Christian Clauss's Projects
Add all sorts of application for hacktoberfest.
Default configuration for @cclauss repos
100 Days of ML Coding
provide provenance and traceability to supply chain
TensorFlow implementation of SqueezeDet, trained on the KITTI dataset.
A 30 days of python programming challenge
Three card money game using Pythonista scene model
[CVPR 2020] 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting
[NeurIPS 2018] 3D-Aware Scene Manipulation via Inverse Graphics
VirtualBox 3D exploits & PoCs
HyperLogLog Testing
Project given out by EECS 481 @ UofM
The 4MOST Galactic Pipeline (4GP): command line interface for spectral analysis.
500 Lines or Less
A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows
Official python implementation for "A Baseline for 3D Multi-Object Tracking"
Code for "Understanding and Improving Interpolation in Autoencoders via an Adversarial Regularizer"
Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
Achoo uses a Raspberry Pi to predict if my son will need his inhaler on any given day using weather, pollen, and air quality data. If the prediction for a given day is above a specified threshold, the Pi will email his school nurse, and myself, notifying her that he may need preemptive treatment.
An XBlock for testing XBlock Runtimes
Algorithms used in Competitive Programming
Python interface to ACS4
a GitHub action to install (pre-release) pythons from deadsnakes
Automatically deploy shareable previews for your Firebase Hosting sites
custom human activity recognition modules by pose estimation and cascaded inference using sklearn API