icon: 'off'
  indicator: inside
  title: outside
stack: horizontal
style: |-
  bar-card-value {
    margin-top: auto;
    margin-bottom: auto;
tap_action: info
type: 'custom:bar-card'
width: 60%

enhancement: ability to color icons

The specific use case is for entities that represent ink for IPP printers. I'd like to use the bar-card's icon to represent the ink color, and use the severity options to show the state of the ink level.

Multiple entities, multiple config query

Hi there - not an issue, just a query.

Your readme says that when using an entities array, it's possible to have config options for each defined entity:

"A list of entities. Accepts individual config options per defined entity."

What's the syntax for that? I've tried a few, including this with a variety of indent attempts.

      - sensor.sensor1
          color: '#00ba6a'
      - sensor.sensor2
          color: '#aabbcc'

Help! My actual use case is to have two bars with two different colours. I used to have two bar elements, but the new version has way larger margins so they're spaced out too far.


tap_action error


tap_action: service
service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.cover_select
option: option_name


Error handling message: required key not provided @ data['domain']. Got None

can you help me?
where am i wrong?

Title from entity ?

I tried setting a dynamic title by using a entity, but that only results in [object Object]
By any chance, would this be possible?
title : {{ states.input_select.test.state }}



In version 2 I had the following setup:

Screen Recording 2020-04-09 at

The vertical bars represent covers.
While the position was changing, the bar had a cool animation that showed the movement of the cover.

I cannot reproduce it in version 3. Now the bar just jumps in steps. Not so cool.

Screen Recording 2020-04-09 at

Also, the position has moved up. Can I have this in the middle as it was before?

This is the old config:

    align: center
    animation: auto
    attribute: current_position
    background: '#00FF00'
    background_style: false
    card_style: false
    charge_entity: false
    color: '#FF5555'
    columns: 6
    decimal: false
    delay: 5000
    direction: up
      - entity: cover.kitchen_shutter
        title: Kitchen
      - entity: cover.dining_room_shutter
        title: Dining
      - entity: cover.stairs_shutter
        title: Stairs
      - entity: cover.bathroom_shutter
        title: Bath
      - entity: cover.basement_shutter
        title: Base
      - entity: switch.garden_lights
        title: .
    height: 100px
    icon: false
    icon_position: 'off'
    icon_style: false
    indicator: auto-vertical
    limit_value: false
    max: 100
    min: 0
    minmax_style: false
    padding: 4px
    rounding: 3px
    saturation: 50%
    severity: false
    show_minmax: false
    show_value: true
    speed: 1000
    tap_action: info
    target: false
    title: false
    title_position: bottom
    title_style: false
    type: 'custom:bar-card'
    unit_of_measurement: false
    value_style: false
    visibility: false
    width: 50%

This is the new config:

  - entity: cover.kitchen_shutter
    name: Kitchen
  - entity: cover.dining_room_shutter
    name: Dining
  - entity: cover.stairs_shutter
    name: Stairs
  - entity: cover.bathroom_shutter
    name: Bath
  - entity: cover.basement_shutter
    name: Base
  - entity: switch.garden_lights
    name: .
  - speed: 1000
  - delay: 5000
attribute: current_position
color: red
decimal: false
direction: up
height: 100px
max: 100
min: 0
  icon: 'off'
  indicator: inside
  title: outside
stack: horizontal
tap_action: info
type: 'custom:bar-card'
width: 50%

Thank you

Background disapear after HA reboot using severity

When using a severity settings, it seems the order of value/color is important. However after HA reboot is always sort naturaly and so the bar-card is broken. If aI change back the order everything works as expected.


- align: split
    entity: sensor.temperature_sda
    icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - color: '#40bf40'
        value: 50
      - color: var(--label-badge-yellow)
        value: 60
      - color: '#bf4040'  
        value: 100              
    type: 'custom:bar-card'

Get the target marker without change of colors at the rest of the bar.

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to customize the CSS to get a bar with the target-marker but without shift in color of the the rest of the bar. Just like if the only difference between the regular one and the one with target option enabled was the line of the marker itself and nothing more.
I'm playing with bar-card-targetbar and bar-card-targetmarker CSS options but I can't see any changes at all, no matter what I do to them.
Can someone help me out here? Or, if I'm using the wrong approach, what else could I try?

