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This project forked from zettajs/zetta

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An API-first, open source software platform for the Internet of Things.

Home Page:

License: MIT License

Shell 0.16% JavaScript 99.84%

zetta's Introduction


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What is Zetta?

Zetta is an open source, API-first, Node.js-based platform for the Internet of Things. To learn more about Zetta now, jump to Introduction to Zetta on the Zetta doc wiki.

Key concepts

On the Zetta Doc wiki, you'll find a conceptual overview, getting started tutorials, the API reference, and other topics to help you build Zetta projects.

Getting started with Zetta

The Zetta Quick Start is the quintessential "Hello World" project for Zetta. Learn how to install Zetta, create a new Zetta project, fire up a Zetta server, and call a Zetta API. It just takes a few minutes!

Installing Zetta

You can install Zetta by cloning it from GitHub or using NPM:

Clone from GitHub

git clone [email protected]:zettajs/zetta.git && cd zetta

npm install


npm install zetta


  • The Zetta Doc Wiki is where you'll find all of the documentation for Zetta, including overviews, tutorials, and reference content.

  • You can also visit the Zetta site at project recipes, event information, community links, and more.


The supportive Zetta community is steadily growing. We have channels where you can interact with the Zetta team directly as well as with other Zetta enthusiasts.


You can file issues on our GitHub issues page.



zetta's People


adammagaluk avatar mdobson avatar kevinswiber avatar marvinroger avatar kyork-cl avatar wwitman avatar wooliet avatar anil14sagar avatar bneumann avatar mjavadhpour avatar gitter-badger avatar


Chance Jiang avatar

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