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Comments (8)

glguy avatar glguy commented on June 3, 2024

The C code is calling a function save_if_interesting but that function is not defined in the C sources.

Note the following warning when compiling this as C code:

afl-fuzz-single.c:643:3: warning: implicit declaration of function
      'save_if_interesting' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]

Feel free to open a new issue if there turns out to be another problem in translating this code when that function's definition is included!

from c2rust.

d33tah avatar d33tah commented on June 3, 2024

@glguy Sorry, I meant this file:

# 1 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 31 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 32 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 23 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1 "config.h" 1
# 20 "config.h"
# 1 "types.h" 1
# 20 "types.h"
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/features.h" 1 3 4
# 424 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
# 427 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 428 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/long-double.h" 1 3 4
# 429 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# 425 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# 448 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 1 3 4
# 10 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs-64.h" 1 3 4
# 11 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 2 3 4
# 449 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 2 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4

# 30 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned char __u_char;
typedef unsigned short int __u_short;
typedef unsigned int __u_int;
typedef unsigned long int __u_long;

typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef signed short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
typedef signed int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;

typedef signed long int __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;

typedef long int __quad_t;
typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t;

typedef long int __intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uintmax_t;
# 130 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h" 1 3 4
# 131 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4

typedef unsigned long int __dev_t;
typedef unsigned int __uid_t;
typedef unsigned int __gid_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t;
typedef unsigned int __mode_t;
typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t;
typedef long int __off_t;
typedef long int __off64_t;
typedef int __pid_t;
typedef struct { int __val[2]; } __fsid_t;
typedef long int __clock_t;
typedef unsigned long int __rlim_t;
typedef unsigned long int __rlim64_t;
typedef unsigned int __id_t;
typedef long int __time_t;
typedef unsigned int __useconds_t;
typedef long int __suseconds_t;

typedef int __daddr_t;
typedef int __key_t;

typedef int __clockid_t;

typedef void * __timer_t;

typedef long int __blksize_t;

typedef long int __blkcnt_t;
typedef long int __blkcnt64_t;

typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt64_t;

typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt64_t;

typedef long int __fsword_t;

typedef long int __ssize_t;

typedef long int __syscall_slong_t;

typedef unsigned long int __syscall_ulong_t;

typedef __off64_t __loff_t;
typedef char *__caddr_t;

typedef long int __intptr_t;

typedef unsigned int __socklen_t;

typedef int __sig_atomic_t;
# 28 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wchar.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-intn.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-intn.h" 3 4
typedef __int8_t int8_t;
typedef __int16_t int16_t;
typedef __int32_t int32_t;
typedef __int64_t int64_t;
# 35 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-uintn.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-uintn.h" 3 4
typedef __uint8_t uint8_t;
typedef __uint16_t uint16_t;
typedef __uint32_t uint32_t;
typedef __uint64_t uint64_t;
# 38 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4

typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef short int int_least16_t;
typedef int int_least32_t;

typedef long int int_least64_t;

typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint_least16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;

typedef unsigned long int uint_least64_t;
# 68 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;

typedef long int int_fast16_t;
typedef long int int_fast32_t;
typedef long int int_fast64_t;
# 81 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;

typedef unsigned long int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast64_t;
# 97 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int intptr_t;

typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
# 111 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef __intmax_t intmax_t;
typedef __uintmax_t uintmax_t;
# 10 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 21 "types.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 216 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef long unsigned int size_t;
# 328 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef int wchar_t;
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h" 1 3 4
# 52 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h" 3 4
typedef enum
} idtype_t;
# 40 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitstatus.h" 1 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 55 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 1 3 4
# 120 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/long-double.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 2 3 4
# 121 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 2 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4

typedef struct
    int quot;
    int rem;
  } div_t;

typedef struct
    long int quot;
    long int rem;
  } ldiv_t;

__extension__ typedef struct
    long long int quot;
    long long int rem;
  } lldiv_t;
# 97 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern double atof (const char *__nptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int atoi (const char *__nptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern long int atol (const char *__nptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

__extension__ extern long long int atoll (const char *__nptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
        char **__restrict __endptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern float strtof (const char *__restrict __nptr,
       char **__restrict __endptr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long double strtold (const char *__restrict __nptr,
       char **__restrict __endptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 176 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern long int strtol (const char *__restrict __nptr,
   char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern unsigned long int strtoul (const char *__restrict __nptr,
      char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long long int strtoq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
        char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern unsigned long long int strtouq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
           char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long long int strtoll (const char *__restrict __nptr,
         char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *__restrict __nptr,
     char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 385 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *l64a (long int __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern long int a64l (const char *__s)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4

typedef __u_char u_char;
typedef __u_short u_short;
typedef __u_int u_int;
typedef __u_long u_long;
typedef __quad_t quad_t;
typedef __u_quad_t u_quad_t;
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t;

typedef __loff_t loff_t;

typedef __ino_t ino_t;
# 60 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __dev_t dev_t;

typedef __gid_t gid_t;

typedef __mode_t mode_t;

typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;

typedef __uid_t uid_t;

typedef __off_t off_t;
# 98 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __pid_t pid_t;

typedef __id_t id_t;

typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;

typedef __daddr_t daddr_t;
typedef __caddr_t caddr_t;

typedef __key_t key_t;

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/clock_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef __clock_t clock_t;
# 128 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
# 130 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/time_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef __time_t time_t;
# 131 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/timer_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef __timer_t timer_t;
# 132 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 145 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 146 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

typedef unsigned long int ulong;
typedef unsigned short int ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
# 178 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int u_int8_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__QI__)));
typedef unsigned int u_int16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
typedef unsigned int u_int32_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__)));
typedef unsigned int u_int64_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__DI__)));

typedef int register_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__word__)));
# 194 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 60 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap-16.h" 1 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4
# 44 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned int
__bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
  return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
# 108 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
  return __builtin_bswap64 (__bsx);
# 61 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/uintn-identity.h" 1 3 4
# 32 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
static __inline __uint16_t
__uint16_identity (__uint16_t __x)
  return __x;

static __inline __uint32_t
__uint32_identity (__uint32_t __x)
  return __x;

static __inline __uint64_t
__uint64_identity (__uint64_t __x)
  return __x;
# 62 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 195 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 1 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 2 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigset_t.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__sigset_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef struct
  unsigned long int __val[(1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))];
} __sigset_t;
# 5 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigset_t.h" 2 3 4

typedef __sigset_t sigset_t;
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 1 3 4

struct timeval
  __time_t tv_sec;
  __suseconds_t tv_usec;
# 38 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 1 3 4

struct timespec
  __time_t tv_sec;
  __syscall_slong_t tv_nsec;
# 40 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4

typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;

typedef long int __fd_mask;
# 59 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
typedef struct

    __fd_mask __fds_bits[1024 / (8 * (int) sizeof (__fd_mask))];

  } fd_set;

typedef __fd_mask fd_mask;
# 91 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4

# 101 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
extern int select (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
     fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
     fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
     struct timeval *__restrict __timeout);
# 113 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
extern int pselect (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
      fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
      fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
      const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout,
      const __sigset_t *__restrict __sigmask);
# 126 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4

# 198 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h" 2 3 4
# 71 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4

extern unsigned int gnu_dev_major (__dev_t __dev) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern unsigned int gnu_dev_minor (__dev_t __dev) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern __dev_t gnu_dev_makedev (unsigned int __major, unsigned int __minor) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
# 85 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4

# 206 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

typedef __blksize_t blksize_t;

typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t;

typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t;

typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t;
# 254 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 1 3 4
# 77 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 1 3 4
# 21 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 2 3 4
# 65 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 3 4
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t
  unsigned int __readers;
  unsigned int __writers;
  unsigned int __wrphase_futex;
  unsigned int __writers_futex;
  unsigned int __pad3;
  unsigned int __pad4;

  int __cur_writer;
  int __shared;
  signed char __rwelision;

  unsigned char __pad1[7];

  unsigned long int __pad2;

  unsigned int __flags;
# 99 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 3 4
# 78 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 2 3 4

typedef struct __pthread_internal_list
  struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
  struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
} __pthread_list_t;
# 118 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4
struct __pthread_mutex_s
  int __lock ;
  unsigned int __count;
  int __owner;

  unsigned int __nusers;

  int __kind;

  short __spins; short __elision;
  __pthread_list_t __list;
# 145 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4

struct __pthread_cond_s
  __extension__ union
    __extension__ unsigned long long int __wseq;
      unsigned int __low;
      unsigned int __high;
    } __wseq32;
  __extension__ union
    __extension__ unsigned long long int __g1_start;
      unsigned int __low;
      unsigned int __high;
    } __g1_start32;
  unsigned int __g_refs[2] ;
  unsigned int __g_size[2];
  unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
  unsigned int __wrefs;
  unsigned int __g_signals[2];
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 2 3 4

typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;

typedef union
  char __size[4];
  int __align;
} pthread_mutexattr_t;

typedef union
  char __size[4];
  int __align;
} pthread_condattr_t;

typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;

typedef int pthread_once_t;

union pthread_attr_t
  char __size[56];
  long int __align;

typedef union pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t;

typedef union
  struct __pthread_mutex_s __data;
  char __size[40];
  long int __align;
} pthread_mutex_t;

typedef union
  struct __pthread_cond_s __data;
  char __size[48];
  __extension__ long long int __align;
} pthread_cond_t;

typedef union
  struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t __data;
  char __size[56];
  long int __align;
} pthread_rwlock_t;

typedef union
  char __size[8];
  long int __align;
} pthread_rwlockattr_t;

typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t;

typedef union
  char __size[32];
  long int __align;
} pthread_barrier_t;

typedef union
  char __size[4];
  int __align;
} pthread_barrierattr_t;
# 255 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4

# 395 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4

extern long int random (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void srandom (unsigned int __seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *initstate (unsigned int __seed, char *__statebuf,
   size_t __statelen) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern char *setstate (char *__statebuf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

struct random_data
    int32_t *fptr;
    int32_t *rptr;
    int32_t *state;
    int rand_type;
    int rand_deg;
    int rand_sep;
    int32_t *end_ptr;

extern int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf,
       int32_t *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf,
   size_t __statelen,
   struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4)));

extern int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf,
         struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int rand (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void srand (unsigned int __seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int rand_r (unsigned int *__seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern double drand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern double erand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long int lrand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern long int nrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long int mrand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern long int jrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern void srand48 (long int __seedval) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int __seed16v[3])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int __param[7]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

struct drand48_data
    unsigned short int __x[3];
    unsigned short int __old_x[3];
    unsigned short int __c;
    unsigned short int __init;
    __extension__ unsigned long long int __a;


extern int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        double *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
        struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        double *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        long int *__restrict __result)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
        struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        long int *__restrict __result)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        long int *__restrict __result)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
        struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
        long int *__restrict __result)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3],
       struct drand48_data *__buffer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7],
        struct drand48_data *__buffer)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void *malloc (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;

extern void *calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;

extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__));
# 563 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern void free (void *__ptr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 2 3 4

extern void *alloca (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 567 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4

extern void *valloc (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;

extern int posix_memalign (void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern void *aligned_alloc (size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) __attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (2))) ;

extern void abort (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern int atexit (void (*__func) (void)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int on_exit (void (*__func) (int __status, void *__arg), void *__arg)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern void exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern void quick_exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern void _Exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern char *getenv (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 644 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int putenv (char *__string) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int setenv (const char *__name, const char *__value, int __replace)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int unsetenv (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int clearenv (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 672 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *mktemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 685 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int mkstemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 707 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int mkstemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 728 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *mkdtemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 781 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int system (const char *__command) ;
# 797 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *realpath (const char *__restrict __name,
         char *__restrict __resolved) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
# 817 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern void *bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base,
        size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 5))) ;

extern void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
     __compar_fn_t __compar) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 4)));
# 837 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int abs (int __x) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
extern long int labs (long int __x) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;