Many thanks for every little help!

PS: My card looks like this...

style: |-
  bar-card-targetbar {
    # bla bla
  bar-card-targetmarker {
    # bla bla

severity for values not numbers


in older versions it was possible to use values instead of numbers in severities. In the documentation this is no more possible, but it still works:

  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
    title: Batterien
      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: custom:bar-card
          attribute: battery
          unit_of_measurement: "V"
            icon: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
            title: inside
          min: 0
          max: 3.1
          color: Green
          - color: Red
            from: 0
            to: 2.1
          - color: Orange
            from: 2.2
            to: 2.4
          - attributes:
              battery: "<=100"
      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: custom:bar-card
          attribute: battery
          unit_of_measurement: " "
            icon: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
            title: inside
          color: Green
          - color: Red
            value: Low
          - attributes:
              battery: Low
          - attributes:
              battery: High

Will this still work in future version? If yes: Please add this possibility to the documentation.

after update some strange design issues....

  max: 100
  min: 0
    icon: 'off'
    indicator: inside
    title: outside
    - color: 'rgb(150,0,0)'
      from: 0
      to: 9
    - color: 'rgb(163,23,0)'
      from: 10
      to: 19
    - color: 'rgb(195,74,0)'
      from: 20
      to: 29
    - color: 'rgb(231,134,0)'
      from: 30
      to: 39
    - color: 'rgb(255,185,0)'
      from: 40
      to: 49
    - color: 'rgb(255,215,0)'
      from: 50
      to: 59
    - color: 'rgb(219,216,0)'
      from: 60
      to: 69
    - color: 'rgb(167,207,0)'
      from: 70
      to: 79
    - color: 'rgb(92,182,0)'
      from: 80
      to: 89
    - color: 'rgb(35,161,0)'
      from: 90
      to: 99
    - color: 'rgb(0,150,0)'
      from: 100
      to: 100
  style: |-
    bar-card-value {
      margin-right: 7px;
      font-weight: bold;
    bar-card-title {
      margin-left: 0px;
      margin-right: 2x;
      text-align: left;
  type: 'custom:bar-card'
  width: 63%
    - entity_id: sensor.ssid_*
  method: name
type: 'custom:auto-entities'

and it looks like:

pls advise.

Per-entity min/max attribute not working

I'm using bar-card with an entity list, where each entity has a different min and max attribute. Relevant pars of my config:

type: 'custom:bar-card'
columns: 4
  - entity: sensor.bme280_sensor_humidity
    title: Humidity
    min: 0
    max: 100
  - entity: sensor.pm2_5
    title: PM2.5
    min: 0
    max: 30
  - entity: sensor.pm10
    title: PM10
    min: 0
    max: 30
  - entity: sensor.waqi_pm10
    title: PM10 outside
    min: 0
    max: 30

However, it looks like every bar is rendered with a range of 0-100:


What's strange is that if I define a max attribute on the main object, all bars are rendered with respect to their own min and max attributes:


Conditional title color

Isn't it possible to define conditional text color ?

For example like this:
color: >
{% if is_state('switch.sonoff_p3', 'ON') %} red {% else %} green {% endif %}

Negative temperature

Hello All,

I have this card:

  - entity: sensor.node_11_temperature
    title: Frontdoor
  - entity: sensor.node_13_temperature
    title: Door iMac
  - entity: sensor.node_14_temperature
    title: Bedroom
  - entity: sensor.node_15_temperature
    title: Bathroom
  - entity: sensor.node_16_temperature
    title: Kitchen
  - entity: sensor.node_17_temperature
    title: Hallway
  - entity: sensor.node_18_temperature
    title: Diningroom
  - entity: sensor.node_19_temperature
    title: Livingroom
  - entity: sensor.node_20_temperature
    title: Toilet
  - value: -23
    color: '#bd006b'
  - value: -18
    color: '#b000bd'
  - value: -12
    color: '#7918c4'
  - value: -7
    color: '#0000ff'
  - value: -1
    color: '#00aad9'
  - value: 4
    color: '#04b504'
  - value: 10
    color: '#00ff00'
  - value: 16
    color: '#ffcc00'
  - value: 21
    color: '#ff9600'
  - value: 27
    color: '#ff1100'
  - value: 32
    color: '#d61204'
  - value: 38
    color: '#b50e02'
title_position: inside
type: 'custom:bar-card'

But when I have a negative temperature I see this:

Screen Shot 2020-02-03 at 16 47 20

I did a test, the minus temp is not shown correct. How can I solve this?

