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Comments (6)

benjaminstokes avatar benjaminstokes commented on July 19, 2024

Checkmarx version is 8.9 HF 0. This rather long script is what I used to generate the test data set i'm working with

# Create projects with the Checkmarx CLI

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'

# Install the Checkmarx CLI
md -force c:\programdata\checkmarx\cli
$cli_zip=$cli_url.Substring($cli_url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
invoke-webrequest -uri "${cli_url}" -outfile "C:\programdata\checkmarx\cli\${cli_zip}"
cd "c:\programdata\checkmarx\cli\"
Expand-Archive "c:\programdata\checkmarx\cli\${cli_zip}" -DestinationPath "c:\programdata\checkmarx\cli\"

cd c:\programdata\checkmarx\cli\

Class CxArmPolicyManagementApiClient {
  [string] $username 
  [string] $password 
  [string] $url
  [string] $token 
  [string] $apiscope = "sast_rest_api cxarm_api"
  [string] $clientid = "resource_owner_client"
  [string] $clientsecret = "014DF517-39D1-4453-B7B3-9930C563627C"

  CxArmPolicyManagementApiClient([string] $username, [string] $password, [string] $url) {
    $this.username = $username
    $this.password = $password
    $this.url = $url

  Login() {
    $body = @{
        username = $this.username
        password = $this.password
        grant_type = "password"
        scope = $this.apiscope
        client_id = $this.clientid
        client_secret = $this.clientsecret
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($this.url)/cxrestapi/auth/identity/connect/token" -method post -body $body -contenttype 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -UseBasicParsing
    } catch {
        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
        throw "Cannot Get OAuth2 Token"

    $this.token = "$($response.token_type) $($response.access_token)"

  [PSObject] GET([string] $url) {
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = $this.token
        Accept = "application/json;v=1.0"
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($this.url)${url}" -method get -headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
        return $response
    } catch {
        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
        throw "An error has occured on GET $url"

  [PSObject] POST([string] $url, $body) {
    $body_json = ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = $this.token       
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($this.url)${url}" -method post -headers $headers -UseBasicParsing -Body $body_json -ContentType "application/json;v=1.0"
        return $response
    } catch {
        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
        throw "An error has occured on POST $url with $body_json"

  [PSObject] PUTliteral([string] $url, $body) {
    $body_json = $body
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = $this.token       
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($this.url)${url}" -method put -headers $headers -UseBasicParsing -Body $body_json -ContentType "application/json;v=1.0"
        return $response
    } catch {
        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
        throw "An error has occured on PUT $url with $body_json"

  [PSObject] PUT([string] $url, $body) {
    $body_json = ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = $this.token       
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($this.url)${url}" -method put -headers $headers -UseBasicParsing -Body $body_json -ContentType "application/json;v=1.0"
        return $response
    } catch {
        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
        throw "An error has occured on PUT $url with $body_json"

  #  Projects
  [PSObject] GetProjects() {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/projects")
  [PSObject] GetPoliciesByProjectId($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/projects/${id}/policies")
  [PSObject] GetViolationsByProjectId($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/projects/${id}/violations?provider=SAST")
  [PSObject] UpdatePoliciesByProjectId ($projectId, $policyId) {
    $policies = "[ { `"policyId`": $policyId } ]"
    return $this.PUTliteral("/cxarm/policymanager/projects/${projectId}/policies", $policies)
  #  Policies
  [PSObject] GetPolicies() {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/policies")
  [PSObject] FindPolicyIdByName([string] $name) {
    $policies = $this.GetPolicies()
    $policyId = $policies | where { $ -eq $name } | select -ExpandProperty id
    return $policyId
  [PSObject] GetPoliciesById($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/policies/${id}")
  [PSObject] GetAssignedProjectsByPoliciyId($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/policies/${id}/projects")
  [PSObject] CreatePolicy ($policy) {
    return $this.POST("/cxarm/policymanager/policies", $policy)