__extension__ extern long long int llabs (long long int __x)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;

extern div_t div (int __numer, int __denom)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long int __numer, long int __denom)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;

__extension__ extern lldiv_t lldiv (long long int __numer,
        long long int __denom)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
# 869 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *ecvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
     int *__restrict __sign) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;

extern char *fcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
     int *__restrict __sign) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;

extern char *gcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3))) ;

extern char *qecvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
      int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *qfcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
      int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *qgcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3))) ;

extern int ecvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
     int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
     size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int fcvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
     int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
     size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));

extern int qecvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
      int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
      char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int qfcvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
      int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
      char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));

extern int mblen (const char *__s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int mbtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
     const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int wctomb (char *__s, wchar_t __wchar) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs,
   const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern size_t wcstombs (char *__restrict __s,
   const wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int rpmatch (const char *__response) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 954 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int getsubopt (char **__restrict __optionp,
        char *const *__restrict __tokens,
        char **__restrict __valuep)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 3))) ;
# 1006 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int getloadavg (double __loadavg[], int __nelem)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 1016 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdlib-float.h" 1 3 4
# 1017 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1026 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4

# 22 "types.h" 2

# 23 "types.h"
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint64_t u64;

typedef int8_t s8;
typedef int16_t s16;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef int64_t s64;
# 21 "config.h" 2
# 24 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 1 "debug.h" 1
# 26 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "alloc-inl.h" 1
# 20 "alloc-inl.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__FILE.h" 1 3 4

# 4 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__FILE.h" 3 4
struct _IO_FILE;
typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE;
# 37 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/FILE.h" 1 3 4

struct _IO_FILE;

typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
# 38 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 1 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/_G_config.h" 1 3 4
# 19 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/_G_config.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 20 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/_G_config.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__mbstate_t.h" 1 3 4
# 13 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__mbstate_t.h" 3 4
typedef struct
  int __count;
    unsigned int __wch;
    char __wchb[4];
  } __value;
} __mbstate_t;
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/_G_config.h" 2 3 4

typedef struct
  __off_t __pos;
  __mbstate_t __state;
} _G_fpos_t;
typedef struct
  __off64_t __pos;
  __mbstate_t __state;
} _G_fpos64_t;
# 36 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 2 3 4
# 53 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4
# 40 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
# 54 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 2 3 4
# 149 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_FILE;

typedef void _IO_lock_t;

struct _IO_marker {
  struct _IO_marker *_next;
  struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf;

  int _pos;
# 177 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4

enum __codecvt_result
# 245 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
struct _IO_FILE {
  int _flags;

  char* _IO_read_ptr;
  char* _IO_read_end;
  char* _IO_read_base;
  char* _IO_write_base;
  char* _IO_write_ptr;
  char* _IO_write_end;
  char* _IO_buf_base;
  char* _IO_buf_end;

  char *_IO_save_base;
  char *_IO_backup_base;
  char *_IO_save_end;

  struct _IO_marker *_markers;

  struct _IO_FILE *_chain;

  int _fileno;

  int _flags2;

  __off_t _old_offset;

  unsigned short _cur_column;
  signed char _vtable_offset;
  char _shortbuf[1];

  _IO_lock_t *_lock;
# 293 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
  __off64_t _offset;

  void *__pad1;
  void *__pad2;
  void *__pad3;
  void *__pad4;

  size_t __pad5;
  int _mode;

  char _unused2[15 * sizeof (int) - 4 * sizeof (void *) - sizeof (size_t)];


typedef struct _IO_FILE _IO_FILE;

struct _IO_FILE_plus;

extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdin_;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdout_;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stderr_;
# 337 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
typedef __ssize_t __io_read_fn (void *__cookie, char *__buf, size_t __nbytes);

typedef __ssize_t __io_write_fn (void *__cookie, const char *__buf,
     size_t __n);

typedef int __io_seek_fn (void *__cookie, __off64_t *__pos, int __w);

typedef int __io_close_fn (void *__cookie);
# 389 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
extern int __underflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern int __uflow (_IO_FILE *);
extern int __overflow (_IO_FILE *, int);
# 433 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
extern int _IO_getc (_IO_FILE *__fp);
extern int _IO_putc (int __c, _IO_FILE *__fp);
extern int _IO_feof (_IO_FILE *__fp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int _IO_ferror (_IO_FILE *__fp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int _IO_peekc_locked (_IO_FILE *__fp);

extern void _IO_flockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void _IO_funlockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int _IO_ftrylockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 462 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libio.h" 3 4
extern int _IO_vfscanf (_IO_FILE * __restrict, const char * __restrict,
   __gnuc_va_list, int *__restrict);
extern int _IO_vfprintf (_IO_FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict,
extern __ssize_t _IO_padn (_IO_FILE *, int, __ssize_t);
extern size_t _IO_sgetn (_IO_FILE *, void *, size_t);

extern __off64_t _IO_seekoff (_IO_FILE *, __off64_t, int, int);
extern __off64_t _IO_seekpos (_IO_FILE *, __off64_t, int);

extern void _IO_free_backup_area (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 42 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
# 78 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef _G_fpos_t fpos_t;
# 131 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio_lim.h" 1 3 4
# 132 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

extern struct _IO_FILE *stdin;
extern struct _IO_FILE *stdout;
extern struct _IO_FILE *stderr;

extern int remove (const char *__filename) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int rename (const char *__old, const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int renameat (int __oldfd, const char *__old, int __newfd,
       const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern FILE *tmpfile (void) ;
# 173 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern char *tmpnam (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern char *tmpnam_r (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 190 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern char *tempnam (const char *__dir, const char *__pfx)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;

extern int fclose (FILE *__stream);

extern int fflush (FILE *__stream);
# 213 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fflush_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
# 232 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
      const char *__restrict __modes) ;

extern FILE *freopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
        const char *__restrict __modes,
        FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
# 265 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fdopen (int __fd, const char *__modes) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 278 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fmemopen (void *__s, size_t __len, const char *__modes)
  __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern FILE *open_memstream (char **__bufloc, size_t *__sizeloc) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void setbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int setvbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
      int __modes, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void setbuffer (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
         size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void setlinebuf (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int fprintf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
      const char *__restrict __format, ...);

extern int printf (const char *__restrict __format, ...);

extern int sprintf (char *__restrict __s,
      const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));

extern int vfprintf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
       __gnuc_va_list __arg);

extern int vprintf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg);

extern int vsprintf (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
       __gnuc_va_list __arg) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));

extern int snprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
       const char *__restrict __format, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));

extern int vsnprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
        const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0)));
# 365 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int vdprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt,
       __gnuc_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0)));
extern int dprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));

extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
     const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;

extern int scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;

extern int sscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
     const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 395 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream, const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_fscanf")

extern int scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_scanf")
extern int sscanf (const char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_sscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))

# 420 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
      __gnuc_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) ;

extern int vscanf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) ;

extern int vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
      const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
# 443 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vfscanf")

     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) ;
extern int vscanf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vscanf")

     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) ;
extern int vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vsscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))

     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
# 477 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetc (FILE *__stream);
extern int getc (FILE *__stream);

extern int getchar (void);
# 495 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int getc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
extern int getchar_unlocked (void);
# 506 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
# 517 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fputc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putc (int __c, FILE *__stream);

extern int putchar (int __c);
# 537 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fputc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);

extern int putc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putchar_unlocked (int __c);

extern int getw (FILE *__stream);

extern int putw (int __w, FILE *__stream);

extern char *fgets (char *__restrict __s, int __n, FILE *__restrict __stream)
# 603 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern __ssize_t __getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
          size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
          FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern __ssize_t getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
        size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
        FILE *__restrict __stream) ;

extern __ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
       size_t *__restrict __n,
       FILE *__restrict __stream) ;

extern int fputs (const char *__restrict __s, FILE *__restrict __stream);

extern int puts (const char *__s);

extern int ungetc (int __c, FILE *__stream);

extern size_t fread (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
       size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;

extern size_t fwrite (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
        size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __s);
# 673 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern size_t fread_unlocked (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
         size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern size_t fwrite_unlocked (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
          size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream);

extern int fseek (FILE *__stream, long int __off, int __whence);

extern long int ftell (FILE *__stream) ;

extern void rewind (FILE *__stream);
# 707 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fseeko (FILE *__stream, __off_t __off, int __whence);

extern __off_t ftello (FILE *__stream) ;
# 731 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetpos (FILE *__restrict __stream, fpos_t *__restrict __pos);

extern int fsetpos (FILE *__stream, const fpos_t *__pos);
# 757 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern void clearerr (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int feof (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int ferror (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void clearerr_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int feof_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern int ferror_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void perror (const char *__s);

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h" 3 4
extern int sys_nerr;
extern const char *const sys_errlist[];
# 782 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4

extern int fileno (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int fileno_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 800 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *popen (const char *__command, const char *__modes) ;

extern int pclose (FILE *__stream);

extern char *ctermid (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 840 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 868 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4

# 21 "alloc-inl.h" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/string.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *memcpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src,
       size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void *memmove (void *__dest, const void *__src, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void *memccpy (void *__restrict __dest, const void *__restrict __src,
        int __c, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void *memset (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int memcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 90 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern void *memchr (const void *__s, int __c, size_t __n)
      __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 121 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *strncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
        const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *strcat (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *strncat (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src,
        size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int strcmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int strncmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int strcoll (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern size_t strxfrm (char *__restrict __dest,
         const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/locale_t.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/locale_t.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__locale_t.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__locale_t.h" 3 4
struct __locale_struct

  struct __locale_data *__locales[13];

  const unsigned short int *__ctype_b;
  const int *__ctype_tolower;
  const int *__ctype_toupper;

  const char *__names[13];

typedef struct __locale_struct *__locale_t;
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/locale_t.h" 2 3 4

typedef __locale_t locale_t;
# 153 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4

extern int strcoll_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, locale_t __l)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 3)));

extern size_t strxfrm_l (char *__dest, const char *__src, size_t __n,
    locale_t __l) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4)));

extern char *strdup (const char *__s)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern char *strndup (const char *__string, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 225 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strchr (const char *__s, int __c)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 252 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strrchr (const char *__s, int __c)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 272 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern size_t strcspn (const char *__s, const char *__reject)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern size_t strspn (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 302 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strpbrk (const char *__s, const char *__accept)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 329 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strstr (const char *__haystack, const char *__needle)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *strtok (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __delim)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern char *__strtok_r (char *__restrict __s,
    const char *__restrict __delim,
    char **__restrict __save_ptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));

extern char *strtok_r (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __delim,
         char **__restrict __save_ptr)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));
# 384 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern size_t strnlen (const char *__string, size_t __maxlen)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern char *strerror (int __errnum) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 409 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern int strerror_r (int __errnum, char *__buf, size_t __buflen) __asm__ ("" "__xpg_strerror_r") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))

                        __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
# 427 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4
extern char *strerror_l (int __errnum, locale_t __l) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 1 "/usr/include/strings.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/strings.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/strings.h" 2 3 4

extern int bcmp (const void *__s1, const void *__s2, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void bcopy (const void *__src, void *__dest, size_t __n)
  __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern void bzero (void *__s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 68 "/usr/include/strings.h" 3 4
extern char *index (const char *__s, int __c)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 96 "/usr/include/strings.h" 3 4
extern char *rindex (const char *__s, int __c)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int ffs (int __i) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern int ffsl (long int __l) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
__extension__ extern int ffsll (long long int __ll)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern int strcasecmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int strncasecmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int strcasecmp_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2, locale_t __loc)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 3)));

extern int strncasecmp_l (const char *__s1, const char *__s2,
     size_t __n, locale_t __loc)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 4)));

# 432 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4

extern void explicit_bzero (void *__s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern char *strsep (char **__restrict __stringp,
       const char *__restrict __delim)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *strsignal (int __sig) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *__stpcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern char *stpcpy (char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern char *__stpncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
   const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern char *stpncpy (char *__restrict __dest,
        const char *__restrict __src, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 498 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4

