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blankslate's Issues

Cannot delete featured image

I updated the theme and it messed with my websites quite a bit. I managed to delete the search bar, additional heading, search bar, etc, but I can't get the strangely placed featured image to go away. I inspected the element and found its class, and I renamed its class and tried to get rid of it with "display: none" but it is strangely connected to my website, so when I do that it deletes everything on the page.

The website is You will see the huge featured image at the top. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Error with Nav-walker

I'm using this theme, and I'm trying to add my own custom nav-walker. The problem is, when trying to use that nav-walker, I run into errors. Below is that class I am using. At this point I'm trying to get it to display. The error I'm receiving is "Invalid arguments passed" on the first line that it tries to use $item->classes. If I do a dump of item, it has the page info (ID, post-author, post date, etc...) but it doesn't have any of the things necessary for a menu item, like url, classes or title. Also, my menu items that aren't posts/pages don't come through at all. (I made a custom link that goes to google for a test).

class My_Menu_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
    function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth=0, $args=[], $id=0) {

        $output .= "<li class='" .  implode(" ", $item->classes) . "'>";
        if ($item->url && $item->url != '#') {
            $output .= '<a href="' . $item->url . '">';
        } else {
            $output .= '<span>';
        $output .= $item->title;
        if ($item->url && $item->url != '#') {
            $output .= '</a>';
        } else {
            $output .= '</span>';


I'm adding the call to navwalker in header.php. I replaced the default call with a call to mine

   wp_nav_menu( array(
        'theme_location' => 'primary',
        'menu_class' => 'main-menu',
        'walker' => new My_Menu_Walker(),

Is there any reason you can think of that this would ne happening with this theme? If I try a generic theme like twenty-twenty, the same code above works.

Thank you.

Type for itemprop is not specified

In a couple of areas, W3C HTML Validator reports:

The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.

  • Multiple when echoing the site name and description
  • Post titles

This StackOverflow answer says:

You should explicitly provide a type these properties (name, description, image) belong to.

In, everything is a Thing. Thing has many child types, listed under "More specific Types". Start there and choose the most specific type for your content.

For example: WebPage, Article or maybe BlogPosting.

It could look like (using WebPage as example here):

Were you leaving the type blank for end users, given the range of options?

Error when upgrading to the latest theme

Once we upgrade the site shows a basic wireframe. (attached). Also, the following error was found.

WARNING: [pool] child 48 said into stderr: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in /www/wp-content/themes/blankslate/header-home.php:20"”

contact capture


Good afternoon

Could someone please confirm if I can use Elementor Page Builder with the BlankState theme? Thank you.

BlankSlate and ACF

Hi, Is the theme compatible with Advanced Custom Field? I set up some fields in ACF, with other themes when I edit the article I can see the fields and I can fill them, with Blankslate I can’t.

White Screen Appears, Cannot Edit or Add new post in Wordpress


The website works fine. However, I cannot add or edit new posts using the WordPress editor nor Elementor Page builder. If I add a new post it appears blank white page. I tried to troubleshoot by disabling the plugins, clearing cache, etc but it still not working.

Now, when I change it to default theme twenty, the add new post/page has worked. So, I suppose the problem is the blank slate theme and I do not have an idea how to fix it unless I change the theme completely which is not practical at this point.


Please help me.

Use Case-

I am using this plugin in order to be able to use a low-code db builder. I use elementor to design my site and when I embedded code using the default Elementor theme, it would overwrite all of the css for the database that I had configured on the service. I have just started using this, but so far, this seems to be a life saver for at least being able to post.

As for the LC builder Im using, it is Caspio ( You might even reach out to them if you wanted to do a spin off, specifically geared towards allowing their users to easily embed 'widgets' while maintaining 'theme' (on caspio), integrity.

Thank you for building this, once I am sure it fits my needs, I will definitely donate!

change max-width of main page content

Hi. The text on the main index page stretches all the way to the edge of the screen on desktop. I've successfully set a max-width of 700px for posts and single pages, but nothing seems to work when I attempt to set a max-width for the content of the main index page. I know it has to be a really simple fix, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I could just cheat and creat a new page and set that to be the homepage, but I'd like to avoid doing that. There's probably just one line of code that I could add, and I'm just not getting it.

url in question is

Announcement, Suggestions, and Updates

Hi Everyone,

Creator of BlankSlate here.

It's been about 4 years now since I was officially involved in the project.

I was trying to see if I could get involved in the project again in any official capacity, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

That said, the project isn't abandoned, and with tens of thousands of websites depending on it as a foundation, it'll live on. BlankSlate, mostly due to its simplicity (which is the entire point), has always been extremely stable.

