Name: Artur Khachatryan
Type: User
Company: <3
Bio: Experienced Full Stack & Web3 Dev: Angular, Django, Laravel, TypeScript, Python, PHP. CI/CD: Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, Terraform.
Location: Lithuania, Vilnius
Blog: [email protected]
Artur Khachatryan's Projects
Dice Game!
The modern web developer’s platform
Basic Parser using Python
Auther: Artur Khachtryan for UAB Inovatyvus partneris (Task).
This is a simple example of how to use Celery with Django and Docker and Redis as a broker.
Contracts: Create, Edit, Delete, Show, PDF DOWNLOAD
Basic Article Crud using Django,Mysql,Bootstrap5
Learn JavaScript by adventuring around in the terminal.
Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Complete JavaScript course
Async PHP client API for the telegram MTProto protocol
The Simple Example Full Auth Functions with Passport Jwt
Angular dApp to post text on Ethereum with ultra low gas fees. Proof of concept.