# 23 "alloc-inl.h" 2
# 64 "alloc-inl.h"

# 64 "alloc-inl.h"
static inline void* DFL_ck_alloc(u32 size) {
  void* ret;

  if (!size) return 
# 67 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
                   ((void *)0)
# 67 "alloc-inl.h"

  do { if ((size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 69 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 69 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 69 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 69 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 69); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);
  ret = malloc(size + 6);
  do { if (!(ret)) do { fprintf(
# 71 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 71 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Out of memory: can't allocate %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 71 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 71 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 71); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);

  ret += 6;

  (((u16*)(ret))[-3]) = 0xFF00;
  (((u32*)(ret))[-1]) = size;

  return memset(ret, 0, size);

static inline void* DFL_ck_realloc(void* orig, u32 size) {
  void* ret;
  u32 old_size = 0;

  if (!size) {

    if (orig) {

      do { if ((orig) && (((u16*)(orig))[-3]) != 0xFF00) { if ((((u16*)(orig))[-3]) == 0xFE00) do { fprintf(
# 90 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 90 "alloc-inl.h"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Use after free."); fprintf(
# 90 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 90 "alloc-inl.h"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 90); abort(); } while (0); else do { fprintf(
# 90 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 90 "alloc-inl.h"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc canary."); fprintf(
# 90 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 90 "alloc-inl.h"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 90); abort(); } while (0); } } while (0);

      free(orig - 6);


# 102 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
          ((void *)0)
# 102 "alloc-inl.h"


  if (orig) {

    do { if ((orig) && (((u16*)(orig))[-3]) != 0xFF00) { if ((((u16*)(orig))[-3]) == 0xFE00) do { fprintf(
# 108 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 108 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Use after free."); fprintf(
# 108 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 108 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 108); abort(); } while (0); else do { fprintf(
# 108 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 108 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc canary."); fprintf(
# 108 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 108 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 108); abort(); } while (0); } } while (0);

    (((u16*)(orig))[-3]) = 0xFE00;

    old_size = (((u32*)(orig))[-1]);
    orig -= 6;

    do { if ((old_size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 117 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 117 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (old_size)); fprintf(
# 117 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 117 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 117); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);


  do { if ((size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 121 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 121 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 121 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 121 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 121); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);

  ret = realloc(orig, size + 6);
  do { if (!(ret)) do { fprintf(
# 126 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 126 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Out of memory: can't allocate %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 126 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 126 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 126); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);
# 149 "alloc-inl.h"
  ret += 6;

  (((u16*)(ret))[-3]) = 0xFF00;
  (((u32*)(ret))[-1]) = size;

  if (size > old_size)
    memset(ret + old_size, 0, size - old_size);

  return ret;

static inline void* DFL_ck_realloc_chunk(void* orig, u32 size) {

  if (orig) {

    do { if ((orig) && (((u16*)(orig))[-3]) != 0xFF00) { if ((((u16*)(orig))[-3]) == 0xFE00) do { fprintf(
# 167 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 167 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Use after free."); fprintf(
# 167 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 167 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 167); abort(); } while (0); else do { fprintf(
# 167 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 167 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc canary."); fprintf(
# 167 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 167 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 167); abort(); } while (0); } } while (0);

    if ((((u32*)(orig))[-1]) >= size) return orig;

    size += 256;


  return DFL_ck_realloc(orig, size);

static inline u8* DFL_ck_strdup(u8* str) {
  void* ret;
  u32 size;

  if (!str) return 
# 185 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
                  ((void *)0)
# 185 "alloc-inl.h"

  size = strlen((char*)str) + 1;

  do { if ((size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 189 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 189 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 189 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 189 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 189); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);
  ret = malloc(size + 6);
  do { if (!(ret)) do { fprintf(
# 191 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 191 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Out of memory: can't allocate %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 191 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 191 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 191); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);

  ret += 6;

  (((u16*)(ret))[-3]) = 0xFF00;
  (((u32*)(ret))[-1]) = size;

  return memcpy(ret, str, size);

static inline void* DFL_ck_memdup(void* mem, u32 size) {
  void* ret;

  if (!mem || !size) return 
# 205 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
                           ((void *)0)
# 205 "alloc-inl.h"

  do { if ((size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 207 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 207 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 207 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 207 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 207); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);
  ret = malloc(size + 6);
  do { if (!(ret)) do { fprintf(
# 209 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 209 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Out of memory: can't allocate %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 209 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 209 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 209); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);

  ret += 6;

  (((u16*)(ret))[-3]) = 0xFF00;
  (((u32*)(ret))[-1]) = size;

  return memcpy(ret, mem, size);

static inline u8* DFL_ck_memdup_str(u8* mem, u32 size) {
  u8* ret;

  if (!mem || !size) return 
# 223 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
                           ((void *)0)
# 223 "alloc-inl.h"

  do { if ((size) > 0x40000000) do { fprintf(
# 225 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 225 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc request: %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 225 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 225 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 225); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);
  ret = malloc(size + 6 + 1);
  do { if (!(ret)) do { fprintf(
# 227 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 227 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Out of memory: can't allocate %u bytes", (size)); fprintf(
# 227 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 227 "alloc-inl.h"
 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 227); abort(); } while (0); } while (0);

  ret += 6;

  (((u16*)(ret))[-3]) = 0xFF00;
  (((u32*)(ret))[-1]) = size;

  memcpy(ret, mem, size);
  ret[size] = 0;

  return ret;

static inline void DFL_ck_free(void* mem) {

  if (mem) {

    do { if ((mem) && (((u16*)(mem))[-3]) != 0xFF00) { if ((((u16*)(mem))[-3]) == 0xFE00) do { fprintf(
# 245 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 245 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Use after free."); fprintf(
# 245 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 245 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 245); abort(); } while (0); else do { fprintf(
# 245 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 245 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad alloc canary."); fprintf(
# 245 "alloc-inl.h" 3 4
# 245 "alloc-inl.h"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "alloc-inl.h", 245); abort(); } while (0); } } while (0);
# 254 "alloc-inl.h"
    (((u16*)(mem))[-3]) = 0xFE00;

    free(mem - 6);


# 27 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4

# 205 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/posix_opt.h" 1 3 4
# 206 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/environments.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/environments.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/environments.h" 2 3 4
# 210 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4
# 229 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 230 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4
# 258 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4

# 258 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
typedef __useconds_t useconds_t;
# 277 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
typedef __socklen_t socklen_t;
# 290 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int access (const char *__name, int __type) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 307 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int faccessat (int __fd, const char *__file, int __type, int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2))) ;
# 337 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern __off_t lseek (int __fd, __off_t __offset, int __whence) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 356 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int close (int __fd);

extern ssize_t read (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes) ;

extern ssize_t write (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n) ;
# 379 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern ssize_t pread (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes,
        __off_t __offset) ;

extern ssize_t pwrite (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n,
         __off_t __offset) ;
# 420 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int pipe (int __pipedes[2]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 435 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern unsigned int alarm (unsigned int __seconds) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 447 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern unsigned int sleep (unsigned int __seconds);

extern __useconds_t ualarm (__useconds_t __value, __useconds_t __interval)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int usleep (__useconds_t __useconds);
# 472 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int pause (void);

extern int chown (const char *__file, __uid_t __owner, __gid_t __group)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int fchown (int __fd, __uid_t __owner, __gid_t __group) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int lchown (const char *__file, __uid_t __owner, __gid_t __group)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int fchownat (int __fd, const char *__file, __uid_t __owner,
       __gid_t __group, int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2))) ;

extern int chdir (const char *__path) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int fchdir (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 514 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern char *getcwd (char *__buf, size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 528 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern char *getwd (char *__buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__)) ;

extern int dup (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int dup2 (int __fd, int __fd2) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 546 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern char **__environ;

extern int execve (const char *__path, char *const __argv[],
     char *const __envp[]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int fexecve (int __fd, char *const __argv[], char *const __envp[])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int execv (const char *__path, char *const __argv[])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int execle (const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int execl (const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int execvp (const char *__file, char *const __argv[])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int execlp (const char *__file, const char *__arg, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 601 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int nice (int __inc) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void _exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/confname.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/confname.h" 3 4




















































































































































































































































    _CS_LFS_CFLAGS = 1000,








    _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS = 1100,


















































# 613 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4

extern long int pathconf (const char *__path, int __name)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long int fpathconf (int __fd, int __name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern long int sysconf (int __name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern size_t confstr (int __name, char *__buf, size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t getpid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t getppid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t getpgrp (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t __getpgid (__pid_t __pid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t getpgid (__pid_t __pid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int setpgid (__pid_t __pid, __pid_t __pgid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 663 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int setpgrp (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t setsid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __pid_t getsid (__pid_t __pid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __uid_t getuid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __uid_t geteuid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __gid_t getgid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __gid_t getegid (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int getgroups (int __size, __gid_t __list[]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 703 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int setuid (__uid_t __uid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int setreuid (__uid_t __ruid, __uid_t __euid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int seteuid (__uid_t __uid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int setgid (__gid_t __gid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int setregid (__gid_t __rgid, __gid_t __egid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int setegid (__gid_t __gid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 759 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern __pid_t fork (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));

extern __pid_t vfork (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *ttyname (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int ttyname_r (int __fd, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2))) ;

extern int isatty (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int ttyslot (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int link (const char *__from, const char *__to)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2))) ;

extern int linkat (int __fromfd, const char *__from, int __tofd,
     const char *__to, int __flags)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4))) ;

extern int symlink (const char *__from, const char *__to)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2))) ;

extern ssize_t readlink (const char *__restrict __path,
    char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2))) ;

extern int symlinkat (const char *__from, int __tofd,
        const char *__to) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 3))) ;

extern ssize_t readlinkat (int __fd, const char *__restrict __path,
      char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3))) ;

extern int unlink (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int unlinkat (int __fd, const char *__name, int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int rmdir (const char *__path) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern __pid_t tcgetpgrp (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int tcsetpgrp (int __fd, __pid_t __pgrp_id) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *getlogin (void);

extern int getlogin_r (char *__name, size_t __name_len) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int setlogin (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_posix.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_posix.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_core.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_core.h" 3 4

extern char *optarg;
# 50 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_core.h" 3 4
extern int optind;

extern int opterr;

extern int optopt;
# 91 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_core.h" 3 4
extern int getopt (int ___argc, char *const *___argv, const char *__shortopts)
       __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));

# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_posix.h" 2 3 4

# 49 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/getopt_posix.h" 3 4

# 873 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4

extern int gethostname (char *__name, size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sethostname (const char *__name, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int sethostid (long int __id) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int getdomainname (char *__name, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
extern int setdomainname (const char *__name, size_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int vhangup (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int revoke (const char *__file) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern int profil (unsigned short int *__sample_buffer, size_t __size,
     size_t __offset, unsigned int __scale)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int acct (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *getusershell (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void endusershell (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void setusershell (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int daemon (int __nochdir, int __noclose) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern int chroot (const char *__path) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;

extern char *getpass (const char *__prompt) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int fsync (int __fd);
# 970 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern long int gethostid (void);

extern void sync (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int getpagesize (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern int getdtablesize (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 994 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int truncate (const char *__file, __off_t __length)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 1017 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int ftruncate (int __fd, __off_t __length) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 1038 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int brk (void *__addr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;

extern void *sbrk (intptr_t __delta) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 1059 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern long int syscall (long int __sysno, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 1082 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int lockf (int __fd, int __cmd, __off_t __len) ;
# 1118 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
extern int fdatasync (int __fildes);
# 1167 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
int getentropy (void *__buffer, size_t __length) ;

# 30 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/time.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/time.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_tm.h" 1 3 4

struct tm
  int tm_sec;
  int tm_min;
  int tm_hour;
  int tm_mday;
  int tm_mon;
  int tm_year;
  int tm_wday;
  int tm_yday;
  int tm_isdst;

  long int tm_gmtoff;
  const char *tm_zone;

