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Comments (6)

googs1025 avatar googs1025 commented on July 28, 2024 1

查了一下 kind 确实有这个字段 --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true

[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                   CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                                                                                                 NAMES
a41a3ba28b2c   kindest/node:v1.20.15   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   4 days ago   Up 4 days>80/tcp,>443/tcp                                                         cluster2-worker
ef621726e649   kindest/node:v1.20.15   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   4 days ago   Up 4 days>6443/tcp,>6444/tcp                                                       cluster2-control-plane
e68974e6f705   kindest/node:v1.20.15   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   4 days ago   Up 4 days>6443/tcp,>30009/tcp,>31443/tcp,>6443/tcp   master-cluster-control-plane
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# docker exec -it ef621726e649 cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: null
    component: kube-apiserver
    tier: control-plane
  name: kube-apiserver
  namespace: kube-system
  - command:
    - kube-apiserver
    - --advertise-address=
    - --allow-privileged=true
    - --authorization-mode=Node,RBAC
    - --client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction
    - --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true
    - --etcd-cafile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt
    - --etcd-certfile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.crt

之前没找到是因为 一直以为 bootstrap-token-07401b 是在 clusternet-system 命名空间中,原来是在 kube-system 。。。
重新部署一次 应该是没问题了!

[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# helm install clusternet-agent -n clusternet-system --create-namespace   --set parentURL=   --set registrationToken=07401b.f395accd246ae52d \ .
NAME: clusternet-agent
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jan 25 11:14:08 2024
NAMESPACE: clusternet-system
STATUS: deployed
  • clusternet-agent
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# kubectl --context kind-cluster2 get pods -nclusternet-system
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
clusternet-agent-9d5b74997-c8ptw   1/1     Running   0          6m23s
clusternet-agent-9d5b74997-k2qfx   1/1     Running   0          6m23s
clusternet-agent-9d5b74997-slkpt   1/1     Running   0          6m23s
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# kubectl --context kind-cluster2 logs clusternet-agent-9d5b74997-slkpt -nclusternet-system
I0125 03:14:10.860952       1 serving.go:348] Generated self-signed cert in-memory
I0125 03:14:10.862457       1 secure_serving.go:210] Serving securely on [::]:10650
I0125 03:14:10.862478       1 agent.go:226] starting agent controller ...
I0125 03:14:10.862524       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease clusternet-system/clusternet-agent...
I0125 03:14:10.862985       1 tlsconfig.go:240] "Starting DynamicServingCertificateController"
I0125 03:14:10.870183       1 agent.go:263] new leader elected: clusternet-agent-9d5b74997-k58w4_cb03fe7c-333e-48c9-b824-793e6b2e6b22
I0125 03:14:26.482229       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease clusternet-system/clusternet-agent
I0125 03:14:26.482420       1 agent.go:326] start registering current cluster as a child cluster...
I0125 03:14:26.482438       1 agent.go:336] retrieving cluster id
I0125 03:14:26.485716       1 agent.go:341] current cluster id is "9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707"
I0125 03:14:26.487410       1 agent.go:443] try to bootstrap cluster registration if needed
I0125 03:14:26.504397       1 agent.go:468] successfully create ClusterRegistrationRequest "clusternet-9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707"
  • clusternet-hub
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet-agent]# kubectl --context kind-master-cluster get clsrr
NAME                                              CLUSTER ID                             STATUS   AGE
clusternet-9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707   9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707            21s

from clusternet.

dixudx avatar dixudx commented on July 28, 2024

E0125 01:03:08.434590 1 agent.go:378] failed to create ClusterRegistrationRequest: Unauthorized

@googs1025 Please apply below step in parent cluster.

# this will create a serviceaccount token
kubectl apply -f

from clusternet.

dixudx avatar dixudx commented on July 28, 2024

@googs1025 Also you can follow this Quick Start Guide, which will setup Clusternet locally with 1 parent cluster and 3 child clusters by using kind.

from clusternet.

googs1025 avatar googs1025 commented on July 28, 2024

再请教个问题,这个 "ClusterRegistrationRequest 如何被批准"呢? 是自动审批?
我看文档 没有说明如何审批。
而且 clsrr STATUS 字段貌似也没显示,想问是否是还有哪个步骤没执行?