Still, I'd very much like to hear some feedback on some things that should be added or removed for the last few rounds of updates I'll be making here, to leave something even better and more stable for years to come.

You'll notice already with the 2019 updates, that I've made a lot of important updates to keep the project up-to-date with theme review requirements. But, also, I introduced a few new issues:

  1. Duplicate calls to the_content() — Obvious human error on my part. Fixed and will be in the next update.
  2. I added some aggressive styles to the reset. Some of these, like CSS transitions, are definitely not a good fit for BlankSlate. This was an oversight on my part. Removed and will be in the next update.

Anything else?

Mostly, I imagine I'll be removing things, things that you've found out in the wild almost never come up on a project, and you find yourself stripping out over and over again. For example, has anyone found the browser classes helpful?

Thank you.

Featured Image alt and title attributes

I was looking at attributes pumped out in entry-content.php for Featured Image (thumbnail).

I think I see two things...

  1. For title of the image page permalink, you use the value for the post title (the_title_attribute()) >>> I'm curious - why not the Title of the media asset that is being linked to?
  2. You then show the Featured Image with the_post_thumbnail, only passing itemprop of image >>> I believe it supports showing the Alt text and Title text of the image at this point, which would enhance accessibility and search.

Not sure if this is also the case for in-post or other images.

And "d'oh" if I've got the wrong end of the stick.

Beaver Builder is causing issues with BlankSlate

I'm not sure where the problem lies, but I thought I'd ask here.

So I'm trying build my own theme using BlankSlate as a base. At the bottom of functions.php, I've written the following:

    wp_deregister_script('jquery'); // Remove WP jQuery version
    wp_enqueue_script('jquery', '', array(), '3.5.1', true );

I need to use jQuery on my website.

So it all works fine, but then I try and use Beaver Builder. When I try and edit a page using BB, the editor simply doesnt load anymore, and I get multiple errors in my console:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
header.js?ver=5.5.3:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
    at header.js?ver=5.5.3:5
(anonymous) @ header.js?ver=5.5.3:5
`core.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at core.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
    at core.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ core.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ core.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
    at widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
mouse.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at mouse.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
    at mouse.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ mouse.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
(anonymous) @ mouse.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
jquery.ui.sortable.js?ver= Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at jquery.ui.sortable.js?ver=
(anonymous) @ jquery.ui.sortable.js?ver=

(The errors are longer, but I just put the first few).

I've also seen that in my for the website, I've got the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="" id="jquery-core-js"></script>

Why / what is loading such a low version of jQuery? I can see in Blankslate, near there top it has this line:

Which I think my code (at the bottom of functions.php) is causing problems with (unregistering jquery).

I just want to build a good theme using Beaver Builder and JQuery, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Any help, please?

transition: all in style.css

I noticed that the recent update of the theme has the following added to the style.css:

* {
    transition: all 0.5s ease

I'm having trouble with overwriting this rule. I try to apply transition:none; to my own CSS with a child theme. And that disables the transitions, but if I try to add a custom transition to an element, it's not applied. So the transition:none; on * seems to overwrite any other rule. Am I doing this wrong? And would it be an idea to disable this rule in the style.css in future releases since it feels bothersome to have transition added to all elements?

Edit: Sorry, I had the wrong elements selected when applying new transitions, so there's actually no problem with adding new transitions after disabling them with * {transition:none;}. But I still think it should be up to the person using the theme to determine if the transition: all 0.5s ease should be there at all and not have it there by default. Maybe it's just me?

nice but...

why all the code is written without any space or tab? it's simply unreadable... it's a pity!

Next/Previous Page not displaying

I need help with WordPress' native Next/Previous option that should appear on pages that display # of posts. The BlankSlate theme is what's being used on my beta site and, unfortunately, Next/Previous are not displaying. I have my Reading settings dialed to display 3 posts per page - I'm using a small number just for testing purposes. I thought the pagination would automatically display but it hasn’t. I’m not using custom code or plugins, just the basic Posts and Latest Posts Widget that come with WordPress. My beta site is and this is for the News and Blog sections, both of which have 10 or more posts associated with each category.

Image distortion

Hi - I raised an issue on as follows:

I have an issue with the images on a blog page – for some reason they are all stretched and distorted. Not sure why but have fixed them by adding CSS:

.page-id-21 img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;

Whilst this corrects the images issue the header is now corrupted and fills the whole width of the screen and is pixelated (I presume the header is an image as well). Can anyone help??

