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Comments (54)

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

Please upload DarwinDumper and IORegistryExplorer dumps from your system. I need more information.

from hwsensors.

alamic05 avatar alamic05 commented on July 18, 2024

here you go

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

Try to remove GPUSensors. We need to find which plugin cause the problem.

from hwsensors.

alamic05 avatar alamic05 commented on July 18, 2024

i'll try that.. but this is trange..while using ..iStat everything is ok..only when i start hw sensors and try to install it.

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

Oh, the problem is the app itself! Something what goes wrong you can probably see in console log. Trry to open console and start HWMonitor after.

from hwsensors.

alamic05 avatar alamic05 commented on July 18, 2024

it shows something like this " 11/4/12 12:34:01.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1351982041 0" nothing else! and a big gray screen.

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

I don't have any idea for now. May be graphics driver problems or something else. Need more investigations.

from hwsensors.

alamic05 avatar alamic05 commented on July 18, 2024

thats what i though and tried running different 10.8 , 10.8.2 and nothing .Thank you for now 👍

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

I am having what I believe is the same issue. To test, I did a complete erase and install and installed the latest FakeSMC and plugins from MultiBeast. If I boot up with the HWMonitor menubar plugin disabled it's fine, and I can even turn it on once I'm booted, but if I have it enabled at boot time it freezes my whole system as soon as it loads in the menubar.
Is there some way I can help you track down this bug?

from hwsensors.

dferg avatar dferg commented on July 18, 2024

raygan: I see this is issue too on my 660TI system. Are you using a Kelper card by chance? The previous version included in Multibeast 5.1.3 was fine, but the newest in 5.2 causes a system crash when HWMonitor or iStat Menus is launched.

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

Yes, I am using a GTX670. I have the issue with iStat Menus as well. I believe it's a problem with one or more of the plugins.

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

Here is a link to my DarwinDumper and IORegistryExplorer dumps, if that helps.

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

First I need to know which plugin causes panic. Try to boot with -v flag and reproduce the panic, you'll see panic messages on the screen.

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

It is very difficult to photograph because I don't get a traditional kernel panic screen. It boots as far as the desktop and then flashes some kernel text on screen for only a fraction of a second. Then the text disappears and the system is frozen.

Here is a frame grab of a video I was able to capture showing the text. It was literally only on screen for perhaps three frames.

Is there anywhere where kernel panics and such are logged? I could try to get a log file.

Edit: Here's a slightly better frame grab:

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

I just checked and it doesn't seem to be leaving any logs in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

The plot thickens, and this is pretty weird.
I was trying to narrow down what plugin was causing the issue, so I opened MultiBeast 5.2.0 with Pacifist and installed FakeSMC.kext, and then the plugins, in order, one by one, restarting each time. Weirdly enough, if I do that, no crash, and no freeze. I checked the version numbers as well, and I do seem to now have the latest versions of the plugins. I went from these:

  • ACPISensors.kext 2.2.6
  • CPUSensors.kext 2.0
  • GPUSensors.kext 1.0.2
  • MotherboardSensors.kext 2.3.4


  • ACPISensors.kext 2.2.7
  • CPUSensors.kext 2.0.1
  • GPUSensors.kext 1.0.12
  • LPCSensors.kext 2.4.8

I suppose I'm pleased to be running the latest version, but I am curious as to what happened, particularly as it was consistent even in a clean install of the OS. Are you aware of anything MultiBeast & do that Pacifist might not be doing? I'd be happy to test anything you would like if this is an issue you would like to pursue.

Edit: I was an idiot and hadn't rebuilt the kernel cache. I assumed Pacifist was doing it. Ignore this whole message.

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Exactly same problem here with my installation. Freezes upon login. Unfortunately my system is so fast (PCIe SSD) that I cannot really see the message described by raygan.

Will try the newest version of the drivers tonight and hopefully the problem is solved.

I am also using the GTX670 Kepler Version of GPU, Asus Z79 Sabertooth Motherboard with i3930k CPU. Maybe we can find similarities in our hardware and we use the same GPU!

I will try with Multibeast and Pacifist. Hope it will solve my problems as well.

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Checked with me, the GPUSensors.kext causes the freeze. I haven't checked with the latest code in dev. Just took the latest pkg with the files installed in it. I have seen in the changelog that you modified something concerning the new kepler grpahics in the sources. Unfortunately I have not installed my compiler but is it worth trying out the new sensor.kext or shall I wait for a new MultiBeast Package?

from hwsensors.

skogsmaskin avatar skogsmaskin commented on July 18, 2024

I have the same problem with the plugins. Running iStats menu. Freezes on boot. I have a GTX 680 video card.
They are installed with Multibeast 5.2.0.

from hwsensors.

skogsmaskin avatar skogsmaskin commented on July 18, 2024

Tried to install the plugins with kozlek's package installer direct, same problems.