# 40 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4
# 48 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_itimerspec.h" 1 3 4

struct itimerspec
    struct timespec it_interval;
    struct timespec it_value;
# 49 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4
struct sigevent;
# 68 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4

extern clock_t clock (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern time_t time (time_t *__timer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern double difftime (time_t __time1, time_t __time0)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern time_t mktime (struct tm *__tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern size_t strftime (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
   const char *__restrict __format,
   const struct tm *__restrict __tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 104 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern size_t strftime_l (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
     const char *__restrict __format,
     const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
     locale_t __loc) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 119 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *__timer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern struct tm *localtime (const time_t *__timer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern struct tm *gmtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
       struct tm *__restrict __tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern struct tm *localtime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
          struct tm *__restrict __tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *asctime (const struct tm *__tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *ctime (const time_t *__timer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *asctime_r (const struct tm *__restrict __tp,
   char *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *ctime_r (const time_t *__restrict __timer,
        char *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *__tzname[2];
extern int __daylight;
extern long int __timezone;

extern char *tzname[2];

extern void tzset (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int daylight;
extern long int timezone;

extern int stime (const time_t *__when) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 196 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern time_t timegm (struct tm *__tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern time_t timelocal (struct tm *__tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int dysize (int __year) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
# 211 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4
extern int nanosleep (const struct timespec *__requested_time,
        struct timespec *__remaining);

extern int clock_getres (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__res) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int clock_gettime (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__tp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int clock_settime (clockid_t __clock_id, const struct timespec *__tp)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int clock_nanosleep (clockid_t __clock_id, int __flags,
       const struct timespec *__req,
       struct timespec *__rem);

extern int clock_getcpuclockid (pid_t __pid, clockid_t *__clock_id) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timer_create (clockid_t __clock_id,
    struct sigevent *__restrict __evp,
    timer_t *__restrict __timerid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timer_delete (timer_t __timerid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timer_settime (timer_t __timerid, int __flags,
     const struct itimerspec *__restrict __value,
     struct itimerspec *__restrict __ovalue) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timer_gettime (timer_t __timerid, struct itimerspec *__value)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timer_getoverrun (timer_t __timerid) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int timespec_get (struct timespec *__ts, int __base)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 307 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4

# 33 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/errno.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/errno.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/errno.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/errno.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/errno.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h" 1 3 4
# 6 "/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/errno.h" 2 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/errno.h" 2 3 4

extern int *__errno_location (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
# 57 "/usr/include/errno.h" 3 4

# 34 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/signal.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum-generic.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum.h" 2 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sig_atomic_t.h" 1 3 4

typedef __sig_atomic_t sig_atomic_t;
# 33 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4
# 57 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__sigval_t.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__sigval_t.h" 3 4
union sigval
  int sival_int;
  void *sival_ptr;

typedef union sigval __sigval_t;
# 7 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 2 3 4
# 16 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/siginfo-arch.h" 1 3 4
# 17 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 2 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/siginfo_t.h" 3 4
typedef struct
    int si_signo;

    int si_errno;

    int si_code;

    int __pad0;

 int _pad[((128 / sizeof (int)) - 4)];

     __pid_t si_pid;
     __uid_t si_uid;
   } _kill;

     int si_tid;
     int si_overrun;
     __sigval_t si_sigval;
   } _timer;

     __pid_t si_pid;
     __uid_t si_uid;
     __sigval_t si_sigval;
   } _rt;

     __pid_t si_pid;
     __uid_t si_uid;
     int si_status;
     __clock_t si_utime;
     __clock_t si_stime;
   } _sigchld;

     void *si_addr;
     short int si_addr_lsb;

      void *_lower;
      void *_upper;
    } _addr_bnd;

  __uint32_t _pkey;
       } _bounds;
   } _sigfault;

     long int si_band;
     int si_fd;
   } _sigpoll;

     void *_call_addr;
     int _syscall;
     unsigned int _arch;
   } _sigsys;

      } _sifields;
  } siginfo_t ;
# 58 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/siginfo-consts.h" 1 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/siginfo-consts.h" 3 4
  SI_ASYNCNL = -60,
  SI_TKILL = -6,


  SI_KERNEL = 0x80
# 63 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/siginfo-consts.h" 3 4





























# 151 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/siginfo-consts.h" 3 4







  POLL_IN = 1,






# 59 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigval_t.h" 1 3 4
# 16 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigval_t.h" 3 4
typedef __sigval_t sigval_t;
# 63 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigevent_t.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigevent_t.h" 2 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigevent_t.h" 3 4
typedef struct sigevent
    __sigval_t sigev_value;
    int sigev_signo;
    int sigev_notify;

 int _pad[((64 / sizeof (int)) - 4)];

 __pid_t _tid;

     void (*_function) (__sigval_t);
     pthread_attr_t *_attribute;
   } _sigev_thread;
      } _sigev_un;
  } sigevent_t;
# 67 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigevent-consts.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigevent-consts.h" 3 4




# 68 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

typedef void (*__sighandler_t) (int);

extern __sighandler_t __sysv_signal (int __sig, __sighandler_t __handler)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 88 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
extern __sighandler_t signal (int __sig, __sighandler_t __handler)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 112 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
extern int kill (__pid_t __pid, int __sig) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int killpg (__pid_t __pgrp, int __sig) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int raise (int __sig) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern __sighandler_t ssignal (int __sig, __sighandler_t __handler)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int gsignal (int __sig) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void psignal (int __sig, const char *__s);

extern void psiginfo (const siginfo_t *__pinfo, const char *__s);
# 170 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
extern int sigblock (int __mask) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__));

extern int sigsetmask (int __mask) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__));

extern int siggetmask (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__));
# 190 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
typedef __sighandler_t sig_t;

extern int sigemptyset (sigset_t *__set) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigfillset (sigset_t *__set) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigaddset (sigset_t *__set, int __signo) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigdelset (sigset_t *__set, int __signo) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigismember (const sigset_t *__set, int __signo)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 226 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigaction.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigaction.h" 3 4
struct sigaction


 __sighandler_t sa_handler;

 void (*sa_sigaction) (int, siginfo_t *, void *);

    __sigset_t sa_mask;

    int sa_flags;

    void (*sa_restorer) (void);
# 227 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int sigprocmask (int __how, const sigset_t *__restrict __set,
   sigset_t *__restrict __oset) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int sigsuspend (const sigset_t *__set) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigaction (int __sig, const struct sigaction *__restrict __act,
        struct sigaction *__restrict __oact) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int sigpending (sigset_t *__set) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigwait (const sigset_t *__restrict __set, int *__restrict __sig)
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int sigwaitinfo (const sigset_t *__restrict __set,
   siginfo_t *__restrict __info) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigtimedwait (const sigset_t *__restrict __set,
    siginfo_t *__restrict __info,
    const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout)
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int sigqueue (__pid_t __pid, int __sig, const union sigval __val)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 286 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
extern const char *const _sys_siglist[(64 + 1)];
extern const char *const sys_siglist[(64 + 1)];

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h" 1 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h" 3 4
struct _fpx_sw_bytes
  __uint32_t magic1;
  __uint32_t extended_size;
  __uint64_t xstate_bv;
  __uint32_t xstate_size;
  __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[7];

struct _fpreg
  unsigned short significand[4];
  unsigned short exponent;

struct _fpxreg
  unsigned short significand[4];
  unsigned short exponent;
  unsigned short __glibc_reserved1[3];

struct _xmmreg
  __uint32_t element[4];
# 123 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigcontext.h" 3 4
struct _fpstate

  __uint16_t cwd;
  __uint16_t swd;
  __uint16_t ftw;
  __uint16_t fop;
  __uint64_t rip;
  __uint64_t rdp;
  __uint32_t mxcsr;
  __uint32_t mxcr_mask;
  struct _fpxreg _st[8];
  struct _xmmreg _xmm[16];
  __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24];

struct sigcontext
  __uint64_t r8;
  __uint64_t r9;
  __uint64_t r10;
  __uint64_t r11;
  __uint64_t r12;
  __uint64_t r13;
  __uint64_t r14;
  __uint64_t r15;
  __uint64_t rdi;
  __uint64_t rsi;
  __uint64_t rbp;
  __uint64_t rbx;
  __uint64_t rdx;
  __uint64_t rax;
  __uint64_t rcx;
  __uint64_t rsp;
  __uint64_t rip;
  __uint64_t eflags;
  unsigned short cs;
  unsigned short gs;
  unsigned short fs;
  unsigned short __pad0;
  __uint64_t err;
  __uint64_t trapno;
  __uint64_t oldmask;
  __uint64_t cr2;
  __extension__ union
      struct _fpstate * fpstate;
      __uint64_t __fpstate_word;
  __uint64_t __reserved1 [8];

struct _xsave_hdr
  __uint64_t xstate_bv;
  __uint64_t __glibc_reserved1[2];
  __uint64_t __glibc_reserved2[5];

struct _ymmh_state
  __uint32_t ymmh_space[64];

struct _xstate
  struct _fpstate fpstate;
  struct _xsave_hdr xstate_hdr;
  struct _ymmh_state ymmh;
# 292 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int sigreturn (struct sigcontext *__scp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 302 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/stack_t.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/stack_t.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/stack_t.h" 2 3 4

typedef struct
    void *ss_sp;
    int ss_flags;
    size_t ss_size;
  } stack_t;
# 304 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h" 1 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int greg_t;
# 46 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h" 3 4
typedef greg_t gregset_t[23];
# 101 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ucontext.h" 3 4
struct _libc_fpxreg
  unsigned short int significand[4];
  unsigned short int exponent;
  unsigned short int __glibc_reserved1[3];

struct _libc_xmmreg
  __uint32_t element[4];

struct _libc_fpstate

  __uint16_t cwd;
  __uint16_t swd;
  __uint16_t ftw;
  __uint16_t fop;
  __uint64_t rip;
  __uint64_t rdp;
  __uint32_t mxcsr;
  __uint32_t mxcr_mask;
  struct _libc_fpxreg _st[8];
  struct _libc_xmmreg _xmm[16];
  __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24];

typedef struct _libc_fpstate *fpregset_t;

typedef struct
    gregset_t gregs;

    fpregset_t fpregs;
    __extension__ unsigned long long __reserved1 [8];
} mcontext_t;

typedef struct ucontext_t
    unsigned long int uc_flags;
    struct ucontext_t *uc_link;
    stack_t uc_stack;
    mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
    sigset_t uc_sigmask;
    struct _libc_fpstate __fpregs_mem;
  } ucontext_t;
# 307 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int siginterrupt (int __sig, int __interrupt) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigstack.h" 1 3 4
# 317 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ss_flags.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ss_flags.h" 3 4


# 318 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int sigaltstack (const stack_t *__restrict __ss,
   stack_t *__restrict __oss) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_sigstack.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_sigstack.h" 3 4
struct sigstack
    void *ss_sp;
    int ss_onstack;
# 328 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int sigstack (struct sigstack *__ss, struct sigstack *__oss)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__));
# 359 "/usr/include/signal.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigthread.h" 1 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigthread.h" 3 4
extern int pthread_sigmask (int __how,
       const __sigset_t *__restrict __newmask,
       __sigset_t *__restrict __oldmask)__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int pthread_kill (pthread_t __threadid, int __signo) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 360 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4

extern int __libc_current_sigrtmin (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int __libc_current_sigrtmax (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 35 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4

# 61 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/dirent.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/dirent.h" 3 4
struct dirent

    __ino_t d_ino;
    __off_t d_off;

    unsigned short int d_reclen;
    unsigned char d_type;
    char d_name[256];
# 62 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 2 3 4
# 97 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
    DT_UNKNOWN = 0,