  #  Rules
  [PSObject] GetRulesByPolicyId($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxarm/policymanager/policies/${id}/rules")

  #  SAST - Projects
  [PSObject] GetSastProjects() {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/projects")
  [PSObject] FindProjectByName([string] $name) {
    $projects = $this.GetSastProjects()
    $projectId = $projects | where { $ -eq $name } | select -ExpandProperty id
    return $projectId
  [PSObject] CreateProject($project) {
    return $this.POST("/cxrestapi/projects", $project)

  [PSObject] UpdateProject($project, $id) {
    return $this.PUT("/cxrestapi/projects/${id}", $project)

  #  SAST - Teams

  [PSObject] GetTeams() {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/auth/teams")

  [string] FindTeamIdByName([string] $teamName) {
    $teams = $this.GetTeams()
    $teamid = $teams | where { $_.fullname -eq $teamName } | select -ExpandProperty id
    return $teamid

  #  SAST - Custom Fields
  [PSObject] GetCustomFields() {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/customFields")

  #  SAST - Presets
  [PSObject] GetPresets() {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/sast/presets")
  [PSObject] GetPresetById($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/sast/presets/${id}")
  [PSObject] FindPresetIdByName([string] $name) {
    $presets = $this.GetPresets()
    $presetId = $presets | where { $ -eq $name } | select -ExpandProperty id
    return $presetId

  #  SAST - Engine Configurations
  [PSObject] GetEngineConfigurations() {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/sast/engineConfigurations")
  [PSObject] GetEngineConfigurationById($id) {
    return $this.GET("/cxrestapi/sast/engineConfigurations/${id}")
  [PSObject] FindEngineConfigurationIdByName([string] $name) {
    $engineConfigurations = $this.GetEngineConfigurations()
    $engineConfigurationId = $engineConfigurations | where { $ -eq $name } | select -ExpandProperty id
    return $engineConfigurationId

  #  SAST - Scans
  [PSObject] CreateScanSettings($settings) {
    return $this.POST("/cxrestapi/sast/scanSettings", $settings)

Class CxWebServiceClient {
  [string] $username 
  [string] $password 
  [string] $url
  [string] $SessionId 

  CxWebServiceClient([string] $username, [string] $password, [string] $url) {
    $this.username = $username
    $this.password = $password
    $this.url = $url
    $this.proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "$($this.url)/CxWebInterface/Portal/CxWebService.asmx?wsdl"

  Login() {
   $proxyType = $this.proxy.GetType().Namespace
   $credentials = new-object ("$proxyType.Credentials")
   $credentials.User = $this.username
   $credentials.Pass = $this.password
   $res = $this.proxy.Login($credentials, 1033) 
   $this.SessionId = $res.SessionId

  [PSObject] SaveCustomFields($fields) {
    $customfields = @()
    $fields | ForEach-Object {
        $proxyType = $this.proxy.GetType().Namespace
        $customfield = New-Object ("$proxyType.CxWSCustomField")
        $customfield.Id = 0         # Not a mistake, really zero
        $customfield.Name = $_

    $res = $this.proxy.SaveCustomFields($this.sessionId, $customfields)
        Write-Host "Custom fields have been created" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else{
        Write-Host $res.ErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red

    return $res

  [PSObject] CreateServiceProvider($name) {
    $res = $this.proxy.CreateNewServiceProvider($this.SessionId, $name, 1, 1, 1, 1, $null)
    if ($res.IsSuccesfull) { 
        Write-Host "Created Service Provider" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else { 
        Write-Host "Error creating service provider" -ForegroundColor Red
    return $res

  [PSObject] CreateCompany($name, $parentId) {
    $res = $this.proxy.CreateNewCompany($this.SessionId, $parentId, $name, 1, 1, 1, 1, $null)
    if ($res.IsSuccesfull) { 
        Write-Host "Created Company" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else { 
        Write-Host "Error creating company" -ForegroundColor Red
    return $res

