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docdash's Issues

Support for useLongnameInNav


I'm missing support for configuration option templates.default.useLongnameInNav (JSDoc documentation).

For example, there are two classes Foo and Bar. If I define that Bar is @memberof Foo, then the Bar class heading if correctly showing Foo.Bar. But in the nav bar there is only Bar shown despite being sorted as if it had name Foo.Bar (i will output Bar item just after Foo).

Don't use table for parameter

This should be good to have the choice between a table or new lines for parameters

In my project I did this:






  var isChild = false
  var origin = ''

  if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj.subparams) {
    origin = obj.path + '.'
    obj = obj.subparams
    isChild = true

  var params = obj

  function escapeRegExp(string) {
    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');

  /* sort subparams under their parent params (like opts.classname) */
  var parentParam = null
  params.forEach(function(param, i) {
    var paramRegExp

    if (!param) {

    param.fullname = origin +
    if (parentParam && && {
      try {
        paramRegExp = new RegExp('^(?:' + escapeRegExp( + '(?:\\[\\])*)\\.(.+)$')
      catch (e) {   
        console.error('Problem parsing comment', e)
        // there's probably a typo in the JSDoc comment that resulted in a weird  
        // parameter name   

      if ( paramRegExp.test( ) { = RegExp.$1
        parentParam.subparams = parentParam.subparams || []
        params[i] = null
      else {
        parentParam = param
    else {
      parentParam = param

  <?js if (isChild) { ?>
    <h6>Sub properties</h6>
  <?js } ?>
    var self = this
    params.forEach(function(param) {
      if (!param) { return }
      <code class="parameter"><?js= param.fullname ?></code>
      <?js if (param.type && param.type.names) {?>
        <?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', param.type.names) ?>
      <?js } ?>
    <dd class="para">
      <?js if (params.hasAttributes) {?>
        <?js if (param.optional) { ?>
        <?js } ?>

        <?js if (param.nullable) { ?>
        <?js } ?>

        <?js if (param.variable) { ?>
        <?js } ?>
      <?js } ?>

      <?js if (params.hasDefault) {?>
        <?js if (typeof param.defaultvalue !== 'undefined') { ?>
          <code><?js= self.htmlsafe(param.defaultvalue) ?></code>
        <?js } ?>
      <?js } ?>

      <?js= param.description ?></p>

      <?js if (param.subparams) { ?>
        <?js= self.partial('params.tmpl', { 'subparams': param.subparams, 'path': param.fullname }) ?>
      <?js } ?>
  <?js }) ?> 

config (with jsdoc/jsdoc#1771 ):

  "opts": {
    "destination": "./gh-pages/",
    "tutorials": "./docs/",
    "template": "node_modules/docdash"
  // ...
  "templates": {
    "default": {
      "staticFiles": {
        "include": [
    "overwrite": {
      "node_modules/docdash/tmpl/params.tmpl": "docs/home/tmpl/params.tmpl"

Support generators (@yields)

JSDoc supports use of the @generator and @yields tags to support documentation for generators. The @generator tag is already (sort-of) understood by docdash, but the @yields tag is not.

An example function signature outputted from docdash: "(async, generator) getFollowing()"

In order to properly support documenting generators, support for the @yields tag should be added.

I suggest treating it very similarly to a @returns tag; the above example would say, for example, (async, generator) getFollowing() β†’ {string}, and below the method description, there would be a "Returns: Type - String" section.

Error in line 39 of

Awesome template by the way.

The line says "template": "node_modules/dodash" when it should say "template": "node_modules/docdash"

Option to remove (static) from documention

First, thanks for this very nice template. Love it.

However, we have a small issue with the documentation. In general, our 'api' is assembled from smaller functions using an index, that also exports the functions as part of the API.

 * @module modeling/expansions
module.exports = {
  expand: require('./expand'),
  offset: require('./offset')

The documentation produced always has the 'static' keyword in front of the documentation.