    DT_FIFO = 1,

    DT_CHR = 2,

    DT_DIR = 4,

    DT_BLK = 6,

    DT_REG = 8,

    DT_LNK = 10,

    DT_SOCK = 12,

    DT_WHT = 14

# 127 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
typedef struct __dirstream DIR;

extern DIR *opendir (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern DIR *fdopendir (int __fd);

extern int closedir (DIR *__dirp) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 162 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern struct dirent *readdir (DIR *__dirp) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 183 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern int readdir_r (DIR *__restrict __dirp,
        struct dirent *__restrict __entry,
        struct dirent **__restrict __result)
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 3))) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__));
# 209 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern void rewinddir (DIR *__dirp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern void seekdir (DIR *__dirp, long int __pos) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern long int telldir (DIR *__dirp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int dirfd (DIR *__dirp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 233 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/posix1_lim.h" 1 3 4
# 160 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/posix1_lim.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/local_lim.h" 1 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/local_lim.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/linux/limits.h" 1 3 4
# 39 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/local_lim.h" 2 3 4
# 161 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/posix1_lim.h" 2 3 4
# 234 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 2 3 4
# 245 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 246 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 2 3 4
# 255 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern int scandir (const char *__restrict __dir,
      struct dirent ***__restrict __namelist,
      int (*__selector) (const struct dirent *),
      int (*__cmp) (const struct dirent **,
      const struct dirent **))
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 325 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern int alphasort (const struct dirent **__e1,
        const struct dirent **__e2)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 353 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4
extern __ssize_t getdirentries (int __fd, char *__restrict __buf,
    size_t __nbytes,
    __off_t *__restrict __basep)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4)));
# 402 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 3 4

# 36 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/fcntl.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl.h" 1 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl.h" 3 4
struct flock
    short int l_type;
    short int l_whence;

    __off_t l_start;
    __off_t l_len;

    __pid_t l_pid;
# 61 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl-linux.h" 1 3 4
# 380 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl-linux.h" 3 4

# 454 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl-linux.h" 3 4

# 61 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl.h" 2 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 2 3 4
# 78 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 1 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 3 4
struct stat
    __dev_t st_dev;

    __ino_t st_ino;

    __nlink_t st_nlink;
    __mode_t st_mode;

    __uid_t st_uid;
    __gid_t st_gid;

    int __pad0;

    __dev_t st_rdev;

    __off_t st_size;

    __blksize_t st_blksize;

    __blkcnt_t st_blocks;
# 91 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 3 4
    struct timespec st_atim;
    struct timespec st_mtim;
    struct timespec st_ctim;
# 106 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 3 4
    __syscall_slong_t __glibc_reserved[3];
# 115 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 3 4
# 79 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 2 3 4
# 147 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int fcntl (int __fd, int __cmd, ...);
# 157 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int open (const char *__file, int __oflag, ...) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 181 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int openat (int __fd, const char *__file, int __oflag, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
# 203 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int creat (const char *__file, mode_t __mode) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 249 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int posix_fadvise (int __fd, off_t __offset, off_t __len,
     int __advise) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 271 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4
extern int posix_fallocate (int __fd, off_t __offset, off_t __len);
# 293 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/fcntl.h" 2 3 4
# 38 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/wait.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/wait.h" 3 4

# 77 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/wait.h" 3 4
extern __pid_t wait (int *__stat_loc);
# 100 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/wait.h" 3 4
extern __pid_t waitpid (__pid_t __pid, int *__stat_loc, int __options);
# 121 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/wait.h" 3 4
extern int waitid (idtype_t __idtype, __id_t __id, siginfo_t *__infop,
     int __options);

struct rusage;

extern __pid_t wait3 (int *__stat_loc, int __options,
        struct rusage * __usage) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));

extern __pid_t wait4 (__pid_t __pid, int *__stat_loc, int __options,
        struct rusage *__usage) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));

# 39 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h" 3 4

# 52 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h" 3 4
struct timezone
    int tz_minuteswest;
    int tz_dsttime;

typedef struct timezone *__restrict __timezone_ptr_t;
# 68 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h" 3 4
extern int gettimeofday (struct timeval *__restrict __tv,
    __timezone_ptr_t __tz) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int settimeofday (const struct timeval *__tv,
    const struct timezone *__tz)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int adjtime (const struct timeval *__delta,
      struct timeval *__olddelta) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

enum __itimer_which

    ITIMER_REAL = 0,




struct itimerval

    struct timeval it_interval;

    struct timeval it_value;

typedef int __itimer_which_t;

extern int getitimer (__itimer_which_t __which,
        struct itimerval *__value) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int setitimer (__itimer_which_t __which,
        const struct itimerval *__restrict __new,
        struct itimerval *__restrict __old) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int utimes (const char *__file, const struct timeval __tvp[2])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int lutimes (const char *__file, const struct timeval __tvp[2])
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int futimes (int __fd, const struct timeval __tvp[2]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 186 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h" 3 4

# 40 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ipc.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ipc.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ipctypes.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ipctypes.h" 3 4
typedef int __ipc_pid_t;
# 25 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ipc.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ipc.h" 1 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ipc.h" 3 4
struct ipc_perm
    __key_t __key;
    __uid_t uid;
    __gid_t gid;
    __uid_t cuid;
    __gid_t cgid;
    unsigned short int mode;
    unsigned short int __pad1;
    unsigned short int __seq;
    unsigned short int __pad2;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved1;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved2;
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ipc.h" 2 3 4
# 47 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ipc.h" 3 4

extern key_t ftok (const char *__pathname, int __proj_id) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/shm.h" 1 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/shm.h" 3 4

extern int __getpagesize (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

typedef __syscall_ulong_t shmatt_t;

struct shmid_ds
    struct ipc_perm shm_perm;
    size_t shm_segsz;
    __time_t shm_atime;

    __time_t shm_dtime;

    __time_t shm_ctime;

    __pid_t shm_cpid;
    __pid_t shm_lpid;
    shmatt_t shm_nattch;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved4;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved5;
# 84 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/shm.h" 3 4
struct shminfo
    __syscall_ulong_t shmmax;
    __syscall_ulong_t shmmin;
    __syscall_ulong_t shmmni;
    __syscall_ulong_t shmseg;
    __syscall_ulong_t shmall;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved1;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved2;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved3;
    __syscall_ulong_t __glibc_reserved4;

struct shm_info
    int used_ids;
    __syscall_ulong_t shm_tot;
    __syscall_ulong_t shm_rss;
    __syscall_ulong_t shm_swp;
    __syscall_ulong_t swap_attempts;
    __syscall_ulong_t swap_successes;

# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 2 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/shm.h" 3 4

extern int shmctl (int __shmid, int __cmd, struct shmid_ds *__buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int shmget (key_t __key, size_t __size, int __shmflg) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern void *shmat (int __shmid, const void *__shmaddr, int __shmflg)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int shmdt (const void *__shmaddr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 41 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 1 3 4
# 99 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stat.h" 1 3 4
# 102 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 2 3 4
# 205 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int stat (const char *__restrict __file,
   struct stat *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));

extern int fstat (int __fd, struct stat *__buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
# 234 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int fstatat (int __fd, const char *__restrict __file,
      struct stat *__restrict __buf, int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));
# 259 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int lstat (const char *__restrict __file,
    struct stat *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
# 280 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int chmod (const char *__file, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int lchmod (const char *__file, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int fchmod (int __fd, __mode_t __mode) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int fchmodat (int __fd, const char *__file, __mode_t __mode,
       int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2))) ;

extern __mode_t umask (__mode_t __mask) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 317 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int mkdir (const char *__path, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int mkdirat (int __fd, const char *__path, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int mknod (const char *__path, __mode_t __mode, __dev_t __dev)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int mknodat (int __fd, const char *__path, __mode_t __mode,
      __dev_t __dev) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int mkfifo (const char *__path, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));

extern int mkfifoat (int __fd, const char *__path, __mode_t __mode)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int utimensat (int __fd, const char *__path,
        const struct timespec __times[2],
        int __flags)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));

extern int futimens (int __fd, const struct timespec __times[2]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 395 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int __fxstat (int __ver, int __fildes, struct stat *__stat_buf)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3)));
extern int __xstat (int __ver, const char *__filename,
      struct stat *__stat_buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));
extern int __lxstat (int __ver, const char *__filename,
       struct stat *__stat_buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 3)));
extern int __fxstatat (int __ver, int __fildes, const char *__filename,
         struct stat *__stat_buf, int __flag)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4)));
# 438 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4
extern int __xmknod (int __ver, const char *__path, __mode_t __mode,
       __dev_t *__dev) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4)));

extern int __xmknodat (int __ver, int __fd, const char *__path,
         __mode_t __mode, __dev_t *__dev)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 5)));
# 530 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h" 3 4

# 42 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/arpa/inet.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/arpa/inet.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_iovec.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_iovec.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_iovec.h" 2 3 4

struct iovec
    void *iov_base;
    size_t iov_len;
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 2 3 4
# 38 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket_type.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket_type.h" 3 4
enum __socket_type


  SOCK_RAW = 3,

  SOCK_RDM = 4,


  SOCK_DCCP = 6,


  SOCK_CLOEXEC = 02000000,

  SOCK_NONBLOCK = 00004000

# 39 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 2 3 4
# 172 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sockaddr.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sockaddr.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned short int sa_family_t;
# 173 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 2 3 4

struct sockaddr
    sa_family_t sa_family;
    char sa_data[14];
# 188 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
struct sockaddr_storage
    sa_family_t ss_family;
    char __ss_padding[(128 - (sizeof (unsigned short int)) - sizeof (unsigned long int))];
    unsigned long int __ss_align;

    MSG_OOB = 0x01,

    MSG_PEEK = 0x02,

    MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x04,

    MSG_CTRUNC = 0x08,

    MSG_PROXY = 0x10,

    MSG_TRUNC = 0x20,

    MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x40,

    MSG_EOR = 0x80,

    MSG_WAITALL = 0x100,

    MSG_FIN = 0x200,

    MSG_SYN = 0x400,

    MSG_CONFIRM = 0x800,

    MSG_RST = 0x1000,

    MSG_ERRQUEUE = 0x2000,

    MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0x4000,

    MSG_MORE = 0x8000,

    MSG_WAITFORONE = 0x10000,

    MSG_BATCH = 0x40000,

    MSG_ZEROCOPY = 0x4000000,

    MSG_FASTOPEN = 0x20000000,

    MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC = 0x40000000


struct msghdr
    void *msg_name;
    socklen_t msg_namelen;

    struct iovec *msg_iov;
    size_t msg_iovlen;

    void *msg_control;
    size_t msg_controllen;

    int msg_flags;

struct cmsghdr
    size_t cmsg_len;

    int cmsg_level;
    int cmsg_type;

    __extension__ unsigned char __cmsg_data [];

# 302 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
extern struct cmsghdr *__cmsg_nxthdr (struct msghdr *__mhdr,
          struct cmsghdr *__cmsg) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 329 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
    SCM_RIGHTS = 0x01

# 390 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/socket.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/socket.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/sockios.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/asm-generic/sockios.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/sockios.h" 2 3 4
# 6 "/usr/include/asm-generic/socket.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/socket.h" 2 3 4
# 391 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 2 3 4
# 444 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h" 3 4
struct linger
    int l_onoff;
    int l_linger;
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 2 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_osockaddr.h" 1 3 4

struct osockaddr
  unsigned short int sa_family;
  unsigned char sa_data[14];
# 37 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 2 3 4

  SHUT_RD = 0,



# 102 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern int socket (int __domain, int __type, int __protocol) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int socketpair (int __domain, int __type, int __protocol,
         int __fds[2]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int bind (int __fd, const struct sockaddr * __addr, socklen_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int getsockname (int __fd, struct sockaddr *__restrict __addr,
   socklen_t *__restrict __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 126 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern int connect (int __fd, const struct sockaddr * __addr, socklen_t __len);

extern int getpeername (int __fd, struct sockaddr *__restrict __addr,
   socklen_t *__restrict __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern ssize_t send (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n, int __flags);

extern ssize_t recv (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __n, int __flags);

extern ssize_t sendto (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n,
         int __flags, const struct sockaddr * __addr,
         socklen_t __addr_len);
# 163 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern ssize_t recvfrom (int __fd, void *__restrict __buf, size_t __n,
    int __flags, struct sockaddr *__restrict __addr,
    socklen_t *__restrict __addr_len);

extern ssize_t sendmsg (int __fd, const struct msghdr *__message,
   int __flags);
# 191 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern ssize_t recvmsg (int __fd, struct msghdr *__message, int __flags);
# 208 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern int getsockopt (int __fd, int __level, int __optname,
         void *__restrict __optval,
         socklen_t *__restrict __optlen) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int setsockopt (int __fd, int __level, int __optname,
         const void *__optval, socklen_t __optlen) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int listen (int __fd, int __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 232 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern int accept (int __fd, struct sockaddr *__restrict __addr,
     socklen_t *__restrict __addr_len);
# 250 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4
extern int shutdown (int __fd, int __how) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int sockatmark (int __fd) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int isfdtype (int __fd, int __fdtype) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 272 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/socket.h" 3 4