Settings not honoured

E.g. when setting:
target: 0
decimal: 0
unit_of_measurement: ''

the setting is not applied.

Version 2.0.1

Bar size scaled after the largest number?

Hi there

HA: 0.106.3
Bar-graph: 1.7.1
auto-entities: 16

I've just installed the Corona sensor here, and made a card like this:

  - card:
      max: 100000
      min: 0
      padding: 2px
      title_position: inside
      type: 'custom:bar-card'
        - entity_id: '*worldwide_coronavirus*'
    sort: entity_id
    type: 'custom:auto-entities'

As you can see I've set the max to 100.000, which I then have to adjust when we cross that thresshold.
Is it possible to have just the largest number determine the length of the bar, and have the others scaled down to size?

export declarations may only appear at top level of a module

Since updating to 3.1.0 I have been receiving this error in the log:

ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202004072] SyntaxError: export declarations may only appear at top level of a module

And the card no longer displays in the front end. I get the dreaded red: Custom element doesn't exist: bar-card. I have tried reloading the browser cache without success.

Reverting to version 3.0.9 and reloading the browser cache rectifies the issue.

Bar becomes invisible when severity is defined

The bar becomes invisible when the severity is defined, but not always.

e.g. only shows the temperature and title in the card. Remove the severity and the bar shows. No errors in the javascript console.

type: 'custom:bar-card'
title: Tapwater
show_icon: true
entity: sensor.heatpump_tapgemeten
min: 35
max: 65
target: 58

  • value: 40
    color: '#bf4040'
  • value: 50
    color: '#bf9540'
  • value: 55
    color: '#40bf40'

Icon & title alignment and dynamic width?

Hi, would it be possible to get the alignment of the text and icon to always be fixed to the left - similar to how other entities work? at the moment it looks like below when they're included:
without locking the width of the bar to 65% it would end up looking like this which is totally unusable as the text can't be read and the icon becomes extremely small - if the bar could have an option to dynamically resize based on title length that would be great.:

Columns option gone?

Was the columns: option taken out? If so, why and is there another way to do this now?

Severity values with entities

Is there any way to use basic operations in severity or am I missing something

  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity: sensor.devices_online
    min: 0
    max: sensor.total_devices
      - value: sensor.total_devices
        color: var(--primary-color)
      - value: sensor.devices_online
        color: orange

sensor.total_devices is relatively static and sensor.devices_online will always be less than or equal to sensor.total_devices I don't see a way I can ever trigger the second severity without something like
- value: sensor.total_devices -1
or the ability for a greater than operation.

I hope this makes sense and i'm missing something simple

setConfig keeps adding elements


Every time setConfig is run, a new ha-card is added to the shadowRoot, but it's never removed.

setConfig can be run several times during the lifetime of the card, e.g. if the user uses it with an entity-filter card.

An easy fix is to add the following somewhere before this.shadowRoot.appendchild(cardContainer) inside setConfig():


See /thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities#31

Error when manually enabling the charge animation.

When working with HASS 0.88.1 and the latest version of this card (0.0.5) everything works great until you manually enable the charge animations with the following parameters:

  - type: 'custom:bar-card'
    entity: sensor.lr_window_south_battery
    title: Living Room South Window
    indicator: right
    animation: charge
    charge_entity: 'off'
    width: 40%
      - value: 10
        hue: '0'
      - value: 25
        hue: '50'
      - value: 100
        hue: '120'

The following error can be observed:
/customcards/custom-lovelace/bar-card/bar-card.js?track=false:370:65 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined

The fix for this issue is to change line 370 from
chargeEntityState = hass.states[config.charge_entity].state;
chargeEntityState = config.charge_entity;


Good afternoon, appreciate the bar card!

I would like to stack:vertical two entities such as Watts and Amps. I'm able to stack these two sensors, but would like to change the severity of the two sensors. I can define the severity for the sensors as a ground, but not individually. Is it possible to define the severity of individual sensor when stack:vertical is used?


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