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This project forked from getgridea/gridea

1.0 1.0 0.0 11.11 MB

✍️A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端)

Home Page:

License: MIT License

JavaScript 3.02% HTML 12.41% Vue 28.92% TypeScript 24.46% CSS 31.19%

gridea's Introduction


⚠️Requires git to be installed and that it can be called using the command git.

English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文


👏 Welcome to use Gridea

✍️ Gridea A static blog writing client. You can use it to record your life, mood, knowledge, notes and ideas...


📝 Use the coolest Markdown grammar to create quickly

🌉 Insert pictures and article cover charts anywhere in the article

🏷️ Label and group articles

📋 Customize menus and even create external link menus

💻 Use this client on Windows or MacOS or Linux

🌎 Use Github Pages or Coding Pages to show the world that more platforms will be supported in the future

💬 Simply configure and access the Gitalk or DisqusJS comment system

🇬🇧 Use simplified Chinesetraditional ChineseEnglish

🌁 Use any default theme within the application or any third-party theme, free theme customization

🖥 Customize the source folder and synchronize multiple devices using OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox, etc.

🌱 Of course Gridea is still very young and has many shortcomings, but please believe it will keep moving forward 🏃

In the future, it will surely become your inseparable partner

Give full play to your talents!

😘 Enjoy~


If you want to contribute code, please check the Contribution Guide in advance.

$ # Node version > v10.0.0 is requied
$ git clone
$ cd gridea
$ yarn
$ yarn electron:serve
$ yarn electron:build


Telegram Channel | Telegram Group | QQ 1 Group: 970332209 | QQ 2 Group: 923131213 | Author Twitter: @EryouHao

Example Screenshots


We welcome all contributions.You can submit any ideas as pull requests or as GitHub issues.



MIT. Copyright (c) 2019 EryouHao

gridea's People


eryouhao avatar gaoliang avatar suremotoo avatar dodola avatar jackliu007888 avatar nusr avatar easychen avatar timhaywood avatar m1911star avatar


Roman avatar


James Cloos avatar

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