# 24 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 2 3 4

typedef uint32_t in_addr_t;
struct in_addr
    in_addr_t s_addr;

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/in.h" 1 3 4
# 142 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/in.h" 3 4
struct ip_opts
    struct in_addr ip_dst;
    char ip_opts[40];

struct ip_mreqn
    struct in_addr imr_multiaddr;
    struct in_addr imr_address;
    int imr_ifindex;

struct in_pktinfo
    int ipi_ifindex;
    struct in_addr ipi_spec_dst;
    struct in_addr ipi_addr;
# 38 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 2 3 4

    IPPROTO_IP = 0,




    IPPROTO_TCP = 6,

    IPPROTO_EGP = 8,

    IPPROTO_PUP = 12,

    IPPROTO_UDP = 17,

    IPPROTO_IDP = 22,

    IPPROTO_TP = 29,

    IPPROTO_DCCP = 33,

    IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41,

    IPPROTO_RSVP = 46,

    IPPROTO_GRE = 47,

    IPPROTO_ESP = 50,

    IPPROTO_AH = 51,

    IPPROTO_MTP = 92,



    IPPROTO_PIM = 103,

    IPPROTO_COMP = 108,

    IPPROTO_SCTP = 132,


    IPPROTO_MPLS = 137,

    IPPROTO_RAW = 255,





    IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58,

    IPPROTO_NONE = 59,


    IPPROTO_MH = 135


typedef uint16_t in_port_t;

    IPPORT_ECHO = 7,
    IPPORT_FTP = 21,
    IPPORT_SMTP = 25,
    IPPORT_WHOIS = 43,
    IPPORT_MTP = 57,

    IPPORT_TFTP = 69,
    IPPORT_RJE = 77,




# 211 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4
struct in6_addr
 uint8_t __u6_addr8[16];
 uint16_t __u6_addr16[8];
 uint32_t __u6_addr32[4];
      } __in6_u;


extern const struct in6_addr in6addr_any;
extern const struct in6_addr in6addr_loopback;
# 237 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4
struct sockaddr_in
    sa_family_t sin_family;
    in_port_t sin_port;
    struct in_addr sin_addr;

    unsigned char sin_zero[sizeof (struct sockaddr) -
      (sizeof (unsigned short int)) -
      sizeof (in_port_t) -
      sizeof (struct in_addr)];

struct sockaddr_in6
    sa_family_t sin6_family;
    in_port_t sin6_port;
    uint32_t sin6_flowinfo;
    struct in6_addr sin6_addr;
    uint32_t sin6_scope_id;

struct ip_mreq

    struct in_addr imr_multiaddr;

    struct in_addr imr_interface;

struct ip_mreq_source

    struct in_addr imr_multiaddr;

    struct in_addr imr_interface;

    struct in_addr imr_sourceaddr;

struct ipv6_mreq

    struct in6_addr ipv6mr_multiaddr;

    unsigned int ipv6mr_interface;

struct group_req

    uint32_t gr_interface;

    struct sockaddr_storage gr_group;

struct group_source_req

    uint32_t gsr_interface;

    struct sockaddr_storage gsr_group;

    struct sockaddr_storage gsr_source;

struct ip_msfilter

    struct in_addr imsf_multiaddr;

    struct in_addr imsf_interface;

    uint32_t imsf_fmode;

    uint32_t imsf_numsrc;

    struct in_addr imsf_slist[1];

struct group_filter

    uint32_t gf_interface;

    struct sockaddr_storage gf_group;

    uint32_t gf_fmode;

    uint32_t gf_numsrc;

    struct sockaddr_storage gf_slist[1];
# 374 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4
extern uint32_t ntohl (uint32_t __netlong) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern uint16_t ntohs (uint16_t __netshort)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern uint32_t htonl (uint32_t __hostlong)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern uint16_t htons (uint16_t __hostshort)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 1 3 4
# 386 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/uintn-identity.h" 1 3 4
# 387 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 2 3 4
# 502 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4
extern int bindresvport (int __sockfd, struct sockaddr_in *__sock_in) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int bindresvport6 (int __sockfd, struct sockaddr_in6 *__sock_in)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 630 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4

# 23 "/usr/include/arpa/inet.h" 2 3 4

extern in_addr_t inet_addr (const char *__cp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern in_addr_t inet_lnaof (struct in_addr __in) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern struct in_addr inet_makeaddr (in_addr_t __net, in_addr_t __host)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern in_addr_t inet_netof (struct in_addr __in) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern in_addr_t inet_network (const char *__cp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *inet_ntoa (struct in_addr __in) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int inet_pton (int __af, const char *__restrict __cp,
        void *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern const char *inet_ntop (int __af, const void *__restrict __cp,
         char *__restrict __buf, socklen_t __len)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int inet_aton (const char *__cp, struct in_addr *__inp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *inet_neta (in_addr_t __net, char *__buf, size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *inet_net_ntop (int __af, const void *__cp, int __bits,
       char *__buf, size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int inet_net_pton (int __af, const char *__cp,
     void *__buf, size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern unsigned int inet_nsap_addr (const char *__cp,
        unsigned char *__buf, int __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern char *inet_nsap_ntoa (int __len, const unsigned char *__cp,
        char *__buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 44 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 1 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 3 4
enum __rlimit_resource






  __RLIMIT_RSS = 5,


  RLIMIT_AS = 9,



  __RLIMIT_LOCKS = 10,



  __RLIMIT_NICE = 13,




# 131 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 3 4
typedef __rlim_t rlim_t;

struct rlimit

    rlim_t rlim_cur;

    rlim_t rlim_max;
# 158 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 3 4
enum __rusage_who


# 176 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_rusage.h" 1 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_rusage.h" 3 4
struct rusage

    struct timeval ru_utime;

    struct timeval ru_stime;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_maxrss;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_maxrss_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_ixrss;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_ixrss_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_idrss;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_idrss_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_isrss;
  __syscall_slong_t __ru_isrss_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_minflt;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_minflt_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_majflt;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_majflt_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_nswap;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_nswap_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_inblock;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_inblock_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_oublock;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_oublock_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_msgsnd;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_msgsnd_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_msgrcv;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_msgrcv_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_nsignals;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_nsignals_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_nvcsw;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_nvcsw_word;

    __extension__ union
 long int ru_nivcsw;
 __syscall_slong_t __ru_nivcsw_word;
# 180 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 2 3 4

enum __priority_which

  PRIO_PGRP = 1,



# 223 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h" 3 4

# 25 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 2 3 4

# 42 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 3 4
typedef int __rlimit_resource_t;
typedef int __rusage_who_t;
typedef int __priority_which_t;

extern int getrlimit (__rlimit_resource_t __resource,
        struct rlimit *__rlimits) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 69 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 3 4
extern int setrlimit (__rlimit_resource_t __resource,
        const struct rlimit *__rlimits) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 87 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h" 3 4
extern int getrusage (__rusage_who_t __who, struct rusage *__usage) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int getpriority (__priority_which_t __which, id_t __who) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

extern int setpriority (__priority_which_t __which, id_t __who, int __prio)
     __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));

# 45 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 2

# 47 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
static u8 *in_dir,

static u32 exec_tmout = 4000,
           mem_limit = 100;

static u8 keep_testcases,

static s32 out_fd,

static s32 child_pid;

static u8* trace_bits;
static u8 virgin_bits[65536];

static s32 shm_id;

static volatile u8 stop_soon,

static u64 unique_queued,

static u32 queue_len;
static u32 subseq_hangs;

static u8* stage_name;
static s32 stage_cur, stage_max;

static u64 stage_finds[10],

struct queue_entry {
  u8* fname;
  u32 len;
  u8 keep;
  u8 det_done;
  struct queue_entry* next;

static struct queue_entry *queue,

static u8 interesting_8[] = { -128, -1, 0, 1, 16, 32, 64, 100, 127 };
static u16 interesting_16[] = { -128, -1, 0, 1, 16, 32, 64, 100, 127, -32768, -129, 128, 255, 256, 512, 1000, 1024, 4096, 32767 };
static u32 interesting_32[] = { -128, -1, 0, 1, 16, 32, 64, 100, 127, -32768, -129, 128, 255, 256, 512, 1000, 1024, 4096, 32767, -2147483648LL, -100000000, -32769, 32768, 65535, 65536, 100000000, 2147483647 };

static void add_to_queue(u8* fname, u32 len, u8 keep) {

  struct queue_entry* q = DFL_ck_alloc(sizeof(struct queue_entry));

  q->fname = fname;
  q->len = len;
  q->keep = keep;

  if (queue_top) {

    queue_top->next = q;
    queue_top = q;

  } else queue = queue_top = q;


  if (queue_cycle > 1) queued_later++;


static void destroy_queue(void) {

  struct queue_entry *q = queue, *n;

  while (q) {

    n = q->next;

    if (!q->keep && !keep_testcases)

    q = n;



static inline u8 has_new_bits(void) {

  u32* current = (u32*)trace_bits;
  u32* virgin = (u32*)virgin_bits;

  u32 i = (65536 >> 2);
  u8 ret = 0;

  while (i--) {

    if (*current & *virgin) {
      *virgin &= ~*current;
      ret = 1;



  return ret;


static inline u32 count_bits(u8* mem) {

  u32* ptr = (u32*)mem;
  u32 i = (65536 >> 2);
  u32 ret = 0;

  while (i--) {

    u32 v = *(ptr++);

    v -= ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
    ret += (((v + (v >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;


  return ret;


static void remove_shm(void) {
# 214 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 214 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 214 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                          ((void *)0)
# 214 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

static void setup_shm(void) {

  u8* shm_str;

  memset(virgin_bits, 255, 65536);

  shm_id = shmget(
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                 ((__key_t) 0)
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                            , 65536, 
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 226 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                          | 0600);

  if (shm_id < 0) do { fprintf(
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "shmget() failed"); fprintf(
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 228); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 228 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


  shm_str = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
           ((void *)0)
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
           , 0, "%d", shm_id); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 232 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 232); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%d", shm_id); _tmp; });

  setenv("__AFL_SHM_ID", shm_str, 1);


  trace_bits = shmat(shm_id, 
# 238 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                            ((void *)0)
# 238 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                , 0);

  if (!trace_bits) do { fprintf(
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                  , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "shmat() failed"); fprintf(
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                  , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 240); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 240 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                  , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


static void read_testcases(void) {

  DIR* d = opendir(in_dir);
  struct dirent* de;

  if (!d) do { fprintf(
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to open '%s'", in_dir); fprintf(
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 252); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 252 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
         , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  while ((de = readdir(d))) {

    struct stat st;
    u8* fn = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
            ((void *)0)
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
            , 0, "%s/%s", in_dir, de->d_name); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
            , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 257 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
            , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 257); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/%s", in_dir, de->d_name); _tmp; });

    if (stat(fn, &st) || access(fn, 
# 259 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 259 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
      do { fprintf(
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to access '%s'", fn); fprintf(
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 260); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 260 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

    if (!
# 262 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 262 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 262 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
        )) & 0170000) == (0100000)) 
# 262 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                            || !st.st_size) {



    if (st.st_size > (1 * 1000 * 1000))
      do { fprintf(
# 270 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 270 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Test case '%s' is too big", fn); fprintf(
# 270 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 270 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 270); exit(1); } while (0);

    add_to_queue(fn, st.st_size, 1);


  if (!unique_queued) do { fprintf(
# 276 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 276 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "No usable test cases in '%s'", in_dir); fprintf(
# 276 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 276 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 276); exit(1); } while (0);