(static) offset(options, …geometry) β†’ {Object|Array}

In our case, it would be nice to disable the 'static' keyword from appearing in the documentation.

Add preview

Should be able to display a preview from the fixtures folder.

Ability to add custom styles


I'm looking to use jsdoc and docdash to generate JavaScript documentation for an enterprise application. I need to be able to override the styles to match company branding yet keep the overall layout the same. Is there anything built in so that I can include my own styles into the template? Perhaps in the config file?

Allow option to disable method sorting

ink-docstrap has a nice feature where it's possible to disable method sorting by specifying

{"opts": {"sort": false}}

in the config file. JSDoc seems to sort methods alphabetically by default, but it's often preferred to display functions in the same order that they appear in the source code.

Would it be possible to add this feature to docdash?

Npm run generate-docs Fails after generating the output file

I was trying to create a JS documentation for my Node-express application.
followed the steps as mentioned in

Below is the snap representing Package.json


The JsDoc.json is as follows

	"source": {
		"include": [

While generating the docs using the npm run generate-docs script
getting the error as below.


Kindly help to resolve this

Getter/Setters in Navigation

Hi, great plugin!

I think one missing feature I'd love to see is an option to toggle those es6 get/set properties to be visible in the side nav. Or is this something that jsdoc will have to implement for you to parse?

Thank you!

Clipped text on iPhone 8 and iPhone X

Opening the demo page on an iPhone 8 or iPhone X (probably also on others) leads to clipped text rendering.

In Safari on iPhone X it looks like this:


This can also be reproduced in Chrome by simulating an iPhone X via DevTools -> "Toggle device toolbar" (in the upper left corner) -> iPhone X -> Open

(wish) Collapse section

It would be nice to be able to collapse sections for the case of projects with large number of classes/namespace/...
Version 1.2 allows to collapse object members but no the top section (namespace, events, classes...)

Fix static/members missing from the nav list

publish.js:305 needs something akin the following added above:

if (members.length) {
    itemsNav += "<ul class='members'>";

    members.forEach(function (member) {
        itemsNav += "<li data-type='member'>";
        itemsNav += linkto(member.longname,;
        itemsNav += "</li>";

    itemsNav += "</ul>";

Would also be nice to have some (static) flair or something on the members to distinguish them from methods.

Turn on linenums

I was following the docs for configuring docdash with jsdoc but the link that specify how to turn on line number is not working

  • linenums
    When true, line numbers will appear in the source code listing. If you have
    also turned that on.

The website seems to be down

Tables have display issues in docdash


I have a table that displays information about a given algorithm. I expected the table to have divisions and the columns to be respected. This does not seem to happen.


Following is an example using bubble sort.

 * @namespace Quadratic.bubble
 * @desc
 * Some description about bubble sort here
 * | Sort Type       | Best-case perf. | Worst-case perf.  | Average perf. | Worst-case space perf.  | Stable  |
 * | :-------------- | :-------------- | :---------------  | :------------ | :---------------------  | :-----  |
 * | Comparison Sort | O(n)            | O(nˆ2)            | O(nˆ2)        | O(1) aux                | Yes     |
 * .... more stuff

As you can see, this is a markdown table.


This is what the page displays:

-home-pedro-workspace-node-sortable-docs-quadratic bubble html

As you can see the table has no divisions whatsoever. It is also not clear where a given column begins and ends.

Converting the code to HTML has no difference ( as expected ).


  • Is there a way to make docdash display tables with divisions?
  • If not, is there a better way to display tables in docdash that I am not aware of?
  • If not, what format would you use to display the table's information?

Font - dependency on

Access to is blocked by the firewall where my generated jsdoc is accessed. Is there a way of replacing or dropping this dependency entirely? At the moment because the hostname cannot resolve the page loads take over 20 seconds.

autodetect structure - i.e. classes and methods

Is there a way to autodetect the structure as documentation.js does (without using @Class, @method and @memberof), or is there a way to make this theme work with documentation.js ?



