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teleport-transactions's Issues

better test script

I noticed that your test script requires a running regtest node and a wallet:
I'm writing a similar program for atomic swaps, and with my test script, no manual regtest and wallet creation is needed. A local data dir is created and used, and all RPC configuration parameters etc. are set in the script. Feel free to use the code to improve your test script, it is the same licence:

Creating a secp256k1 context singleton

Right now the project creates a new secp256k1 context a lot.

This is kind of slow. Though speed isn't a huge priority for this project since everything is slowed down by the requirement to wait for blocks.

However I really noticed a slowdown when coding fidelity bonds, which creates about 980 addresses on startup, so I made a single context and passed it as an argument:

let secp = Secp256k1::new();

I was thinking about good ways to have a secp256k1 context singleton. I gave up fairly quickly because as I said speed isn't a huge priority, but it would be a nice-to-have. So if someone else wants something to do and feels like playing around with rust, try this issue.

One way I considered was to add the context to the Wallet struct, but some functions don't have access to it, such as the Swapcoins structs (and they have to serialized to file too, the secp256k1 context isnt serializable).

Another way I tried was the lazy_static crate but I couldn't get it to work because of some rust syntax issues with the generic arguments to Secp256k1.

Another way I considered was adding the context as an argument to every single function, but that's a bit rubbish.

Using BDK (Bitcoin Development Kit)

I studied this library ( to see if it could be useful to Teleport.

Right now Teleport uses rust-bitcoin, bitcoincore-rpc and Bitcoin Core's RPC for almost everything it does. Moving to BDK would be done by using it's Wallet struct. It could help in a few ways:

  • BDK supports RBF, that could be useful later then Teleport ends up supporting multiple pre-signed RBF transactions.
  • If we ever create a taker Teleport app then BDK's implementation of client side block filters would help for private wallet sync. On the other hand this still requires downloading many GB, so not really an option for a limited-data mobile wallet.
  • BDK supports miniscript. Right now teleport builds up scripts from rust-bitcoin's library see example. Miniscript might be a bit cleaner, also it might be useful if/when scriptless scripts get added to bitcoin if miniscript supports them in a cleaner way.
  • Using BDK's wallet struct would be a bit cleaner.

So a useful thing to do one day might be to have Teleport use BDK.

Create better way of controlling acceptable protocol methods

Right now the maker server handles protocol messages by having a big match statement that handles each message:

let outgoing_message = match request {
TakerToMakerMessage::TakerHello(_message) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = None;
TakerToMakerMessage::GiveOffer(_message) => {
let max_size =;
let tweakable_point =;
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("signsenderscontracttx");
Some(MakerToTakerMessage::Offer(Offer {
absolute_fee: 1000,
amount_relative_fee: 0.005,
min_size: 10000,
TakerToMakerMessage::SignSendersContractTx(message) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("proofoffunding");
handle_sign_senders_contract_tx(wallet, message)?
TakerToMakerMessage::ProofOfFunding(proof) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("sendersandreceiverscontractsigs");
handle_proof_of_funding(connection_state, rpc, wallet, &proof)?
TakerToMakerMessage::SendersAndReceiversContractSigs(message) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("signreceiverscontracttx");
handle_senders_and_receivers_contract_sigs(connection_state, rpc, wallet, message)?
TakerToMakerMessage::SignReceiversContractTx(message) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("hashpreimage");
handle_sign_receivers_contract_tx(wallet, message)?
TakerToMakerMessage::HashPreimage(message) => {
connection_state.allowed_method = Some("privatekeyhandover");
handle_hash_preimage(wallet, message)?
TakerToMakerMessage::PrivateKeyHandover(message) => {
handle_private_key_handover(wallet, message)?

However a taker can't validly send any message at any time, they have to follow a specific sequences of messages. So after the fact while coding I added code such as connection_state.allowed_method which checks that the protocol message is allowed e.g.

let request_json: Value = match serde_json::from_str(&line) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_e) => return Err(Error::Protocol("json parsing error")),
let method = match request_json["method"].as_str() {
Some(m) => m,
None => return Err(Error::Protocol("missing method")),
let is_method_allowed = match connection_state.allowed_method {
Some(allowed_method) => method == allowed_method,
.any(|&r| r == method),
if !is_method_allowed {
return Err(Error::Protocol("unexpected method"));
//this using of strings to indicate allowed methods doesnt fit aesthetically
//with the using of structs and serde as in
//there is also no additional checking by the compiler
//ideally this array and the other strings in this file would instead be
//structs, however i havent had time to figure out if rust can do this

However this is based on string comparisons, and is very un-rust-like. There is no checking by the compiler. A typo or other error would have to be detected at runtime instead of compile-time. We should be able to do a lot better.

