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Welcome to Veloren!

Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. It is inspired by games such as Cube World, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. The game is in active development and enjoys a flourishing player community.


Currently, most communication among contributors takes place on our official Discord server. Similarly, we provide a Matrix server as a more privacy-friendly alternative. You can join it to keep up with the game development, talk with the community or even contribute something yourself. Anyone who shows genuine effort to help is welcome to our team. You do not need to know how to code to contribute to the game!

Translators are welcome to contribute on our Weblate instance.

Translation status

Useful links

Sign up - Here you can create an official account for Veloren. Most Veloren servers require you to register with the official authentication server to play.

Click here for more details about authentication The official authentication server uses TLS encryption extensively. It also employs salted hashing to ensure your login credentials are stored securely. Additionally, the server neither tracks any metrics nor uses data for any purpose other than providing the authentication service.

The wiki - The official wiki which provides various information about the game.

The book - The book is a collection of supplementary information about the game. It includes instructions on how to compile the game.

Future plans - This is the development roadmap and what issues the community is currently working on.

Official social media and websites

Get Veloren

We provide builds for Windows, macOS and Linux. The game can be downloaded on the official website:

Due to rapid game development, stable versions become outdated fast and might be incompatible with the public server.

It is recommended to use Airshipper, our official launcher, to keep your game up-to-date easily.

If you prefer to compile the game yourself, follow the instructions in our book.


Q: How is this game licensed?

A: It is free to play, modify and distribute. Forever. Since it is a community project, we decided to license it under the GNU General Public License v3.0, which means it will always stay free and open source.

Q: What platforms are supported?

A: Veloren can run on Windows, macOS and Linux on a great range of CPU architectures. However, the x86_64 architecture is the main focus in development. Official builds for the ARM64 architecture are also provided for macOS and Linux. It is likely possible to compile the game on other platforms as well.

Q: Do you accept donations?

A: You can support the project financially on our Open Collective page.


Our Weblate project is hosted by Codeberg.

Many thanks to:

  • Software developers who have contributed to the source code repository, hunted bugs and created tools for the game.
  • Artists who have crafted game art, composed music and provided voxel models.
  • Translators who have localized the game to several languages.
  • People who have provided ideas and feedback for the game.
  • Overall, our awesome community who makes this project possible.

veloren's Projects

airshipper icon airshipper

The official Veloren launcher! This repository is a mirror. Please submit all PRs and issues on our GitLab page:

book icon book

[Mirror] The official manual for Veloren.

conrod icon conrod

An easy-to-use, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust.

site icon site

[Mirror] The official website for Veloren.

veloren icon veloren

An open world, open source voxel RPG inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Cube World. This repository is a mirror. Please submit all PRs and issues on our GitLab page.

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