# 289 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
static u8 run_target(char** argv) {

  static struct itimerval it;
  int status;

  child_timed_out = 0;

  memset(trace_bits, 0, 65536);

  child_pid = fork();

  if (child_pid < 0) do { fprintf(
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                    , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "fork() failed"); fprintf(
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                    , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 300); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 300 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                    , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  if (!child_pid) {

    struct rlimit r;

    r.rlim_max = r.rlim_cur = ((rlim_t)mem_limit) << 20;

# 308 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 308 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                      , &r);


    dup2(dev_null, 1);
    dup2(dev_null, 2);

    if (out_file) {

      dup2(dev_null, 0);

    } else {

      dup2(out_fd, 0);



    execvp(argv[0], argv);



  it.it_value.tv_sec = (exec_tmout / 1000);
  it.it_value.tv_usec = (exec_tmout % 1000) * 1000;

# 345 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 345 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                      , &it, 
# 345 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                             ((void *)0)
# 345 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  if (waitpid(child_pid, &status, 
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                          ) <= 0) do { fprintf(
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                  , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "waitpid() failed"); fprintf(
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                  , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 347); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                  , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  child_pid = 0;
  it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
  it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;

# 353 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 353 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                      , &it, 
# 353 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                             ((void *)0)
# 353 "afl-fuzz-single.c"


  if (child_timed_out) return 1;

  if (
# 361 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
     (((signed char) (((
# 361 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 361 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
     ) & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0) 
# 361 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         && !stop_soon) {
    kill_signal = 
# 362 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 362 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 362 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                 ) & 0x7f)
# 362 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
    return 2;

  if (
# 366 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 366 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 366 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
     ) & 0xff00) >> 8) 
# 366 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         == 0x55) return 3;

  return 0;


static void perform_dry_run(char** argv) {

  struct queue_entry* q = queue;

  while (q) {

    u8 fault;
    u32 i;

    do { fprintf(
# 385 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 385 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;34m" "[*] " "\x1b[0;37m" "Verifying test case '%s'...", q->fname); fprintf(
# 385 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 385 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); } while (0);

    if (!out_file) {

      out_fd = open(q->fname, 
# 389 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 389 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
      if (out_fd < 0) do { fprintf(
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to open '%s'", q->fname); fprintf(
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 390); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 390 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

    } else {

      if (link(q->fname, out_file)) do { fprintf(
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "link() failed"); fprintf(
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 395); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 395 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


    fault = run_target(argv);
    if (stop_soon) return;

    switch (fault) {

      case 1: do { fprintf(
# 404 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 404 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Test case '%s' results in a hang (adjusting -t " "may help)", q->fname); fprintf(
# 404 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 404 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 405); exit(1); } while (0)

      case 2: do { fprintf(
# 407 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 407 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Test case '%s' results in a crash", q->fname); fprintf(
# 407 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 407 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 407); exit(1); } while (0);

      case 3: do { fprintf(
# 409 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 409 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to execute target application ('%s')", argv[0]); fprintf(
# 409 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 409 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 410); exit(1); } while (0)


    if (!has_new_bits() && !dumb_mode)
      do { fprintf(
# 415 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 415 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "No instrumentation detected (you can always try -n)"); fprintf(
# 415 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 415 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 415); exit(1); } while (0);

    for (i = 0; (i < 15) && !stop_soon; i++) usleep(100000);
    if (stop_soon) return;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

      if (!out_file) lseek(out_fd, 0, 
# 424 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 424 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
      fault = run_target(argv);

      if (stop_soon) return;

      switch (fault) {

        case 1: do { fprintf(
# 431 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 431 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Test case '%s' results in intermittent hangs " "(adjusting -t may help)", q->fname); fprintf(
# 431 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 431 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 432); exit(1); } while (0)

        case 2: do { fprintf(
# 434 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 434 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Test case '%s' results in intermittent " "crashes", q->fname); fprintf(
# 434 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 434 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 435); exit(1); } while (0)

        case 3: do { fprintf(
# 437 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 437 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to execute target application (huh)"); fprintf(
# 437 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 437 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                         , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 437); exit(1); } while (0);


      if (has_new_bits())
        do { fprintf(
# 442 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 442 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Inconsistent instrumentation output for test case '%s'", q->fname); fprintf(
# 442 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 442 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 443); exit(1); } while (0)


    if (!out_file) close(out_fd);

    do { fprintf(
# 449 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 449 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;32m" "[+] " "\x1b[0;37m" "Done: %u bits set, %u remaining in the bitmap.\n", count_bits(trace_bits), count_bits(virgin_bits)); fprintf(
# 449 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 449 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); } while (0)

    q = q->next;



static void write_to_testcase(void* mem, u32 len) {

  s32 fd = out_fd;

  if (out_file) {


    fd = open(out_file, 
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 475 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                  , 0600);

    if (fd < 0) do { fprintf(
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
               , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s'", out_file); fprintf(
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
               , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 477); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 477 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
               , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  } else lseek(fd, 0, 
# 479 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 479 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  if (write(fd, mem, len) != len)
    do { fprintf(
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Short write to output file"); fprintf(
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 482); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 482 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  if (!out_file) {

    if (ftruncate(fd, len)) do { fprintf(
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "ftruncate() failed"); fprintf(
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 486); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 486 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                           , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);
    lseek(fd, 0, 
# 487 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 487 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  } else close(fd);


static void save_if_interesting(void* mem, u32 len, u8 fault) {

  u8* fn = "";
  s32 fd;

  switch (fault) {

    case 0:

      if (!has_new_bits()) return;
      fn = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
          ((void *)0)
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , 0, "%s/queue/%llu", out_dir, unique_queued); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 507 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 507); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/queue/%llu", out_dir, unique_queued); _tmp; });
      add_to_queue(fn, len, 0);

    case 1:
      fn = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
          ((void *)0)
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , 0, "%s/hangs/%llu", out_dir, total_hangs); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 512 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 512); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/hangs/%llu", out_dir, total_hangs); _tmp; });

    case 2:
      fn = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
          ((void *)0)
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , 0, "%s/crashes/%llu-signal%u", out_dir, total_crashes, kill_signal); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 517 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 518); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/crashes/%llu-signal%u", out_dir, total_crashes, kill_signal); _tmp; })

    case 3: do { fprintf(
# 522 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 522 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to execute target application"); fprintf(
# 522 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 522 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 522); exit(1); } while (0);


  fd = open(fn, 
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 526 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                       , 0600);

  if (fd < 0) do { fprintf(
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s'\n", fn); fprintf(
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 528); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 528 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  if (write(fd, mem, len) != len) do { fprintf(
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Short write to '%s'", fn); fprintf(
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 530); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 530 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                 , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  if (fault) DFL_ck_free(fn);



static void show_stats(void) {

  struct timeval tv;
  struct timezone tz;
  s64 run_time;

  u32 run_d, run_h, run_m;
  double run_s;

  u32 vbits = (65536 << 3) - count_bits(virgin_bits);

  gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);

  run_time = (tv.tv_sec * 1000L) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000) - start_time;

  if (!run_time) run_time = 1;

  run_d = run_time / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
  run_h = (run_time / 1000 / 60 / 60) % 24;
  run_m = (run_time / 1000 / 60) % 60;
  run_s = ((double)(run_time % 60000)) / 1000;

  printf("\x1b[H" "\x1b[0;36m" "afl-fuzz " "\x1b[1;37m" """\x1b[1;33m" "\n--------------\n\n" "\x1b[0;36m" "Queue cycle: " "\x1b[1;37m" "%llu\n\n" "\x1b[1;30m" "    Overall run time : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%u day%s, %u hr%s, %u min, %0.02f sec" "    \n", queue_cycle, run_d, (run_d == 1) ? "" : "s", run_h, (run_h == 1) ? "" : "s", run_m, run_s)
# 572 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "     Execution paths : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu+%llu/%llu done " "(%0.02f%%)        \n", unique_processed, abandoned_inputs, unique_queued, ((double)unique_processed + abandoned_inputs) * 100 / unique_queued)


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "       Current stage : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s, %u/%u done (%0.02f%%)            \n", stage_name, stage_cur, stage_max, ((double)stage_cur) * 100 / stage_max)


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "    Execution cycles : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu (%0.02f per second)        \n", total_execs, ((double)total_execs) * 1000 / run_time)


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "      Problems found : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu crashes, %llu hangs    \n", total_crashes, total_hangs)


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "      Bitmap density : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%u tuples seen (%0.02f%%)    \n", vbits, ((double)vbits) * 100 / (65536 << 3))


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "  Fuzzing efficiency : " "\x1b[0;37m" "paths = %0.02f ppm, faults = %0.02f ppm" "\x1b[0m" "        \n\n", ((double)unique_queued) * 1000000 / total_execs, ((double)total_crashes + total_hangs) * 1000000 / total_execs)


  printf("\x1b[0;36m" "Per-stage yields:\n\n" "\x1b[1;30m" "     Bit-level flips : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu/%llu, %llu/%llu, %llu/%llu\n", stage_finds[0], stage_cycles[0], stage_finds[1], stage_cycles[1], stage_finds[2], stage_cycles[2])


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "    Byte-level flips : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu/%llu, %llu/%llu, %llu/%llu\n", stage_finds[3], stage_cycles[3], stage_finds[4], stage_cycles[4], stage_finds[5], stage_cycles[5])


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "    Interesting ints : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu/%llu, %llu/%llu, %llu/%llu\n", stage_finds[6], stage_cycles[6], stage_finds[7], stage_cycles[7], stage_finds[8], stage_cycles[8])


  printf("\x1b[1;30m" "       Random tweaks : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%llu/%llu (%llu latent paths)" "\x1b[0m" "\n\n", stage_finds[9], stage_cycles[9], queued_later)



static u8 common_fuzz_stuff(char** argv, u8* out_buf, u32 len) {

  u8 fault;

  write_to_testcase(out_buf, len);

  fault = run_target(argv);

  if (stop_soon) return 1;

  if (fault == 1 && subseq_hangs++ > 20) {

    return 1;

  } else subseq_hangs = 0;

  save_if_interesting(out_buf, len, fault);

  if (!(stage_cur % 100) || stage_cur + 1 == stage_max) show_stats();

  return 0;


static void fuzz_one(char** argv) {

  s32 len, fd, temp_len;
  u8 *in_buf, *out_buf;
  s32 i, j;

  u64 orig_hit_cnt, new_hit_cnt;

  fd = open(queue_cur->fname, 
# 665 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 665 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  if (fd < 0) do { fprintf(
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to open '%s'", queue_cur->fname); fprintf(
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 667); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 667 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
             , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  len = queue_cur->len;

  in_buf = DFL_ck_alloc(len),
  out_buf = DFL_ck_alloc(len);

  if (read(fd, in_buf, len) != len)
    do { fprintf(
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Short read from '%s'", queue_cur->fname); fprintf(
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 675); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 675 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


  memcpy(out_buf, in_buf, len);

  subseq_hangs = 0;

  if (skip_deterministic || queue_cur->det_done) goto havoc_stage;

  stage_name = "bitflip 1/1";
  stage_max = len << 3;

  orig_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[0] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[0] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "bitflip 2/1";
  stage_max = (len << 3) - 1;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 1) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 1) & 7)); } while (0);

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 1) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 1) & 7)); } while (0);


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[1] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[1] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "bitflip 4/1";
  stage_max = (len << 3) - 3;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 1) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 1) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 2) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 2) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 3) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 3) & 7)); } while (0);

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    do { out_buf[(stage_cur) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 1) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 1) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 2) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 2) & 7)); } while (0);
    do { out_buf[(stage_cur + 3) >> 3] ^= (1 << ((stage_cur + 3) & 7)); } while (0);


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[2] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[2] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "bitflip 8/8";
  stage_max = len;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    out_buf[stage_cur] ^= 0xFF;

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    out_buf[stage_cur] ^= 0xFF;