I originally thought there could be some kind of list of structs which could control which enum is allowed to be deserialized, but I think that cant be done in rust. I was reading again the rust book: and I think the only way to deal with the message enums and structs is to use match and if let.

One possible way of recoding the maker to improve this situation is to remove the big match statement that handles each message, and have the maker server be a state machine. If the state is waiting for one specific protocol message (for example TakerHello, SendersAndReceiversContractSigs or PrivateKeyHandover) then the code can use if let to check that the protocol message really is that message, and if not then create an error. If the state of the server is waiting for multiple possible protocol messages (for example GiveOffer, ProofOfFunding or HashPreimage) then there can be a match statement handling only those acceptable messages, and if something else arrives then create an error.

Other ways might be possible too.

Clippy Warnings

It seems clippy is complaining at multiple places.

$ cargo clippy
    Checking teleport v0.1.0 (/home/mojox911/github-repo/teleport-transactions)
warning: this function has too many arguments (10/7)
   --> src/
188 | / pub fn validate_and_sign_senders_contract_tx(
189 | |     multisig_key_nonce: &SecretKey,
190 | |     hashlock_key_nonce: &SecretKey,
191 | |     timelock_pubkey: &PublicKey,
...   |
198 | |     wallet: &mut Wallet,
199 | | ) -> Result<Signature, &'static str> {
    | |____________________________________^
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::too_many_arguments)]` on by default
    = help: for further information visit

warning: question mark operator is useless here
   --> src/
564 | /             Ok(wallet_ref
565 | |                 .find_swapcoin_mut(&swapcoin_private_key.multisig_redeemscript)
566 | |                 .ok_or("multisig_redeemscript not found")?
567 | |                 .apply_privkey(swapcoin_private_key.key)?)
    | |__________________________________________________________^
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_question_mark)]` on by default
    = help: for further information visit
help: try
564 |             wallet_ref
565 |                 .find_swapcoin_mut(&swapcoin_private_key.multisig_redeemscript)
566 |                 .ok_or("multisig_redeemscript not found")?
567 |                 .apply_privkey(swapcoin_private_key.key)

warning: this function has too many arguments (13/7)
   --> src/
688 | / async fn send_proof_of_funding_and_get_contract_txes(
689 | |     socket_reader: &mut BufReader<ReadHalf<'_>>,
690 | |     socket_writer: &mut WriteHalf<'_>,
691 | |     funding_txes: &[Transaction],
...   |
701 | |     hashvalue: [u8; 20],
702 | | ) -> Result<(SignSendersAndReceiversContractTxes, Vec<Script>), Box<dyn Error>> {
    | |_______________________________________________________________________________^
    = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
  --> src/
22 | fn generate_wallet(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<()> {
   |                                      ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default
   = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
  --> src/
68 | fn recover_wallet(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<()> {
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
   = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> src/
113 | fn display_wallet_balance(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf, long_form: Option<bool>) {
    |                                             ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> src/
162 | fn display_wallet_keys(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf) {
    |                                          ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> src/
173 | fn print_receive_invoice(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf) {
    |                                            ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> src/
194 | fn run_maker(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf, port: u16) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: writing `&PathBuf` instead of `&Path` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> src/
216 | fn run_taker(wallet_file_name: &PathBuf) {
    |                                ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&Path`
    = help: for further information visit

warning: 10 warnings emitted

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.05s

I guess we can ignore them for now. But maybe something to tidy up later.

Add multiple debug message levels

Right now the project just uses println! when printing any kind of messages.

It would be good to have multiple message levels, other projects use ones like INFO, WARNING and DEBUG.

Ideally the logging mechanism would also save debug information to a file.

Dependency duplication for `bitcoin*`

It seems there are some dependency duplication happening for bitcoin and bitcoin_hashes crate.

$ cargo build
   Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.4
   Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.7.6
   Compiling jsonrpc v0.11.0
   Compiling bitcoin v0.25.2
   Compiling bitcoin v0.21.0

Probably due to some upstream crates.

Creating an issue to register it.

Incoming/Outgoing SwapCoins incorrectly use Hash256

Not a huge deal but I just noticed the IncomingSwapCoin and OutgoingSwapCoin types use the type Hash256 for the hash preimage, but that is conceptually wrong, because the preimage isn't a hashvalue.

pub hash_preimage: Option<Hash256>,

pub hash_preimage: Option<Hash256>,

Again I emphasize it's not a huge deal, just conceptually wrong. Maybe it could be replaced with a type Preimage which could be created if it doesnt already exist, or just revert back to [u8; 32].

ECDSA-2P resources

Here are some resources I've managed to collect so far.

I'm not working on ECDSA-2P yet, but sharing this in case other people want to spend time on it.

