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Translation Portuguese about iot-manager-demo HOT 6 OPEN

4refr0nt avatar 4refr0nt commented on June 21, 2024
Translation Portuguese

from iot-manager-demo.

Comments (6)

4refr0nt avatar 4refr0nt commented on June 21, 2024

Translators welcomed!
Make your lang constants and send to me:

window.translations = {
    'EN': {
        SETTINGS_MENU: 'Settings',
        DASHBOARD: 'Dashboard',
        VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'View log',
        STATISTICS: 'Statistics',
        HELP: 'Help',
        CHANGE_LANG: 'Language',
        ENGINE: 'Select engine',
        SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)',
        SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)',
        SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)',
        CONNECTION: 'Set connection data',
        OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Enable events logging',
        OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Enable Toast messages',
        OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Enable Push Notification',
        OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconnect after connection lost',
        OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Show connection status',
        OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Show pages tabs',
        OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Show page "ALL"',
        OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Show NavBar',
        OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Show Status Bar',
        OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Pull to refresh',
        OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Lock orientation',
        MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Be more friendly',
        OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode',
        NO_DATA: 'Broker connected, but not have data from devices.  Please run your IoT devices to connect to the broker.',
        CONNECTED: 'Broker',
        DISCONNECTED: 'Broker',
        APP_LAUNCHED: 'App launched',
        BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker connected',
        SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Subscribed topics',
        MSG_SENT: 'Messages sent',
        LAST: 'last',
        MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv',
        MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages delayed',
        CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Connected successfully!',
        CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker disconnected',
        CONNECTION_LOST: 'Connection LOST!',
        LOG_CLEAR: 'Log clear: Success.',
        STAT_RESET: 'Statistics reset: Success.',
        STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Reset',
        SELECT_PROTO: 'elect protocol',
        CONNECTING: 'Connecting...',
        NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker not connected',
        ALERT1_TITLE: 'Before start',
        ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Connection Setup',
        ALERT1_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT HOSTNAME',
        ALERT2_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT WebSockets PORT',
        ALERT_RETRY: 'Retry?',
        ALERT_YES: 'Yes',
        ALERT_NO: 'No',
        ALERT_CANCEL: 'Cancel',
        NEXT: 'Next',
        SKIP: 'Skip intro',
        ALL: 'All',
        NOVICE: 'Connection Wizard',
        ADVANCED: 'For advanced user',
        SETTINGS_REQ: 'Please set MQTT broker connection',
        WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard',
        WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Widgets guide',
        SAVE_AND_GO: 'Save',
        VIDEO: 'Video',
        EXIT: 'Exit',
        EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Exit from IoT Manager?',
        D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Disconnect now?',
        D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Reconnect needed',
        D_RESTART_NEED: 'New settings will take effect after app restart',
        OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Disconnect on app background',
        SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Save and Go Back',
        SETUP_SYS: 'System setup',
        SETUP_VIEW: 'View settings',
        CHANGE_THEME: 'Color theme',
        NOT_NOW: 'Not now',
        SHARE: 'Share with friends',
        PROFILES: 'Profiles',
        PREVIEW: 'Preview',                     // widgets preview in profiles menu
        ALERT_TITLE: 'Attention!',              // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving
        ALERT3_TEXT: 'Import from broker and replace ALL existing profiles?',
        ALERT4_TEXT: 'Delete this profile?',
        OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings
        NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"',
        GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'GOTO DASHBOARD',       // button on Connection Wizard, page 3
        NOVICE_MODE: 'Novice mode',             // Settings menu
        PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID',        // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids)
        IOTM_SITE: 'IoT Manager official site', // Help menu and About
        EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Examples on Github',  // Help menu
        WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo',   // Help menu
        OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Always show last status time',
        WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new',
        WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge',
        WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute',
        WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix',
        WHATS_NEW_4: '',
        WHATS_NEW_5: '',
        WHATS_NEW_6: '',
        WHATS_NEW_7: '',
'YourLanguageCodeThere': {
        SETTINGS_MENU: 'Your Language Settings',

from iot-manager-demo.