[root@VM-0-13-centos .kube]# kubectl get clsrr --context kind-master-cluster
NAME                                              CLUSTER ID                             STATUS   AGE
clusternet-9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707   9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707            21m
[root@VM-0-13-centos .kube]# kubectl get clsrr clusternet-9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707 -o yaml --context kind-master-cluster
kind: ClusterRegistrationRequest
  creationTimestamp: "2024-01-25T03:14:26Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: 9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707 clusternet-cluster-nkxd4 clusternet-agent
  name: clusternet-9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707
  resourceVersion: "1960889"
  uid: 598053b9-5d93-4df9-870e-a91f408b0aa8
  clusterId: 9add3aec-9faa-42ab-ac76-22228e41f707
  clusterName: clusternet-cluster-nkxd4
  clusterType: StandardCluster
  syncMode: Dual

from clusternet.

dixudx avatar dixudx commented on July 28, 2024

Currently ClusterRegistrationRequest will be auto approved by clusternet-controller-manager running in parent cluster.

Please check whether your clusternet-controller-manager is running properly.

from clusternet.

googs1025 avatar googs1025 commented on July 28, 2024
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl get pods -nclusternet-system
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-7h5vk   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-cwv7x   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-nv4jb   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-5n8n4                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-tg78b                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-xd75g                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-km9vm             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-pjw7z             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-qn9rk             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
  • clusternet-controller-manager
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl logs clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-7h5vk -nclusternet-system | tail -20
I0124 04:37:57.508731       1 shared_informer.go:273] Waiting for caches to sync for localization-controller
I0124 04:37:57.508745       1 shared_informer.go:280] Caches are synced for localization-controller
I0124 04:38:00.576304       1 localization.go:139] shutting down localization controller
E0124 04:38:00.583304       1 shared_informer.go:276] unable to sync caches for generic-deployer
I0124 04:38:00.583337       1 generic.go:120] shutting generic deployer
E0124 04:38:00.583363       1 shared_informer.go:276] unable to sync caches for helm-deployer
I0124 04:38:00.583377       1 aggregatestatus.go:126] shutting down aggregatestatus controller
I0124 04:38:00.583399       1 globalization.go:139] shutting down Globalization controller
I0124 04:38:00.583417       1 base.go:129] shutting down base controller
I0124 04:38:00.583436       1 manifest.go:138] shutting down manifest controller
I0124 04:38:00.583454       1 subscription.go:137] shutting down subscription controller
I0124 04:38:00.583468       1 helmchart.go:134] shutting down helmchart controller
I0124 04:38:00.583484       1 feedinventory.go:155] shutting down feedInventory controller
I0124 04:38:00.583601       1 clusterregistrationrequest_controller.go:113] shutting down cluster-registration-requests controller
E0124 04:38:00.583668       1 controllermanager.go:138] leader election got lost
I0124 04:38:00.583711       1 yacht.go:253] shutting down controller cluster-lifecycle
I0124 04:38:00.583731       1 clusterlifecycle_controller.go:129] Shutting down cluster lifecycle controller
I0124 04:38:00.715366       1 helm.go:164] shutting helm deployer
I0124 04:38:00.715515       1 trace.go:219] Trace[2080334431]: "Reflector ListAndWatch" name:pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:169 (24-Jan-2024 04:37:45.822) (total time: 14892ms):
Trace[2080334431]: [14.892781943s] [14.892781943s] END

[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl logs clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-cwv7x  -nclusternet-system | tail -20
I0121 19:09:15.328134       1 leaderelection.go:283] failed to renew lease clusternet-system/clusternet-controller-manager: timed out waiting for the condition
E0121 19:09:22.470954       1 leaderelection.go:306] Failed to release lock: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "clusternet-controller-manager": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
E0121 19:09:22.471051       1 controllermanager.go:138] leader election got lost
I0121 19:09:23.076783       1 localization.go:139] shutting down localization controller
I0121 19:09:23.134786       1 secret.go:117] shutting down Secret controller
I0121 19:09:23.248062       1 description.go:140] shutting down description controller
I0121 19:09:23.501757       1 yacht.go:253] shutting down controller cluster-lifecycle
I0121 19:09:23.552565       1 clusterlifecycle_controller.go:129] Shutting down cluster lifecycle controller
I0121 19:09:23.552694       1 clusterregistrationrequest_controller.go:113] shutting down cluster-registration-requests controller
I0121 19:09:23.552805       1 helm.go:173] shutting helm deployer
I0121 19:09:23.552824       1 description.go:140] shutting down description controller
I0121 19:09:23.560357       1 helmrelease.go:117] shutting down helmRelease controller
I0121 19:09:23.560402       1 manifest.go:138] shutting down manifest controller
I0121 19:09:23.560421       1 generic.go:126] shutting generic deployer
I0121 19:09:23.560439       1 base.go:129] shutting down base controller
I0121 19:09:23.560473       1 helmchart.go:134] shutting down helmchart controller
I0121 19:09:23.841026       1 aggregatestatus.go:126] shutting down aggregatestatus controller
I0121 19:09:23.841079       1 subscription.go:137] shutting down subscription controller
I0121 19:09:23.841109       1 feedinventory.go:155] shutting down feedInventory controller
I0121 19:09:23.841257       1 globalization.go:139] shutting down Globalization controller