  [PSObject] CreateTeam($name, $parentId) {
    $res = $this.proxy.CreateNewTeam($this.SessionId, $parentId, $name, $null)
    if ($res.IsSuccesfull) { 
        Write-Host "Created Team" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else { 
        Write-Host "Error creating team" -ForegroundColor Red
    return $res

$projects = @(

[CxArmPolicyManagementApiClient] $cxrest = [CxArmPolicyManagementApiClient]::New($cxUser, $cxPass, $cxServer)

[CxWebServiceClient] $cxWs = [CxWebServiceClient]::New($cxUser, $cxPass, "http://${cxServer}")

foreach ($url in $projects) {
  $projectName = $url.Substring($url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
  $CompanyId = $cxrest.FindTeamIdByName("\CxServer\serviceprovider\company\") 
  $existingTeam = $cxrest.FindTeamIdByName("\CxServer\serviceprovider\company\${projectName}\")
  if ($null -ne $existingTeam) {
    Write-Host "SKIPPED: $team already exists" -ForegroundColor Yellow
  } else {
      Write-Host "Created \CxServer\serviceprovider\company\${projectName}\" -ForegroundColor Green
      $res = $cxWs.CreateTeam("\CxServer\serviceprovider\company\${projectName}\", $CompanyId)

foreach ($url in $projects) {
  $projectName = $url.Substring($url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
  .\runCxConsole.cmd AsyncScan -v -projectName "CxServer\serviceprovider\company\${projectName}\${projectName}_sandbox" -CxServer "${cxServer}"  -CxUser ${cxUser} -CxPassword ${cxPass} -LocationType GIT -LocationURL "$url" -LocationBranch "refs/heads/master" -ForceScan

foreach ($url in $projects) {
  $projectName = $url.Substring($url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
  .\runCxConsole.cmd AsyncScan -v -projectName "CxServer\serviceprovider\company\${projectName}_policy" -CxServer "${cxServer}"  -CxUser ${cxUser} -CxPassword ${cxPass} -LocationType GIT -LocationURL "$url" -LocationBranch "refs/heads/master" -ForceScan

from cxanalytix.

benjaminstokes avatar benjaminstokes commented on July 19, 2024

The root cause appears to be that so many HttpClients are created that an exception occurs. I have created a rough patch that reuses a static HttpClient with or without SSL verification enabled however the pattern of the using statements in the CxRestClient namespace causes the static HttpClient to be disposed of.

When ConcurrentThreads is > 1 this patch causes multiple exceptions to be thrown which I think indicate HttpClient is not threadsafe when used as a static (duh?).