As suspected this has something to do with GPU - so I deleted the GPUSensors.ktext - and everything works fine (well, except for the GPU-sensors of course :-)

So it is definitely related to the GPUSensors.ktext

sudo rm -rf /Volumes/MacOS/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext/Contents/PlugIns/GPUSensors.kext/
sudo rm -rf /Volumes/MacOS/System/Library/Caches/*

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

Yes, I just tried installing from the latest MultiBeast (5.2.1) and I still had the crash/freeze, but removing GPUSensors.kext fixes the issue. However I do get a bunch of weird, blank sensors listed in iStat, all stuck at 32°.

This is definitely some kind of issue with the monitoring plugin and (some?) GTX 600 series GPUs.

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

i have also the kernel panic whit a AMD HD7970 whit the new hwsensors or istat menus


from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

I have no developer tools installes and I cannot compile the sources that are on Github. It seems from the changelog that some code related to the Kepler graphic chip has been modified. Maybe this is already the cure for the freezes.

@raygan: If you remove the kext the tools are not able to read valid values and show weired or no numbers at all --> normal behaviour.

Has anyone tried compiling those and using the latest version of the Sensors (from the changelog these are definately newer than what is included in MultiBeast). Anyone have dev tools installed and can compile those?

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

@kozlek Just tried it with the latest PKG from yesterday. Still same system freeze when having GPUSensors.kext inside the FakeSMC.kext installed.

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

Please, install this debug version of GpuSensors:

Boot system with -v and see where it hangs

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

in my case i only have this when i replace whit the new GpuSensors:

12/13/12 4:40:10.000 PM kernel[0]: RadeonMonitor: found ATI Radeon 6798

But again the same KP at log in ,, just when is loading the HWsensors.

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

I installed the GPUSensors.kext, cleared /System/Library/Caches/, and rebooted in verbose mode. I got a freeze up at the same spot (when iStat or HWMonitor loads), but this time there was more text, and it stayed on screen, rather than flashing for a second and disappearing.

Here's what I saw.

Hope that is helpful. Thanks for your hard work.

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

System Hangs After booting up. You enter your password and you see your
desktop for a fraction of a second and then it freezes. There is no text
output anymore. Is there a texfile log which we can check?

Sent from iPad, please excuse briefness and auto-correct typos.

Am 13.12.2012 um 22:24 schrieb kozlek [email protected]:

Please, install this debug version of GpuSensors:

Boot system with -v and see where it hangs

Reply to this email directly or view it on

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Lucky you saw something, maybe this helps finding the reason for the freeze!

Sent from iPad, please excuse briefness and auto-correct typos.

Am 14.12.2012 um 00:14 schrieb raygan [email protected]:

I installed the GPUSensors.kext, cleared /System/Library/Caches/, and
rebooted in verbose mode. I got a freeze up at the same spot (when iStat or
HWMonitor loads), but this time there was more text, and it stayed on
screen, rather than flashing for a second and disappearing.

Here's what I saw.

Hope that is helpful. Thanks for your hard work.

Reply to this email directly or view it on

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

We should do something like this:

  1. remove GPUSensors.kext
  2. Delete HWMonitor menu or/and disable iStat Menus (just hold CMD + drag out app icon from the system menu tray)
  3. Reboot and after install GPUSensors back again (in S/L/E with proper kernel cache update)
  4. Reboot and send me your DarwinDumper dump

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024
  1. Send me also your kernel log

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

Here is my DarwinDumper dump whit the gpusensors installed :

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

Here's my DarwinDumper with GPU Sensors installed and iStat/HWMonitor disabled.

How do I find my Kernel log to send you?

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

I need your dumps with debug version of GPUSensors installed:

I see kernel log already included in DarwinDumper dump, don't bother.

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

Here is whit the GPUSensors debug version installed.

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024


Okay, booted up with debug version installed, HW application not activated as system would freeze otherwise:

Hope it gives some more insight into the GTX6xx issue. (or is there a way to catch something when it crashes with darwin dumper ?)

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

Seems all working like it should instead of startup sequence then monitoring apps get access to SMC.

Does DarwinDumper also crashes then you start dumping?

Anyway try latest revision may be we'll see some progress.

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024


DarwinDumper does not crash when I start dumping.