DanielJean007 avatar DanielJean007 commented on June 21, 2024

Sure thing. By the end of this week I''ll be posting it to you. :)

from iot-manager-demo.

DanielJean007 avatar DanielJean007 commented on June 21, 2024

Please, if you have any question just let me know.

window.translations = {
'EN': {
SETTINGS_MENU: 'Settings',
DASHBOARD: 'Dashboard',
VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'View log',
STATISTICS: 'Statistics',
HELP: 'Help',
CHANGE_LANG: 'Language',
ENGINE: 'Select engine',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)',
SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)',
CONNECTION: 'Set connection data',
OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Enable events logging',
OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Enable Toast messages',
OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Enable Push Notification',
OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconnect after connection lost',
OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Show connection status',
OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Show pages tabs',
OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Pull to refresh',
OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Lock orientation',
MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Be more friendly',
OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode',
NO_DATA: 'Broker connected, but not have data from devices. Please run your IoT devices to connect to the broker.',
CONNECTED: 'Broker',
APP_LAUNCHED: 'App launched',
BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker connected',
SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Subscribed topics',
MSG_SENT: 'Messages sent',
LAST: 'last',
MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv',
MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages delayed',
CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Connected successfully!',
CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker disconnected',
LOG_CLEAR: 'Log clear: Success.',
STAT_RESET: 'Statistics reset: Success.',
SELECT_PROTO: 'elect protocol',
CONNECTING: 'Connecting...',
NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker not connected',
ALERT1_TITLE: 'Before start',
ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Connection Setup',
ALERT2_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT WebSockets PORT',
ALERT_RETRY: 'Retry?',
NEXT: 'Next',
SKIP: 'Skip intro',
ALL: 'All',
NOVICE: 'Connection Wizard',
ADVANCED: 'For advanced user',
SETTINGS_REQ: 'Please set MQTT broker connection',
WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard',
WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Widgets guide',
SAVE_AND_GO: 'Save',
VIDEO: 'Video',
EXIT: 'Exit',
EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Exit from IoT Manager?',
D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Disconnect now?',
D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Reconnect needed',
D_RESTART_NEED: 'New settings will take effect after app restart',
OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Disconnect on app background',
SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Save and Go Back',
SETUP_SYS: 'System setup',
SETUP_VIEW: 'View settings',
CHANGE_THEME: 'Color theme',
NOT_NOW: 'Not now',
SHARE: 'Share with friends',
PROFILES: 'Profiles',
PREVIEW: 'Preview', // widgets preview in profiles menu
ALERT_TITLE: 'Attention!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving
ALERT3_TEXT: 'Import from broker and replace ALL existing profiles?',
ALERT4_TEXT: 'Delete this profile?',
OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings
NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"',
GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'GOTO DASHBOARD', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3
NOVICE_MODE: 'Novice mode', // Settings menu
PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids)
IOTM_SITE: 'IoT Manager official site', // Help menu and About
EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Examples on Github', // Help menu
WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo', // Help menu
OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Always show last status time',
WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new',
WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge',
WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute',
WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix',
WHATS_NEW_4: '',
WHATS_NEW_5: '',
WHATS_NEW_6: '',
WHATS_NEW_7: '',
'PT': {
SETTINGS_MENU: 'Configurações',
DASHBOARD: 'Painel de Controle',
VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'Visualizar log',
STATISTICS: 'Estatísticas',
HELP: 'Ajuda',
CHANGE_LANG: 'Idioma',