The page I need help with:

And received a couple of responses including:

_**The issue in your case is that all the images are applied with inline width and height property.
You can check this by inspecting any distorted image and then removing the inline width and height property of the image from browser developer tools, the image will get into its actual form.

However, this is an issue from your theme’s end (blankslate-child), So it would be best for you to communicate with the theme’s official support channel for a precise solution.**_

Not sure what to do next??? Please can someone advise?

Offer to takeover repo

Hi there,

I notice you haven't made any updates to this since April last year.

I would like to ask if you wouldn't mind, would I be able to take the project over from you and move it to my own account instead?

I would be more than happy to respond to issues and provide updates to this if you are unable to or don't have the time or resources to keep the project going.

Let me know if you'd be interested!


PHP error in functions file

Getting the following error:

Only variables should be passed by reference in /wp-content/themes/blankslate/functions.php on line 116

Removing the & in $comments_by_type = &separate_comments( get_comments( 'status=approve&post_id=' . $id ) ); has fixed the issue with me, but I have no idea if that will cause issues as I don't know why it was there in the first place.

Stop the email notifications

I am kindly asking you to delete my account from your Tidy Themes website. The constant email notifications about my account being locked are pointless and annoying. Please tell me how to request that my account be permanently deleted.

For your security, your account has been locked because of too many failed login attempts. To unlock your account please click the following link:

Actually I have made zero failed login attempts and the only time I visit the site is to try to find contact information so I can get my account deleted and stop these emails.

Thank you.

WordPress preview broken

I noticed something on the theme which breaks the "Preview" on

The problem is that there is a loading spinner and a grey background which never disappear.

@bhadaway I explored also the other themes created by you, tried also with different browsers, but only BlankSlate presents this kind of behavior.

I used it as a base for another theme (W3CSSPress), and they have the same problem.

Till now I failed to identify the cause.
Do you know what it could be?

Deleting header


I'd like to delete the entire header including the search field and title of the page.

How can I do so?


Compatibility with WooCommerce

Back in February, BlankSlate had compatibility issues with WooCommerce which caused our website to crash.
WooCommerce gave us a notification, which reads something like this:

"Your theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. You may need to update these files to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:

  1. Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available, contact your theme author to ask about compatibility with the current version of WooCommerce.
  2. If you have copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template file and apply your changes again."

We managed to fix it but now can't update the theme.

@bhadaway is there any way to go over this with you directly?

Complete Newby to WordPress

I have hand coded one web page for my sweetheart, We are moving in new directions with art made from bone. I want to make a responsive site and have been told that WordPress is a fabulous way to do this.

In reviewing the "issues" that others have had, I am wondering if I need to go for something even more simplistic, if that exists. As I have no idea what .php is, nor do I enjoy javascript.

I had chosen this theme as it seemed most adaptable to my desires. If I am going to be monkeying around under the hood with java script do recommend finding another theme?

Any thoughts for a complete novice?

role="" is considered unnecessary

W3C Validator issues many Info warnings like: "The 'banner' role is unnecessary for element 'header'"... but also for others beside 'banner'.

Seems like enforcing "role", where an expressive semantic element already makes it clear, is considered a kind of tautology, eg. role="navigation" in <nav>

It's an info warning, not an error, but may be an opportunity for you to cut some wordage if you wanted, as long as you left in-place any roles in non-corresponding elements.

Personally, maybe I get off on seeing role="" and being forced to think about it, but I guess W3C is saying I don't need to.

Is there any backward-compatibility reason to leave them in situ?

These are the reported warnings I see for a single post page...

Screenshot 2022-03-19 at 20 42 22

<time> datetime format is incorrect?

Running the W3C HTML validator on a fresh BlankSlate theme locally, I see many errors around the formatting of datetime used in elements...

Error: Bad value 14 March 2022 for attribute datetime on element time: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

From line 100, column 1; to line 100, column 73

| </span>↩<time class="entry-date" datetime="14 March 2022" title="14 March 2022" >14 Mar

Screenshot 2022-03-18 at 07 08 52

Here are valid datetime formats

This is virtually my first issue report. Forgive faux pas.

adding custom logo to the page

I am new to wordpress and would like to add custom logo to the page and placed this code in my functions.php, however, it's not sowing on the page. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong.

add_theme_support('custom-logo', array(
'height' => 54,
'width' => 310,
'flex-height' => true,
'flex-width' => true,
'header-text' => array( 'site-title', 'site-description' ),
function companyname_logo() {
if ( function_exists( 'the_custom_logo' )) {
$custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_log' );
$custom_logo_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $custom_logo_id, 'full' );
//echo 'digital decor';
echo 'digital decor';
//hard coded
echo '';

Unable to install the latest version of BlankSlate: 5.9.2.