[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl logs clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-nv4jb  -nclusternet-system | tail -20
Trace[1619064350]: [12.599357237s] [12.599357237s] END
I0124 04:37:44.752633       1 trace.go:219] Trace[1633887607]: "Reflector ListAndWatch" name:pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:169 (24-Jan-2024 04:37:31.579) (total time: 13173ms):
Trace[1633887607]: [13.17356457s] [13.17356457s] END
I0124 04:37:44.752655       1 trace.go:219] Trace[571396356]: "Reflector ListAndWatch" name:pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:169 (24-Jan-2024 04:37:30.978) (total time: 13773ms):
Trace[571396356]: [13.773769936s] [13.773769936s] END
I0124 04:37:44.752681       1 trace.go:219] Trace[676846949]: "Reflector ListAndWatch" name:pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:169 (24-Jan-2024 04:37:30.928) (total time: 13824ms):
Trace[676846949]: [13.824117756s] [13.824117756s] END
I0124 04:37:44.752711       1 description.go:140] shutting down description controller
I0124 04:37:44.822004       1 globalization.go:139] shutting down Globalization controller
I0124 04:37:44.822050       1 secret.go:117] shutting down Secret controller
I0124 04:37:44.822072       1 helm.go:173] shutting helm deployer
I0124 04:37:44.822087       1 description.go:140] shutting down description controller
I0124 04:37:44.822103       1 generic.go:126] shutting generic deployer
I0124 04:37:44.822115       1 localization.go:139] shutting down localization controller
I0124 04:37:44.822142       1 aggregatestatus.go:126] shutting down aggregatestatus controller
I0124 04:37:44.822290       1 subscription.go:137] shutting down subscription controller
I0124 04:37:44.822316       1 base.go:129] shutting down base controller
I0124 04:37:44.822335       1 manifest.go:138] shutting down manifest controller
I0124 04:37:44.822437       1 feedinventory.go:155] shutting down feedInventory controller
I0124 04:37:44.858774       1 helmchart.go:134] shutting down helmchart controller


[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl get pods -nclusternet-system
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-7h5vk   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-cwv7x   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-controller-manager-594549889-nv4jb   1/1     Running   0          3d21h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-5n8n4                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-tg78b                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-hub-5d9f4bd454-xd75g                 1/1     Running   0          3d22h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-km9vm             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-pjw7z             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-qn9rk             1/1     Running   1          3d21h
[root@VM-0-13-centos clusternet]# kubectl logs clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-km9vm -nclusternet-system
I0124 04:39:13.411265       1 serving.go:348] Generated self-signed cert in-memory
I0124 04:39:13.612662       1 secure_serving.go:210] Serving securely on [::]:10659
I0124 04:39:13.620972       1 tlsconfig.go:240] "Starting DynamicServingCertificateController"
I0124 04:39:14.029658       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease clusternet-system/clusternet-scheduler...
I0124 04:39:14.092573       1 scheduler.go:269] new leader elected: clusternet-scheduler-bb5b68d5-pjw7z_0362f003-232a-49c2-a86b-1f0533011be5
E0124 06:04:16.679193       1 leaderelection.go:330] error retrieving resource lock clusternet-system/clusternet-scheduler: Get "": stream error: stream ID 3155; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer
I0124 06:04:21.385885       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease clusternet-system/clusternet-scheduler

from clusternet.

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