ENGINE: 'Selecione protocolo',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho nativo (MQTT puro)',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT com Websockets)',
SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT com Websockets)',
CONNECTION: 'Configurar conexão',
OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Habilitar log the eventos',
OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Habilitar mensagens Toast',
OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Habilitar notificações Push',
OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconectar após perder conexão',
OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Mostrar status de conexão',
OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Mostrar Abas de páginas',
OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Mostrar Barra de Status',
OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Deslize para atualizar',
OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Travar orientação',
MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Ser mais amigável',
OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'Modo de usuário final',
NO_DATA: 'Broker conectado, mas não tem informações de dispositivos. Por favor inicie seus dispositivos IoT para conectar ao Broker',
CONNECTED: 'Broker',
APP_LAUNCHED: 'App executada',
BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker conectado',
SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Tópicos Subscritos',
MSG_SENT: 'Mensagens enviadas',
LAST: 'Último',
MSG_RCV: 'Mensagens recebidas',
MSG_DELAYED: 'Mensagens Atrasadas',
CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Conectado com sucesso!',
CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker desconectado',
LOG_CLEAR: 'Limpar Log: Sucesso.',
STAT_RESET: 'Resetar Estatísticas: Sucesso.',
STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Resetar',
SELECT_PROTO: 'Protocolo escolhido',
CONNECTING: 'Conectando...',
NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker não conectado',
ALERT1_TITLE: 'Antes de iniciar',
ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Ajuste de Conexão',
ALERT1_TEXT: 'Por favor, insira endereço do MQTT',
ALERT2_TEXT: 'Por favor, insira PORTA do WebSocket MQTT',
ALERT_RETRY: 'Repetir?',
ALERT_NO: 'Não',
ALERT_CANCEL: 'Cancela',
NEXT: 'Próximo',
SKIP: 'Pular intro',
ALL: 'Tudo',
NOVICE: 'Assistente de Conexão',
ADVANCED: 'Para usuários avançados',
SETTINGS_REQ: 'Por favor, configurar conexão com MQTT Broker',
WELCOME: 'Bem-vindo ao assistente',
WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Guia dos Widgets',
SAVE_AND_GO: 'Salvar',
VIDEO: 'Vídeo',
EXIT: 'Sair',
EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Sair do IoT Manager?',
D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Desconectar agora?',
D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Necessário reconectar',
D_RESTART_NEED: 'Novas configurações terão efeito após App reinicializar',
OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Desconectar quando App em plano de fundo',
SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Salvar e retornar',
SETUP_SYS: 'Ajuste de Sistema',
SETUP_VIEW: 'Configaração de Visualização',
NOT_NOW: 'Não agora',
SHARE: 'Compartilhe com amigos',
PROFILES: 'Perfis',
PREVIEW: 'Pré-visualização', // widgets preview in profiles menu
ALERT_TITLE: 'Atenção!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving
ALERT3_TEXT: 'Importar do Broker e substituir TODOS os perfis existentes?',
ALERT4_TEXT: 'Deletar este perfil?',
OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Usar perfis e DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings
NO_PROFILES: 'Você ainda não possui nenhum perfil. Para importar perfis use o tópico "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Comandos disponíveis: SET, GET. Para facilitar Importat/Exportar lista de perfis use a ferramenta de linha de comnado "proLoader"',
GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'IR PARA PAINEL DE CONTROLE', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3
NOVICE_MODE: 'Modo Novato', // Settings menu
PUSH_ID: 'ID de notificação PUSH', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids)
IOTM_SITE: 'Site oficial IoT Manager', // Help menu and About
EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Exemplos no Github', // Help menu
WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Mostrar Heroku Demo', // Help menu
OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Sempre mostrar status de última vez',
WHATS_NEW: 'O que há de novo',
WHATS_NEW_1: 'Novo widget Disco',
WHATS_NEW_2: 'Suporte para atributo "antes" e "depois" para anydata widget',
WHATS_NEW_3: 'Retirada de Bugs',
WHATS_NEW_4: '',
WHATS_NEW_5: '',
WHATS_NEW_6: '',
WHATS_NEW_7: '',