 * my product class
class Product () {
   * my 1st method
  method1 () {}
   * my 2nd method
  method2 () {}

expected documentation's left bar:

| method1
| method2


Description of a name space is at the bottom of the page

The description you put in the comments for a namespace is right at the bottom of the page. Is there a possibility to place it at the top, say make it look more like the method section (remove the purple bar then). So you get 'title', 'attributes', 'description', 'properties'

See tags not linking properly

See tags aren't linked and the resulting corresponding html code contains no <a>. Probably because in the details.tmpl:

<?js if (data.see && see.length) {?>
  <dt class="tag-see">See:</dt>
  <dd class="tag-see">
    <ul><?js see.forEach(function(s) { ?>
      <li><?js= self.linkto(s) ?></li>
    <?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

self.linkto(s) would not produce a link, because s is not a URL?

[enhancement wish] common nav for all html pages


On a quite big js project, generated documentation is 1224 files of 2Mo each (2,3Go). It's because the

part has a weight of 1.9Mo.

Having only one <nav> content for all files could reduce a lot the total weight, here around 200 times less (1224Γ—2000 vs 1900 + 1224Γ—100, in my case from 2.3Go to ~125Mo).

It could be done with a frameset, or an ajax call to populate the nav bar in each html page (the nav.html will be in the browser cache after the first call).

Is such an enhancement can be put on the roadmap ?

BTW, thanks a lot for this great template.

publish creates sub-folders for everything static

Now, when you publish, static assets end up in sub folders. This means the template cannot load files properly.

Expected: scripts/prettify/prettify.js
Actual: scripts/prettify/prettify.js/prettify.js

Private constructors

I'm trying to mark a constructor as private, but it still shows up in the generated documentation with either or both of hideconstructor and private.

 * Class description
 * @hideconstructor
class MyClass {
    * @private
   constructor() {}

Is there another way to do it or is it not supported right now? If the later, any chance of supporting it?

IE 11: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'

With the removal of jquery in the latest version, the search no longer works in IE11. When trying to search, it gives above error in console.

The problem occures in search.js#contains() method,

return (a.textContent || a.innerText || "").toUpperCase().includes(m)

Ignore carriage returns in jsdoc comment sections?

I use ESLint which enforces a hard limit of 120 characters on line width. The generated documentation replicates the exact line widths in my source code, which is suboptimal (for example, on mobile there is a lot of superfluous wrapping, and on large monitors the available width is not used.)

Is there a way to ignore the carriage returns when generating the HTML?


no extra files (css and more) generated


	"tags": {
		"allowUnknownTags": true,
		"dictionaries": ["jsdoc", "closure"]
	"opts": {
		"template": "node_modules/docdash",
		"destination": "./gen-jsdoc"
	"plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
	"templates": {
		"___options-doku:": "",
		"includeDate": "true",
		"navType": "vertical",
		"theme": "lumen",
		"linenums": "true",
		"collapseSymbols": "true",
		"outputSourceFiles": "false",
		"outputSourcePath": "false",
		"dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
		"search": "true",
		"cleverLinks": true,
		"monospaceLinks": true

gulp snippet:

gulp.task('generate-jsdoc', function(cb) {
    var config = require('./src/main/resources/template/conf.json');
    gulp.src([ './target/*.js' ], {
        read : false
    }).pipe($.jsdoc3(config, cb));


β”‚   DataObjectUtils-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.js.html
β”‚   global.html
β”‚   index.html
β”‚   ISI.html
β”‚   namespaces.list.html
β”‚   quicksearch.html

links color on returns

Contrast between a #606 and #6d426d are not readable

Maybe something like
The second link (foo) is hovered

Add home page sections to navbar?

I just started using docdash after reviewing a few themes for JsDoc and think it's the best one out there. Here's my site:

and the underlying repo:

I'm not sure how hard this would be, but one significant improvement to my documentation would be to create a way to add sections in the home page (in my case, my to the navbar. So, instead of just "Home", the navbar would contain:

Development procedures and scripts

There are TOC packages for markdown, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

Thanks for your consideration, and thanks for releasing such a nice package to the community.