2018 scaling bitcoin
a talk by lightning labs iirc

2019 scaling bitcoin
threshold scriptless scripts
has a list of all threshold ecdsa papers from 2017 until today

lindell's paper is the starting point for most
presented at the conference crypto 2017 apparently
one protocol uses pallier
another protocol uses which works better with EC

big list of resources

theres an iphone wallet called zengo which apparently uses ecdsa-2p
mentioned here

is this one of the rust libs you mentioned? the examples there are pretty cool

Outputs to stdout gone when running maker

I just noticed now almost all the messages to stdout are missing when running the maker.

It seems the log::trace! is being made silent. Interestingly the taker messages are all outputted even though it also uses trace!

Presumably happened after #22

Dedicated Maker Taker structure

Currently all the maker and taker functionalities are done via open function calls.
Which works ok, when running demons, but we might wanna eventually have dedicated structure
for both maker and taker.

This will allow us to get some compile time checking and also have the code organized more structurally.

Opening this issue to open discussion regarding this.

Non-hardcoded configuration - use `configure_me`?

Hardcoding configuration makes it annoying to debug things. I suggest to use my crate configure_me to do that and offer making a full PR as well as adding required features (subcommand support) to the library. The primary advantage of configure_me is support of config files and dirs out of the box. configure_me is used in electrs among other projects.

structopt vs configure_me

Common properties

  • Declarative syntax
  • Parse and validate Rust types - no manual conversion
  • Correct support of non-uf8 paths (Path{Buf}, OsStr{ing}); I think structopt requires enabling this explicitly?
  • Generate help page
  • Environment variable support

Advantages of configure_me

  • Support of config files and dirs with ability to override things and include files from arguments
  • Generate man pages
  • Explicitly correct GNU-style params/switches (--key val, --key=val, -xyzkval...; maybe structopt is still good enough?)
  • Toml file enables processing by external tools
  • MSRV will always support the Rust version available in Debian stable

Advantages of structopt

  • Not using Toml makes it work with IDEs and the struct is more obvious
  • Generate shell completions
  • Mature and popular
  • Native subcommand support (this should be irrelevant here since I'm willing to add support)

Disclaimer: I may be missing some things, feel free to point out/ask.

Implement normal spend from wallet

We need a new main method which sends bitcoins out from the wallet. It would take a destination address and amount as input, and create a regular transaction just like any other bitcoin wallet does.

Because of the way coinswap works with the multisig and private key handover, it's not possible to send a coinswap directly to any address like you can with coinjoin/joinmarket. You first need to do a coinswap and then spend those coins (when coinswap is used by regular users these two functions can be combined into one button so that the user doesn't have to think).

Now is the right time to implement this is because we can use the same function to test how watchtowers respond to a coinswap peer deviating from the protocol. We could use this method to simulate a malicious taker who broadcasts a contract transaction instead of continuing the protocol. And then they could spend it with the timelock or hashlock branch, or some other way, and we could test what the watchtower does in response.

The new main method should allow coin control by optionally accepting a list of outpoints in our wallet to spend. That's part of the reason why I made the 568a4e..83a2e8:0 shortened format for easier copypasting.

If not using coin control, you can have Bitcoin Core select coins to spend in the same way that the teleport wallet already does:

let psbt_result = rpc.wallet_create_funded_psbt(

Probably the best way to implement this in code is to generalize the code in the create_spending_txes function and reuse that code for this new method.

The new main method should allow choosing the amount to spend, but also allow a sweep spend where the entire list of UTXO are sent without creating a change address. Electrum uses the "!" character on the command line to mean sweep, so maybe the command line option can be either a number of satoshis or a "!" character.

Remember that right now in the code there's three kinds of UTXOs we are able to spend 1) single-sig UTXO from the HD wallet 2) 2of2 multisig UTXO from a successful coinswap and 3) UTXO protected by a timelock from an aborted coinswap following the timeout branch.

So for example these are command lines which spend:

cargo run -- direct-send 1000000 bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq (sending a million satoshi to the given address)

cargo run -- direct-send ! bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq (sending all the money in the wallet to the given address)

cargo run -- direct-send 1000000 bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq 568a4e..83a2e8:0 (sending a million satoshi to the given address by only spending the given outpoint, sending the rest to a change address)

cargo run -- direct-send 1000000 bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq 568a4e..83a2e8:0 4ef47f..c8744c:1 (sending a million satoshi to the given address by only spending the two given outpoints, sending the rest to a change address)

cargo run -- direct-send ! bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq 568a4e..83a2e8:0 4ef47f..c8744c:1 (sending all the money in those two given outpoints to the given address)

(I don't know if direct-send is the best name for this method, it's just something I made up now, maybe send or normal-send is better, but it doesn't really matter)

Fixing overly verbose de/serialization on wire protocol

Currently the project uses rust's serde to handle protocol messages. This is nice but sometimes creates larger-than-necessary messages. We should try to reduce the size of these messages as much as possible. Smaller messages really help with censorship-resistance, decentralization and privacy. The smaller messages can be harder to detect and cost less especially in perhaps third world countries or burner SIM cards where internet bandwidth is more limited.

