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Comments (61)

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 2

Alright, I have 4 concept colormaps for you:

The non-extended ones is where i literally took both colormaps and combined them together with the minimal amount of changes to either side to get it to be perceptually uniform sequential.
The arctic_eclipse_extended, I extended the arctic side such that the full eclipse side can be included, which meant introducing a lot more blue and purple to the colormap.
It actually now comes kinda close to the celestial colormap I showed before.
The fall_eclipse and sepia_eclipse colormaps are actually much more like cyclic colormaps than diverging colormaps due to them having the same ending color.
I do actually like both of them, so maybe I will add them in some capacity.

In case you want to try out any of these, I attach them in this zipped file:

Please comment on in what direction I should go from here.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Hi @nikosarcevic,
great to see that you like CMasher.

I can certainly make a diverging colormap that uses eclipse on one side.
What color would you like on the other side?
I see you mentioned a few, but that is quite a lot to try out.
I would suggest something like purple or blue, as that is far away from yellow and thus makes it easy to distinguish both sides.

EDIT: In fact, I could combine eclipse and cosmic with each other, which could look very great actually.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024 1

I've discovered CMasher Independently from Robert. Then I mentioned it and it seems he did tell me he knows you but I somehow missed that in our chat some time ago. Then this morning when I realized where you were, I mentioned and he was like "but I told you I know him". LOL me and my brain.
Oh and BTW I saw you are from NL - love the country. Cant wait to travel again so I can go back. (been there many times as my partner is Dutch)

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

This is cosmic plus eclipse (and a few modifications to make it look correct):

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

How would a diverging colormap work that has the same colors on both sides?
Then you cannot tell the difference between left and right.

Also, you are meant to remove the entire line in the template.
I did that on purpose.
I also know the person in #33 personally, so I guess I will tap her on the shoulder soon.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Do you want me to provide a Python standalone version of the colormap above, such that you can try it out in your plots and then give me feedback on it?

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

I didn't express myself well in the previous part - there are basically 3 main colors in the eclipse: yellowish, greenish and black. so if we can have yellow on one side, that teal/green/blue on the other and then black in the middle? or something like that? actually not sure if it would make sense?

This could be done, but then I need to come up with colors that fill up the remaining spaces.
Because, pretty much, that would result in the yellow side requiring filler darker colors and the green side requiring filler brighter colors.
After all, eclipse is a sequential colormap, and diverging colormaps are pretty much two sequential colormaps slammed together, so you are asking me to split a single sequential colormap up into two of them.

It might be possible, but it is incredibly hard to do.
Especially as I cannot guarantee in any way that the colors of eclipse will even be in such a diverging colormap.
I might be able to get close, but get it all the way is in no way guaranteed.

Also, even if I were to do so, the resulting colormap will be hard to read for anyone with colorblindness.
I am assuming you want to avoid that.

Second Q you asked: yes, sure I can try! I need to do more plotting today so it would be perfect

Here you go:
It contains a stand-alone Python module of the colormap.
Simply put this file in your working directory and import it with import celestial (celestial is the current working name for the colormap).
This will register it in MPL such that you can access it the way you can with any CMasher colormaps.
Let me know what you think about it and whether you want changes to it, or something completely different.

PS: I personally really like the combination of eclipse and cosmic into celestial, so even if you don't like it, I will probably end up adding it to CMasher.
Maybe after some small adjustments though.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

hmm something like sepia, arctic or fall?

Let me have a look at that.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

@nikosarcevic Did you try out the new colormaps? :)

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

I think I am using a fall_eclipse one with trimmed "edges" in that one. I like the last two ones the most (sepia_eclipse and fall_eclipse). Would those two be too much to ask? If I have to choose only one it would be fall_eclipse I think. :)

That one is also cyclic actually.
So, I will have to trim it.
I will have a look in a few hours to see what I can do about it.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Why don't you just import it?
Just put the Python file in the same directory as where your Jupyter notebook is, and then just import the colormap with import <colormap_name>.
After that, you can use it the same way you could normally do through MPL.
However, it can take a little while to import it the first time, as creating and registering a colormap takes a little while.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Actually, I could add either of them to CMasher as a cyclic colormap, and one can convert it to a diverging colormap by cutting off the edges using CMasher.

Anyway, you can of course pick all of them.
However, I won't add all of them to CMasher.
If you want all of them, I will give you the source files as well after cleaning them up a bit.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Alright, let me perform some arcane rituals...., I mean, magic...

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Well, then I will see your comments arrive next week.
No need to hurry.
As I said, I am patiently waiting.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024 1

ahahah well there is an update. I was installing some cosmo related libraries, made a mess, nothing works including my ipython 😂😂😭😭😭😭 have to try to reposter everything and install what I need. wish me luck. so stoooopid 😂😂😂

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

You approve of both colormaps? 😄
Guess I have to get to naming them now, huh?