Okay, I have only a slow connection and getting the dev pack to compile it by myself is a bit PITA but am I right that I can just use the new version inside installer/HWSensors (the kext are in there). Lets try and see...

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Just tried it. No change with the version included in the HWSensor.pkg.

If you install them, let the OX boot up and start the HWsensors, everything works. It just freezes the system if you put it in the menu bar, then let it reload after a fresh login.

I also noticed that with GPUsensors installed the cinebench hardwarecheck freezes as well.

I did a new Darwin Dump with the new version if you need it:

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

What's about this messages:

Kext - library kext not found.
Can't load kext - failed to resolve library dependencies.
Kext failed to load (0xdc00800e).
Failed to load kext (error 0xdc00800e).RTC: Only single RAM bank (128 bytes)
Couldn't alloc class "AppleHDAController"

Kext - library kext not found.
Can't load kext - failed to resolve library dependencies.
Kext failed to load (0xdc00800e).
Failed to load kext (error 0xdc00800e).

Are you sure your graphics drivers load and work properly?

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Hm, interesting. Need to find out how to get rid of the error message HDA is not the issue as I was just missing the correct driver for my board as I don't use the Audio.

But the Nvidia seems to be another issue. Strange, as the GTX 670 should be supported out of the box with 10.8.2..

I mean I haven't even noticed that there is a driver problem as I can run it in native resolution on all ports. No problems. Installed even the cuda driver and they are working in Photoshop + cinebench...

I am trying to find why this error message pops up.

from hwsensors.

CozmoNate avatar CozmoNate commented on July 18, 2024

This GPUSensors with clocks monitoring disabled:

Clocks monitoring works for me without any issues (gtx680) but I remember only once I got kernel panic. It was long time ago and I forget about this. Clocks monitoring code seems unstable. Let's try it.

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

Whit this GPUSensors i have this :

12/16/12 3:58:48.000 PM kernel[0]: Couldn't alloc class "RadeonMonitor"

from hwsensors.

Gothic860 avatar Gothic860 commented on July 18, 2024

Without the clocks monitoring its working here (Evga GTX680). As soon as i use the one from the installer i get a complete freeze after startup.

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

I've been shockingly busy for the last few days, but I'll test this version (with clocks-monitoring disabled) tonight with my Gigabyte GTX670 Overclocked Edition.

from hwsensors.

skogsmaskin avatar skogsmaskin commented on July 18, 2024

Put this version in the plugin folder, and deleted /Volumes/MacOS/System/Library/Caches/*.
I didn't get a freeze like before, but then again no GPU information is shown in the iStat sensor panel. Should it? Maybe it wasn't initialized properly? I just copied the kext to the /Volumes/MacOS/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ folder.

from hwsensors.

Gothic860 avatar Gothic860 commented on July 18, 2024

I copied it and used KextWizard to rebuild caches etc. Its showing the temperature of the GPU thats all.

from hwsensors.

skogsmaskin avatar skogsmaskin commented on July 18, 2024

Anyway, just pulled kozlek's repo now, and installed the HWSensors.pkg. Seems to be working fine now. I get both GPU temperature and GPU fan speed in iStats.

EDIT: ah, I see that clocks are disabled in the last patch (c26a593)

Thank you for your nice work @kozlek !

from hwsensors.

magic21nrw avatar magic21nrw commented on July 18, 2024

Now it is working on my Gigabyte GTX670 OC...

Thanks for finding the reason for the freeze.

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

Which version are you using ? the installer or your own compiled version ?

Thanks !

from hwsensors.

skogsmaskin avatar skogsmaskin commented on July 18, 2024

I'm using the installer in that repo. It's been updated with the latest changes.

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

I got the same KP when is loading the HWmonitor menu or istat menu whit the new installer .

from hwsensors.

raygan avatar raygan commented on July 18, 2024

This latest version works for me with my Gigabyte GTX670 OC Edition. I get GPU temperature and fan speed.

I installed the new version from the installer in the repo, and then rebuilt kernel caches with KextWizard (thanks for the suggestion Gothic870, never used it before.)

I do still see a bunch of blank temperature sensors in iStat, but everything I can see works, and HWMonitor doesn't show the fake sensors at all.

Here's a shot of what I see in iStat.

Thanks, kozlek, for your hard work. This is a huge improvement for me. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. (Do you have a paypal for donations?)

from hwsensors.

mar1o avatar mar1o commented on July 18, 2024

Then my problem is whit my 7970.. i got the same KP whit the new installer.

kozlek , maybe can you disable the clocks also in the radeon monitor ?

from hwsensors.

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