The messages are defined in the file src/

For example see this serialization of ProofOfFunding, which has a huge amount of wasted space. The funding transactions have witnesses which are serialized as lists of comma-separated numbers, which is pretty wasteful. A better way might be to somehow serialize those transactions in network format (i.e. as a big hex string)


Another instance of waste is using hex strings, and to me it seems base64 or base84 would be better for size. For example these two messages:



Another example is here, which also has "hash value" serialized as another comma-separated list of numbers.


There is documentation here which could be useful. The tag #[serde(with = "module")] is one possible method to change the serialization of the messages.

One thing we could consider is moving away from json serialization entirely and making everything be binary? Though theres downsides to that too.

On the other hand, this whole issue might be a case of premature optimization(?)

[QnA] How about RON for Wallet data encoding?

Digging into serde made me realize we can use lots of its flexibility.

One such will be, having a new kinda of data encoding with more semantic information than json.
Ex: [Rusty Object Notation]

I personally have preference towards "rust" way of doing stuffs, and it seems like most other rusty things, RON is quite there for encoding human readable data.

Later on we can have our config files written in RON too.

Opened this for discussion on it.

CI failure at grcov 0.8.3

grcov v0.8.3 has build failure and this is making our CI coverage reporting crash. Happened after latest 0.8.3 release.

$ cargo install grcov --force --version 0.8.3
    Updating index
  Installing grcov v0.8.3
error: failed to compile `grcov v0.8.3`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installBzAsmH`

Caused by:
  failed to select a version for the requirement `tera = "^1.14"`
  candidate versions found which didn't match: 1.12.1, 1.12.0, 1.11.0, ...
  location searched: index
  required by package `grcov v0.8.3`

Easy fix: pin it to 0.8.2.

Issue created for tracking purpose.

No download-offers subroutine

In it says to use the download-offers subcommand to see offers, after executing cargo run -- download-offers:

error: Found argument 'download-offers' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

    teleport.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

For more information try --help
error: process didn't exit successfully: `target\debug\teleport.exe download-offers` (exit code: 1)

Implement PTLC scripts

Point Time Locked Contracts (PTLC) scripts allow for swaps to look like normal transactions. Especially with Taproot, Schnorr signatures and tapscripts greatly increase the ability to blend into the crowd (enhancing user privacy). PTLCs can also be implemented with ECDSA signatures, though the setup and cryptography are more complex.

PTLCs, by using adaptor signatures, also remove the necessity of manually transferring a secret key (hash_preimage) between the maker and taker. This simplifies, and increases the security of the protocol.

Here is a basic, work-in-progress outline of how a PTLC protocol would work with coinswaps:

CoinSwap PTLC protocol

Payjoin - bip78 crate

I noticed there's payjoin task in README, I guess it's not a priority but you may want to know that I'm working on a bip78 crate which could be helpful. Will be happy to receive a feedback on it.

Feel free to close this to de-noise if you like.

teleport attempts to use jsonrpc 2.0 despite it not being supported by Core

After unsuccessful attempt to try this out I recorded the communication and it looks like jsonrpc 2.0 is the problem:

Recorded request from teleport:

POST /wallet/teleport HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:18441
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic X19jb29raWVfXzowMzM4Nzc1MTMyOGVmOTJiNGEzOGIxNDg2MDY5NmNkNzg3YWQ2ZWNkNWNiYmE1NGFjOTI2YzM2YmQwMjYwNThm
Content-Length: 65


Request from bitcoin-cli:

Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic X19jb29raWVfXzowMzM4Nzc1MTMyOGVmOTJiNGEzOGIxNDg2MDY5NmNkNzg3YWQ2ZWNkNWNiYmE1NGFjOTI2YzM2YmQwMjYwNThm
Content-Length: 50


(don't worry about the "leak", it's a disposable VM :))

  • Commit: edbc4b7
  • Using cookie authentication (with patched path)
  • Command used to record the request: socat TCP-LISTEN:18441,fork,reuseaddr SYSTEM:'tee /proc/self/fd/2 | nc 18444 | tee /proc/self/fd/2' (yes, my ports are correct)
  • Attempted teleport command: sudo -u bitcoin-regtest ./target/debug/teleport --wallet-file-name=maker1.teleport generate-wallet
  • Bitcoin Core version: 0.21.1
  • No relevant logs in bitcoind debug.log
  • Yes, the network was initialized by mining a bunch of blocks (101)

I'm still confused how come this wasn't discovered already...

P.S.: thanks a lot for working on this project!!!

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