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

If you have CMasher v1.6.1 installed, you can get a list of all names by executing cmr cmlist on the commandline.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

I will take them into consideration. :)

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

So, I have decided to not add the fall_eclipse_cyclic to CMasher, as it is simply too similar to pride.
Therefore, it will also not receive a name.
Which means, you can give it whatever name you feel like (just modify it both within the file and the name of the file).

The sepia_eclipse_cyclic will receive a name fairly soon.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024 1

Alright, sepia_eclipse_cyclic was added as copper in v1.6.2, so I will mark this issue as complete.

PS: I also added the colormap ghostlight, which you might be interested in actually.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Hi, @1313e ,

thanks for such a prompt response! Yes I agree something like blue would be grand!
I am not sure how complicated it is to try two options (I assume it is a lot of work . which is why I did not want to generate anything myself as I am still a noob). I still vote for yellow from the eclipse and dark blue (to keep it moody just like eclipse).
Omg if you would do this for me that would be so so nice! My best friend also wants a diverging option of the eclipse!
Keep me posted if you can I will be on the lookout for sure.
Al the best from the UK!

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

OMG I just saw you are a phd at Swinburne! BTW my best friend is Robert Dzudzar and you know each other! WOW world is so small! Thanks so much for making CMasher it is so great!

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

OMG I just saw you are a phd at Swinburne! BTW my best friend is Robert Dzudzar and you know each other! WOW world is so small! Thanks so much for making CMasher it is so great!

Yeah, I'm good friends with Robert as well.
Did he not mention that when telling you to open an issue?

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Btw, you could have known that I know Robert if you had read the CMasher paper. ^^

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

welp! 😂

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Anyway, combining two existing colormaps with each other to make a diverging colormap does not take that long.
Give me a minute.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

looks nice. sorry for nagging but is it possible to just take the eclipse seq and make it div? does it make any sense in terms of color theory? because I really really like just the colors in the eclipse

(side comment unrelated: when I submitted an issue, ive noticed my comments were not there. I had to remove the HTML part of the code in the template (where you place the text, meaning the <> and then my comments turned up. I guess that was the problem with the other issue where someone asked for pastel colors)

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Hi @1313e
sorry for not responding sooner, I was offline for the weekend.

I didn't express myself well in the previous part - there are basically 3 main colors in the eclipse: yellowish, greenish and black. so if we can have yellow on one side, that teal/green/blue on the other and then black in the middle? or something like that? actually not sure if it would make sense?

Second Q you asked: yes, sure I can try! I need to do more plotting today so it would be perfect

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

thank you so much. I agree with your points, you have much more experience in this than I do (color theory). I need to finish up some administrative stuff quickly but I can share the results (plots) and my thoughts here soon.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Hello, @1313e

as you can imagine, the admin stuff has gotten out hand and had teaching to do yesterday so didn't manage to send you the update - but I did test it. Here is the plot in celestial: looks good, cannot argue. Now I do not want to sound horrible or ungrateful but I do not think (damn this is so hard to say) I will be using it for these plots. I still would like some other combination.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Hello, @1313e

as you can imagine, the admin stuff has gotten out hand and had teaching to do yesterday so didn't manage to send you the update - but I did test it. Here is the plot in celestial: looks good, cannot argue. Now I do not want to sound horrible or ungrateful but I do not think (damn this is so hard to say) I will be using it for these plots. I still would like some other combination.

That is fine, don't worry about it.
Do you know any colors you would like to replace the blue side with?
It is probably better if you could describe it in terms of colormaps that CMasher already has, as that gives me (and you) a much better idea what surrounding colors would likely end up on that side.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

hmm something like sepia, arctic or fall?

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

ok I need to go do some quick chores and shower so ill be away from my laptop for an hour or so (in case you ask me something)

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024


this is amazing. this is awesome. wow wow wow!!

thank you so so much!!!!!

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Hi, @1313e
YES! Sorry forgot to share here. Loving it! Thanks so much. Are you planning on implementing it into cmr soon? Thanks a bunch again :much obliged:
Screenshot 2021-05-03 at 07 21 24

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

I am definitely not adding all of them.
I am just asking you which one you like the most and whether I should make more changes somewhere.
As far as I can see, you are using the sepia_eclipse colormap, which is more a cyclic colormap and not a diverging colormap, as you can see in the colorspace overview.
So, if I would add it, I would make several changes to it to make it a diverging colormap.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

I think I am using a fall_eclipse one with trimmed "edges". I like the last two ones the most (sepia_eclipse and fall_eclipse). Would those two be too much to ask? If I have to choose only one it would be fall_eclipse I think. :)

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

no rush from my side, I have your code :)
(although I have noticed it slows down my computing A LOT. I just jupyter nb for plotting as it is the easiest. so I just copy your code into a cell, rename the map and use it that way. it really makes to nb run super slow. not sure if that is the best way to use it - am I doing it a noob way? XD)

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

ah ok I will try it that way! thanks and sorry for being a noob 😂

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

No problem and yes please share the code once you do your magic! All the best from NCL!