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-08-12 01:58:26,968]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-08-12 01:58:26,983]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,359]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - 2 calculated shard keys have been defined.
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,764]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - Database CxAnalytix does not exist, it will be created.
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,784]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SAST_Scan_Detail
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,817]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SAST_Scan_Summary
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,827]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SCA_Scan_Summary
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,838]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SCA_Scan_Detail
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,847]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_Project_Info
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,856]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_Policy_Violations
[2020-08-12 01:58:27,875]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Policy data is not available.
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to retrieve policies.
   at CxRestClient.CxMnoPolicies.GetAllPolicies(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxMnoPolicies.cs:line 124
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer..ctor(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String previousStatePath) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 260
[2020-08-12 01:58:28,198]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 48 projects are targets for check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 48 new projects.
[2020-08-12 01:58:28,591]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 52 scans to check in 48 projects since 8/12/2020 1:58:27 AM.
[2020-08-12 01:58:29,720]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000005 in project 6: WebGoat_sandbox.
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.AddHeaders(HttpHeaders sourceHeaders)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders.AddHeaders(HttpHeaders sourceHeaders)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PrepareRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(Uri requestUri, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at CxRestClient.CxSastScanReportGenStatus.GetReportGenerationStatus(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String reportId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastScanReportGenStatus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:29,915]  WARN [6] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000032 in project 29: nopCommerce_policy.
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.AddHeaders(HttpHeaders sourceHeaders)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders.AddHeaders(HttpHeaders sourceHeaders)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PrepareRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(Uri requestUri, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at CxRestClient.CxSastScanReportGenStatus.GetReportGenerationStatus(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String reportId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastScanReportGenStatus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:30,128]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000050 in project 47: DVIA-v2_policy.
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, Boolean parseRawValues)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1.Add(T item)
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateGenericClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 80
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateSastClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 54
atus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:30,832]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000045 in project 42: VulnerableAndroidAppOracle_policy.
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, Boolean parseRawValues)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1.Add(T item)
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateGenericClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 80
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateSastClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 54
atus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:33,723]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000051 in project 48: AltoroJ_policy.
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, Boolean parseRawValues)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1.Add(T item)
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateGenericClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 80
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateSastClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 54
   at CxRestClient.CxSastScanReportGenStatus.GetReportGenerationStatus(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String reportId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastScanReportGenSt
atus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:35,991]  WARN [13] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000048 in project 45: juice-shop_policy.
System.InvalidOperationException: Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection'
s state is no longer correct.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, Boolean parseRawValues)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1.Add(T item)
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateGenericClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 80
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateSastClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 54
   at CxRestClient.CxSastScanReportGenStatus.GetReportGenerationStatus(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String reportId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastScanReportGenSt
atus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
[2020-08-12 01:58:35,991]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Error attempting to retrieve the SAST XML report for 1000049 in project 46: DVIA_policy.
System.InvalidOperationException: Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection'
s state is no longer correct.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, Boolean parseRawValues)
   at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1.Add(T item)
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateGenericClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 80
   at CxRestClient.CxRestContext.ClientFactory.CreateSastClient() in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxRestContext.cs:line 54
   at CxRestClient.CxSastScanReportGenStatus.GetReportGenerationStatus(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String reportId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastScanReportGenSt
atus.cs:line 44
   at CxRestClient.CxSastXmlReport.GetXmlReport(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String scanId) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxSastXmlReport.cs:line 33
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer.SastReportOutput(ScanDescriptor scan, Transformer inst) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 68
PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> ^C
PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> ^C
PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> ^C
PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> ^C

If I set concurrent threads to 1 the program runs successfully without error. Note in this example data set (52 projects w/ 48 scans) the program makes 34807 calls to MakeClient (presumably, to make a API call) which would represent an HttpClient instantiation of not using a static. Perhaps this volume of clients is what would be consuming so many outbound ports causing the original SocketException error message reported.

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-08-12 02:01:59,315]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-08-12 02:01:59,327]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\cxanalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-08-12 02:01:59,646]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - 2 calculated shard keys have been defined.
[2020-08-12 02:02:00,074]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer] (?:?) - Policy data is not available.
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to retrieve policies.
   at CxRestClient.CxMnoPolicies.GetAllPolicies(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\CxRestClient\CxMnoPolicies.cs:line 124
   at CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.Transformer..ctor(CxRestContext ctx, CancellationToken token, String previousStatePath) in c:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\TransformLogic\Transformer.cs:line 260
[2020-08-12 02:02:00,377]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 48 projects are targets for check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 48 new projects.
[2020-08-12 02:02:00,776]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 52 scans to check in 48 projects since 8/12/2020 2:02:00 AM.
[2020-08-12 02:04:38,565]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Rest client requested: 34807
[2020-08-12 02:04:38,565]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - End

from cxanalytix.

benjaminstokes avatar benjaminstokes commented on July 19, 2024

A sketch of changing the HttpClient to a static that works in a single thread nature is in #24.