Error on Generation

I have tried several other JSDoc (v3.5.5) template packages found on Npm, and they generate the docs without issue. However, I ran into a hard error when first using this template:

Parsing /path/to/Workspaces/myproject/externals.jsdoc ...
Parsing /path/to/Workspaces/myproject/modules.jsdoc ...
Generating output files...
            if (item.ancestors.length > level) {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Changing that line to if (item.ancestors && item.ancestors.length > level) { then allowed the generation to run. I actually have several directories of files with docs but the above shows that paring down the list to very few docs was still resulting in the same error. Everything is running on node v10.15.1.

Display member

Hi docdash team.

First of all, I'm very happy to use your awesome template for my javascript project. Thank you so much for doing docdash.

I have a question. Is it possible to display member of class in table of content?

@example code is not transformed correctly

in my javascript code:

  * @example
  * const cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://');
  * const bucket = cluster.openBucket('default');
  * const driver = Driver.create(bucket);



If I place the example comment code with newlines in between each line, than the output does get separated into new lines but there are still the <p> and <br> tags in the output.

my jsdoc.json file:

  "tags": {
    "allowUnknownTags": true
  "plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
  "source": {
    "include": "./lib",
    "includePattern": ".js$",
    "excludePattern": "(node_modules/|docs)"
  "templates": {
    "cleverLinks": true,
    "monospaceLinks": true,
    "default": {
      "outputSourceFiles": true
    "linenums": true
  "opts": {
    "template": "node_modules/docdash",
    "destination": "docs/",
    "recurse": true
  "markdown": {
    "parser": "gfm",
    "hardwrap": true,
    "tags": ["examples"]

This doesn't seem to happen with other templates.

background color

hello, recently I used the docdash template in my documentation with JSDoc (and I really liked it, congratulations!), but I wanted to know how I TOTALLY change the background color, I already tried to change everything I found, however, it is not right, there are several white parts. Thank you for your attention, and congratulations!

Wrap clipped text

When the module name is too long, the name of the file is clipped. Is it possible to have it wrap around to the next line?

screen shot 2018-12-19 at 10 50 50 am

Output path options not working


it seems the following three options are not working properly:

scopeInOutputPath: [false|true], // Add scope from package file (if present) to the output path, true by default.
nameInOutputPath: [false|true], // Add name from package file to the output path, true by default.
versionInOutputPath: [false|true] // Add package version to the output path, true by default. 

I am trying to create the output in a directory, namely "public", without the subpath "@mygroup/myproject/1.0.0".
From the documentation, I understand the previous three options should do the trick, by setting them to false.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.

I am using jsdoc 3.6.5 and docdash 1.2.0.


docdash.private = false doesn't work


I want to disable private in navigation menu. I try docdash.private or docdash.static but they don't make any change.


  "opts": {
    "destination": "./.doc/",
    "private": true,
    "template": "node_modules/docdash",
    "readme": "",
    "tutorials": "doc/",
    "package": "package.json"
  "docdash": {
    "private": false


const path = require('path')

const del = require('del')
const gulp = require('gulp')
const jsdoc = require('gulp-jsdoc3')

const normalizeSEP = (str) => str.replace(/\//g, path.sep)


const docFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, '.doc')

const cleanDoc = () => del([

const src = [

const generateDoc = () => 
  gulp.src(src, {read: false})

gulp.task('doc', gulp.series(cleanDoc, generateDoc))

My script :

 * This function load a specific CSS Engine.
 * @private
 * @memberof   AppExpress
 * @param      {string}    engine     Name of engine to add
function registerCSSEngine(engine) {

Links in extended classes

Hi, first of all I really like how docdash looks and how it organizes the classes and modules.

JSDOC 3 link extended classes so you can click to see the parent class. I think this linkage is very important.

I don't see any issue openen or closed since a while. Is this project abandoned?

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