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Alright, so I took the fall_eclipse and sepia_eclipse colormaps I showed above and turned them into actual proper colormaps.
Below are their viscm outputs:
As you can see, both of them are cyclic colormaps now, not diverging colormaps.
Also, I had to cut a bit of yellow off the fall_eclipse one, as otherwise the ends would become incredibly hard to distinguish due to them overlapping a lot.
Both of these colormaps are finished (well, besides naming them), so below you can download both of the colormaps:

Do remember that these are cyclic colormaps and thus upon importing either of them (use import <cmap_name> for that), they will be registered as such.
This means that the normal version, the shifted version (which has dark in the center instead of bright), and the reversed versions of both will be registered.
If I am not mistaken, you want a dark center, so you will have to use the ones that have a _s prefix in MPL.
Also, because they are cyclic, their ends are the same, so you will have to cut them off if you want to use them as diverging colormaps.

As that might be a bit hard to figure out, here is how you would (probably) use the fall_eclipse_cyclic colormap from above as a diverging colormap with a black center for your plot:

import fall_eclipse_cyclic   # Import colormap from the colormap module into MPL
import cmasher as cmr

# Create a sub-colormap of 'cmr.fall_eclipse_cyclic_s' to use as a diverging colormap
# Either use [0.05, 0.95] as I do below, or [0.1, 0.9] if the ends are still too similar
cmap = cmr.get_sub_cmap('cmr.fall_eclipse_cyclic_s', start=0.05, stop=0.95)

# Now whenever you want to use the colormap, simply pass the `cmap` object to the function
# instead of the name of the colormap (which is what I assume you usually do)

Let me know if you are satisfied with these colormaps.
Personally, I like both quite a lot and might end up adding them both actually.
In that case, they will have proper names of course.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

That looks absolutely stunning!!! WOW
You , sir, are a wizard!

I will have to try to see if I have the time to test today - I am teaching two courses and attending a conference and have some work to finish today but I will report back as soon as I can.
Thank yo use much for this.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Patiently waiting

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

@1313e I am so sorry! I simply do not have the time this week. I have a proposal to finish, two conferences and respective meetings, teaching and some other projects to wrap up that are due by Monday. I am simply going mad here 😢

I am almost certain I did test the fall_eclipse one on Monday lemme quickly check

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

thanks! it seems I did not test it then :(

off I go shower and continue writing the proposal (wish me luck!)

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Good luck! 😄

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

btw are you on twitter? or anywhere on SM I can get in touch other than here?

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

btw are you on twitter? or anywhere on SM I can get in touch other than here?

The only place would be Facebook then I guess.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Any updates?

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

so after taking a substantial amount of time to make everything work (yay me), here are the plots:

Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 22 40 04

Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 22 40 22

loving it, cant really decide between the two <3 TYSM

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 22 50 47

and the cyclic version :) L O V E

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

You approve of both colormaps? 😄
Guess I have to get to naming them now, huh?

here is an official niko blessing :waves hands in the blessing way, chanting: 😂😂😂

lemme know if you need help naming.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

If you have any suggestions, I will take them.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

fall eclipse cyclic looks like it could be "amber" and sepia eclipse cyclic looks like "haze" in my brain 😎

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

Well, amber is already a colormap, so that is kinda hard, but haze sounds pretty cool actually.

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

ah damn I meant ember but it corrected me to amber. but yeah that would be too similar. lemme think.

from cmasher.

1313e avatar 1313e commented on June 15, 2024

ember also already exists. 😆

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

r u serious? why didn't I look it up before!!!!!and I use cmasher hahahahaha :what a facepalm.

I need to wake up properly lemme make some coffee 😂😂😂

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

what about tinder? it reminds me of something fire related?

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

So, I have decided to not add the fall_eclipse_cyclic to CMasher, as it is simply too similar to pride.
Therefore, it will also not receive a name.
Which means, you can give it whatever name you feel like (just modify it both within the file and the name of the file).

The sepia_eclipse_cyclic will receive a name fairly soon.

no problemo! I have "my own" ahahaha. Thanks so much for this! BTW Robert texted me saying "57 messages on GH issues? you guys are insane"

from cmasher.

nikosarcevic avatar nikosarcevic commented on June 15, 2024

Copper is such a grand name! Everything looks so good, thanks so so much.

BTW I noticed prinsenvlag is a new one and I love it! Name is perfect (prima!)

from cmasher.

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