This still has issues with multiple concurrent threads but I think the fix for that is beyond my ability at the moment and may need more significant changes to the way clients are generated for SAST and MNO.

from cxanalytix.

nleach999 avatar nleach999 commented on July 19, 2024

The use of HttpClient needs to be refactored due to the static requirement. (I guess I missed that in the API docs....). Some of our GET ops require different media types (Json/XML) which isn't supported by the API on a per-request basis as far as I can tell, so that will be something I'll have to work out.

from cxanalytix.

nleach999 avatar nleach999 commented on July 19, 2024

Actually, I see the correct API in looking at it closer. It won't be too difficult to fix.

from cxanalytix.

benjaminstokes avatar benjaminstokes commented on July 19, 2024

@nleach999 I tested the branch tonight with this issue (specifically this version which was the latest at the time of test 7e3f989).

I think these changes have resolved this issue.

I tested with the same dataset (actually a small amount of more projects/scans i've created in this lab machine since opening the issue) I was able to load them all into MongoDB and the log files without any error.

With MongoDB Output 2 concurrent threads

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet .\CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-09-01 04:59:50,832]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-09-01 04:59:50,844]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-09-01 04:59:51,329]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - 2 calculated shard keys have been defined.
[2020-09-01 04:59:52,609]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 50 projects are targets to check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 50 new projects.
[2020-09-01 04:59:53,113]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 59 scans to check in 50 projects since 9/1/2020 4:59:51 AM.
[2020-09-01 05:01:44,824]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - End

With Log File Output 2 concurrent threads

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet .\CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-09-01 05:10:12,046]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-09-01 05:10:12,058]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-09-01 05:10:13,021]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 50 projects are targets to check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 50 new projects.
[2020-09-01 05:10:13,444]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 59 scans to check in 50 projects since 9/1/2020 5:10:12 AM.
[2020-09-01 05:11:43,415]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - End

With MongoDB and 10 concurrent threads

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet .\CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-09-01 05:13:38,016]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-09-01 05:13:38,030]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-09-01 05:13:38,391]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - 2 calculated shard keys have been defined.
[2020-09-01 05:13:39,541]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 50 projects are targets to check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 50 new projects.
[2020-09-01 05:13:39,959]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 59 scans to check in 50 projects since 9/1/2020 5:13:38 AM.
[2020-09-01 05:15:10,012]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - End

With MongoDB and 1 concurrent threads

PS C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release> dotnet .\CxAnalytixCLI.dll
[2020-09-01 05:20:02,456]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - Start
[2020-09-01 05:20:02,468]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - CWD: C:\programdata\checkmarx\CxAnalytix\artifacts\Release
[2020-09-01 05:20:02,793]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - 2 calculated shard keys have been defined.
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,168]  WARN [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoDBOutFactory] (?:?) - Database CxAnalytix does not exist, it will be created.
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,184]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SAST_Scan_Detail
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,211]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SAST_Scan_Summary
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,221]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SCA_Scan_Summary
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,231]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_SCA_Scan_Detail
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,243]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_Project_Info
[2020-09-01 05:20:03,254]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.Out.MongoDBOutput.MongoUtil] (?:?) - Creating collection RECORD_Policy_Violations
[2020-09-01 05:20:04,005]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ProjectResolver] (?:?) - 50 projects are targets to check for new scans. Since last scan: 0 projects removed, 50 new projects.
[2020-09-01 05:20:04,429]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytix.TransformLogic.ScanResolver] (?:?) - Resolved 59 scans to check in 50 projects since 9/1/2020 5:20:03 AM.
[2020-09-01 05:23:06,884]  INFO [1] [CxAnalytixCLI.Program] (?:?) - End

I'm testing on a c5.2xlarge in aws. Memory usage did not seem to exceed 100mb. CPU usage was high when I increased the concurrent thread count (expected). I think its unrelated to this issue but I took some screenshots of CPU just as reference point.

CPU Utilization w/ Mongo DB and 10 concurrent scans

CPU Utilization w/ Mongo DB and 2 concurrent scans

from cxanalytix.

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