By Bryan Hadaway
5.0 rating based on 50 ratings (50 ratings)
Version: 2022.1
This theme doesn’t work with your version of PHP. Learn more about updating PHP.

Please read: Donations: BlankSlate is the definitive WordPress boilerplate starter theme. We've carefully constructed the most clean and minimalist theme possible for designers and developers to use as a base to build websites for clients or to build completely custom themes from scratch. Clean, simple, unstyled, semi-minified, unformatted, and valid code, SEO-friendly, jQuery-enabled, no programmer comments, standardized and as white label as possible, and most importantly, the CSS is reset for cross-browser-compatability and no intrusive visual CSS styles have been added whatsoever. A perfect skeleton theme. For support and suggestions, go to: Thank you.



In my implementation with a child theme, I removed the stylesheet.
This way the theme works with browser defaults which is kind of cool.

<span> should not contain <p>

W3C HTML Validator is showing several errors where you echo out post excerpts (<span itemprop="description">)...

Element p not allowed as child of element span in this context

Screenshot 2022-03-18 at 07 15 26

This StackOverflow answer suggests: "Essentially, because span tags are inline elements, they should only contain other inline elements, not block elements." Who knew?

Issues with page width


I use BlankSlate in my website and manage it with WordPress.

I'm trying to adjust all my landing pages to the same page width, however I can not find the way to customize the category page in order to resize the max width.

Can anyone help me out with this?


Link to concept in readme.txt dead


this seems like what I want to use for the next website! Thanks.

Small thing: in the readme there is something that is supposed to be important to read:


But the link is dead. From what I gathered from the other closed issues: you don't own the domain anymore? I would be curious about this concept anyways. Anyways, "fixing" would obviously be deleting the link for now.

Edit: also the description links to which seems to be unrelated to this repo at this point. Or is it part of some SEO deal that it needs to be there...? The link opened the podcast app on my macOS which was pretty confusing.

WooCommerce reviews not displaying properly

Hello. I used Blankslate to build out a theme for a client and I recently ran into an issue when we decided to add WooCommerce. The issue has to do with the way reviews (comments) are displayed. The reviews do not show up in the tabbed area as they should and are displayed as traditional comments at the bottom of the product page. I deactivated all plugins, except for WooCommerce, and changed themes to Twenty Twenty One to test and it works as it should. I even tried another blank style theme called _s, to see if it was something I created for myself as I customized Blankslate, but the same issue of the reviews not displaying/functioning as the should presented itself. So my question to you is this, what is missing from your theme that exists in Twenty Twenty One to make the reviews display as they should?

You can see the issue on display in these screenshots:

  1. My theme built on Blankslate. Reviews not in tabbed section as expect, situated in normal comment position.

  2. Blankslate. Reviews not in tabbed section as expect, situated in normal comment position.

  3. Twenty Twenty One. Reviews in tabbed section as expect.

By the way, I am a big fan of Blankslate. It makes building custom themes so much easier than trying wrangle with some other theme's crap.

Question: is blankslate the new trueres?

I inherited a new Wordpress project and found a link to which is no longer there. Is blankslate the new version of trueres?

Important Announcement!

Hi BlankSlate Users,

Original creator of the project here. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will again be maintaining the code and providing user support daily on a volunteer basis (I would appreciate any support you can give for this effort: Despite the previous long hiatus, please know that the project is not abandoned.

I'm preparing for a major upgrade, but with over 10k active users, I don't want to go in all guns a blazin'. Please take this opportunity to share your feedback about how you use the project, what you'd like to see added, what you'd like to see removed, what you don't want to change, etc.

Now's the time! I'm listening. Please share your feedback below or if you wish to share feedback privately:

[email protected]


Blank Slate – Can’t Remove Page List and Search Box Widget

The Blank Slate plugin theme displays a list of all pages for the website at the top of each page followed by a search box and button. The feature appears to be a widget of some type. There aren’t any widgets listed under the widgets customizing menu but there is a message displayed stating “Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it”. This isn’t the case though. How do I remove the page list and search box and button from the top of my website pages. Thanks in advance.

Vote on New Features

Find proposed features listed below and give them a 👍‍(for yes) or a 👎‍(for no).

I understand, greatly, the importance of keeping BlankSlate simple and staying the hell out of designers' and developers' way, but surely there are some main features that you find yourself constantly having to add in yourself through a child theme when starting a new project on top of BlankSlate, which could cut down on development time if they were officially made staples of the default theme?


Just wanted to report that this repo links to which is just redirecting to some random Apple Podcast.

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