from iot-manager-demo.

4refr0nt avatar 4refr0nt commented on June 21, 2024

Many thanks!
Its will be implemented in next version.

from iot-manager-demo.

DanielJean007 avatar DanielJean007 commented on June 21, 2024

Thanks, Victor.

from iot-manager-demo.

tranpic avatar tranpic commented on June 21, 2024

this is VietNamese
'VN': {
DASHBOARD: 'Bảng điều khiển',
VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'Xem nhật ký',
STATISTICS: 'Thống kê',
HELP: 'Giúp đỡ',
CHANGE_LANG: 'Ngôn ngữ',
ENGINE: 'Lựa chọn công cụ',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)',
SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)',
SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)',
CONNECTION: 'Cài đặt kết nối',
OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Cho phép ghi lại nhật ký sự kiện',
OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Cho phép Toast messages',
OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Cho phép Push Notification',
OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Kết nối lại sau khi mất kết nối',
OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Hiển thị trạng thái kết nối',
OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Hiển thị các trang tabs',
OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Hiển thị tất cả các trang',
OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Hiển thị thanh NavBar',
OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Hiển thị thanh trạng thái',
OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Kéo để làm mới',
OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Khóa định hướng',
MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Thân thiện hơn',
OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode',
NO_DATA: 'Broker đã kết nối nhưng không có dữ liệu từ thiết bị. Hãy chạy thiết bị để kết nối với broker.',
CONNECTED: 'Broker',
APP_LAUNCHED: 'Ứng dụng đã chạy',
BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker đã kết nối',
SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'topics đã đăng ký',
MSG_SENT: 'Messages đã gửi',
LAST: 'sau',
MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv',
MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages trễ',
CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Kết nối thành công!',
CONNECT_FAIL: 'Mất kết nối Broker',
CONNECTION_LOST: 'Mất kết nối!',
LOG_CLEAR: 'Xóa nhật ký: Thành công.',
STAT_RESET: 'Đặt lại thống kê: Thành công.',
STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Đặt lại',
SELECT_PROTO: 'Lựa chọn giao thức',
CONNECTING: 'Đang kết nối...',
NOT_CONNECTED: 'Không kết nối được Broker',
ALERT1_TITLE: 'Trước khi bắt đầu',
ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Cài đặt kết nối',
ALERT1_TEXT: 'Nhập tên của MQTT',
ALERT2_TEXT: 'Nhập PORT của MQTT WebSockets',
ALERT_RETRY: 'Thử lại?',
ALERT_NO: 'Không',
NEXT: 'Tới',
SKIP: 'Bỏ qua',
ALL: 'Tất cả',
NOVICE: 'Hướng dẫn kết nối',
ADVANCED: 'Người dùng nâng cao',
SETTINGS_REQ: 'Cài đặt kết nối MQTT broker',
WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard',
WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Hướng dẫn tiện ích',
VIDEO: 'Video',
EXIT: 'Thoát',
EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Thoát IoT Manager?',
D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Ngắt kết nối ngay?',
D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Cần kết nối lại',
D_RESTART_NEED: 'Các cài đặt mới sẽ có hiệu lực sau khi khởi động lại',
OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Ngắt kết nối khi App chạy ẩn',
SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Lưu và Quay lại',
SETUP_SYS: 'cài đặt hệ thống',
SETUP_VIEW: 'Cài đặt hiển thị',
CHANGE_THEME: 'Màu theme',
NOT_NOW: 'Không phải bây giờ',
SHARE: 'Chia sẻ',
PROFILES: 'Profiles',
PREVIEW: 'Xem trước', // widgets preview in profiles menu
ALERT_TITLE: 'Cảnh báo!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving
ALERT3_TEXT: 'Nhập từ broker và thay thế toàn bộ profiles?',
ALERT4_TEXT: 'Xóa profile này ?',
OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings
NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"',
GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'Đến bảng điều khiển', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3
NOVICE_MODE: 'Chế độ Novice', // Settings menu
PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids)
IOTM_SITE: 'Trang chính thức của IoT Manager', // Help menu and About
EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'ví dụ trên Github', // Help menu
WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo', // Help menu
OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'luôn luôn hiển thị trạng thái cuối',
WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new',
WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge',
WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute',
WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix',
WHATS_NEW_4: '',
WHATS_NEW_5: '',
WHATS_NEW_6: '',
WHATS_NEW_7: '',

from iot-manager-demo.

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