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[3] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[3] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "bitflip 16/8";
  stage_max = len - 1;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    *(u16*)(out_buf + stage_cur) ^= 0xFFFF;

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    *(u16*)(out_buf + stage_cur) ^= 0xFFFF;


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[4] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[4] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "bitflip 32/8";
  stage_max = len - 3;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    *(u32*)(out_buf + stage_cur) ^= 0xFFFFFFFF;

    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

    *(u32*)(out_buf + stage_cur) ^= 0xFFFFFFFF;


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[5] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[5] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "interest 8/8";
  stage_cur = 0;
  stage_max = len * sizeof(interesting_8);

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    u8 orig = out_buf[i];

    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(interesting_8); j++) {

      out_buf[i] = interesting_8[j];

      if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

      out_buf[i] = orig;



  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[6] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[6] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "interest 16/8";
  stage_cur = 0;
  stage_max = len * sizeof(interesting_16);

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {

    u16 orig = *(u16*)(out_buf+i);

    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(interesting_16) / 2; j++) {

      *(u16*)(out_buf + i) = interesting_16[j];

      if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

      if ((((interesting_16[j]) << 8) | ((interesting_16[j]) >> 8)) != interesting_16[j]) {

        *(u16*)(out_buf + i) = (((interesting_16[j]) << 8) | ((interesting_16[j]) >> 8));
        if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

      } else stage_max--;

      *(u16*)(out_buf + i) = orig;



  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[7] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[7] += stage_max;

  stage_name = "interest 32/8";
  stage_cur = 0;
  stage_max = len * sizeof(interesting_32) / 2;

  orig_hit_cnt = new_hit_cnt;

  for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i++) {

    u32 orig = *(u32*)(out_buf + i);

    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(interesting_32) / 4; j++) {

      *(u32*)(out_buf + i) = interesting_32[j];

      if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

      if ((((interesting_32[j]) << 24) | ((interesting_32[j]) >> 24) | (((interesting_32[j]) << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (((interesting_32[j]) >> 8) & 0x0000FF00)) != interesting_32[j]) {

        *(u32*)(out_buf + i) = (((interesting_32[j]) << 24) | ((interesting_32[j]) >> 24) | (((interesting_32[j]) << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (((interesting_32[j]) >> 8) & 0x0000FF00));
        if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, len)) goto abandon_entry;

      } else stage_max--;

      *(u32*)(out_buf + i) = orig;



  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[8] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[8] += stage_max;


  queue_cur->det_done = 1;

  stage_name = "havoc";
  stage_max = 5000;
  temp_len = len;

  orig_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;

  for (stage_cur = 0; stage_cur < stage_max; stage_cur++) {

    u32 use_stacking = (random() % (5)) + 1;

    for (i = 0; i < use_stacking; i++) {

      switch ((random() % (7))) {

        case 0:

          do { out_buf[((random() % (temp_len << 3))) >> 3] ^= (1 << (((random() % (temp_len << 3))) & 7)); } while (0);

        case 1:

          out_buf[(random() % (temp_len))] = interesting_8[(random() % (sizeof(interesting_8)))];

        case 2:

          if (temp_len < 2) break;

          if ((random() % (2))) {

            *(u16*)(out_buf + (random() % (temp_len - 1))) =
              interesting_16[(random() % (sizeof(interesting_16) >> 1))];

          } else {

            *(u16*)(out_buf + (random() % (temp_len - 1))) = htons(
              interesting_16[(random() % (sizeof(interesting_16) >> 1))]);



        case 3:

          if (temp_len < 4) break;

          if ((random() % (2))) {

            *(u32*)(out_buf + (random() % (temp_len - 3))) =
              interesting_32[(random() % (sizeof(interesting_32) >> 2))];

          } else {

            *(u32*)(out_buf + (random() % (temp_len - 3))) = htonl(
              interesting_32[(random() % (sizeof(interesting_32) >> 2))]);



        case 4:

          out_buf[(random() % (temp_len))] = (random() % (256));

        case 5: {

            u32 del_from, del_len, max_chunk_len;

            if (temp_len == 1) break;

            max_chunk_len = (((temp_len - 1) * 75 / 100) > (100) ? (100) : ((temp_len - 1) * 75 / 100))

            del_len = 1 + (random() % (max_chunk_len ? max_chunk_len : 1));

            del_from = (random() % (temp_len - del_len + 1));

            memmove(out_buf + del_from, out_buf + del_from + del_len,
                    temp_len - del_from - del_len);

            temp_len -= del_len;



        case 6: {

            u32 clone_from, clone_to, clone_len, max_chunk_len;
            u8* new_buf;

            max_chunk_len = ((temp_len * 75 / 100) > (100) ? (100) : (temp_len * 75 / 100))

            clone_len = 1 + (random() % (max_chunk_len ? max_chunk_len : 1));

            clone_from = (random() % (temp_len - clone_len + 1));
            clone_to = (random() % (temp_len));

            new_buf = DFL_ck_alloc(temp_len + clone_len);

            memcpy(new_buf, out_buf, clone_to);

            memcpy(new_buf + clone_to, out_buf + clone_from, clone_len);

            memcpy(new_buf + clone_to + clone_len, out_buf + clone_to,
                   temp_len - clone_to);

            out_buf = new_buf;
            temp_len += clone_len;





    if (common_fuzz_stuff(argv, out_buf, temp_len))
      goto abandon_entry;

    if (temp_len < len) out_buf = DFL_ck_realloc(out_buf, len);
    temp_len = len;
    memcpy(out_buf, in_buf, len);


  new_hit_cnt = unique_queued + total_hangs + total_crashes;
  stage_finds[9] += new_hit_cnt - orig_hit_cnt;
  stage_cycles[9] += stage_max;





static void handle_stop_sig(int sig) {

  stop_soon = 1;
  if (child_pid > 0) kill(child_pid, 
# 1097 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1097 "afl-fuzz-single.c"


static void handle_timeout(int sig) {

  child_timed_out = 1;
  if (child_pid > 0) kill(child_pid, 
# 1107 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1107 "afl-fuzz-single.c"


static void setup_random(void) {

  u32 seed;
  struct timeval tv;
  struct timezone tz;

  gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
  seed = tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ getpid();


  start_time = (tv.tv_sec * 1000L) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);


static void usage(u8* argv0) {

  printf("\n%s [ options ] -- /path/to/traced_app [ ... ]\n\n" "Required parameters:\n\n" "  -i dir        - input directory with test cases\n" "  -o dir        - output directory for captured crashes\n\n" "Execution control settings:\n\n" "  -f file       - input filed used by the traced application\n" "  -t msec       - timeout for each run (%u ms)\n" "  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (%u MB)\n" "Fuzzing behavior settings:\n\n" "  -d            - skip all deterministic fuzzing stages\n" "  -k            - keep all discovered test cases\n" "  -n            - fuzz non-instrumented binaries (dumb mode)\n\n" "For additional tips, please consult the provided documentation.\n\n", argv0, 4000, 100)
# 1155 "afl-fuzz-single.c"



static void setup_dirs(void) {

  u8* tmp;

  if (mkdir(out_dir, 0700) && 
# 1168 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                             (*__errno_location ()) 
# 1168 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1168 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1168 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
    do { fprintf(
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s'", out_dir); fprintf(
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1169); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1169 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);

  tmp = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
       ((void *)0)
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , 0, "%s/queue", out_dir); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1171 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1171); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/queue", out_dir); _tmp; });

  if (mkdir(tmp, 0700))
    do { fprintf(
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s' (delete existing directories first)", tmp); fprintf(
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1174); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1174 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


  tmp = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
       ((void *)0)
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , 0, "%s/crashes", out_dir); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1178 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1178); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/crashes", out_dir); _tmp; });

  if (mkdir(tmp, 0700))
    do { fprintf(
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s' (delete existing directories first)", tmp); fprintf(
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1181); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1181 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);


  tmp = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
       ((void *)0)
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , 0, "%s/hangs", out_dir); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1185 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
       , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1185); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/hangs", out_dir); _tmp; });

  if (mkdir(tmp, 0700))
    do { fprintf(
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s' (delete existing directories first)", tmp); fprintf(
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1188); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1188 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);



static void setup_stdio_file(void) {

  u8* fn = ({ u8* _tmp; s32 _len = snprintf(
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
          ((void *)0)
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , 0, "%s/.cur_input", out_dir); if (_len < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Whoa, snprintf() fails?!"); fprintf(
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1199 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
          , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1199); exit(1); } while (0); _tmp = DFL_ck_alloc(_len + 1); snprintf((char*)_tmp, _len + 1, "%s/.cur_input", out_dir); _tmp; });


  out_fd = open(fn, 
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1203 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                                                         , 0600);

  if (out_fd < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to create '%s'", fn); fprintf(
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1205); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1205 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                 , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);



static void handle_resize(int sig) {
  clear_screen = 1;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  s32 opt;

  printf("\x1b[0;36m" "afl-fuzz " "\x1b[1;37m" """\x1b[0;37m" " (" "Jul  2 2018" " " "09:10:07" ") by <[email protected]>\n")

# 1229 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1229 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
              , handle_stop_sig);
# 1230 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1230 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
              , handle_stop_sig);
# 1231 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1231 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
               , handle_stop_sig);
# 1232 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1232 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
               , handle_timeout);
# 1233 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1233 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                , handle_resize);

# 1235 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1235 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1235 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                 ((__sighandler_t) 1)
# 1235 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1236 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1236 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
# 1236 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
                 ((__sighandler_t) 1)
# 1236 "afl-fuzz-single.c"

  while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"+i:o:f:m:t:kdn")) > 0)

    switch (opt) {

      case 'i':

        if (in_dir) do { fprintf(
# 1244 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1244 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Multiple -i options not supported"); fprintf(
# 1244 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1244 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1244); exit(1); } while (0);
        in_dir = optarg;

      case 'o':

        if (out_dir) do { fprintf(
# 1250 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1250 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                    , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Multiple -o options not supported"); fprintf(
# 1250 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1250 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                    , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1250); exit(1); } while (0);
        out_dir = optarg;

      case 'f':

        if (out_file) do { fprintf(
# 1256 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1256 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Multiple -f options not supported"); fprintf(
# 1256 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1256 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                     , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1256); exit(1); } while (0);
        out_file = optarg;

      case 't':

        exec_tmout = atoi(optarg);
        if (exec_tmout < 20) do { fprintf(
# 1263 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1263 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                            , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad or dangerously low value of -t"); fprintf(
# 1263 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1263 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                            , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1263); exit(1); } while (0);

      case 'm':

        mem_limit = atoi(optarg);
        if (mem_limit < 10) do { fprintf(
# 1269 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1269 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-] PROGRAM ABORT : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Bad or dangerously low value of -m"); fprintf(
# 1269 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1269 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                           , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n         Location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n\n" "\x1b[0m", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1269); exit(1); } while (0);

      case 'k':

        keep_testcases = 1;

      case 'd':

        skip_deterministic = 1;

      case 'n':

        dumb_mode = 1;




  if (optind == argc || !in_dir || !out_dir) usage(argv[0]);

  dev_null = open("/dev/null", 
# 1295 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1295 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
  if (dev_null < 0) do { fprintf(
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n[-]  SYSTEM ERROR : " "\x1b[1;37m" "Unable to open /dev/null"); fprintf(
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                   , "\x1b[1;31m" "\n    Stop location : " "\x1b[0;37m" "%s(), %s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, "afl-fuzz-single.c", 1296); perror("\x1b[1;31m" "       OS message " "\x1b[0;37m"); fprintf(
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1296 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
                   , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); exit(1); } while (0);




  perform_dry_run(argv + optind);

  if (!stop_soon) {

    if (!out_file) setup_stdio_file();


  printf("\x1b[H" "\x1b[2J");

  while (!stop_soon) {

    if (!queue_cur) {

      unique_processed = 0;
      abandoned_inputs = 0;
      queue_cur = queue;


    fuzz_one(argv + optind);
    queue_cur = queue_cur->next;

    if (clear_screen) {

      printf("\x1b[H" "\x1b[2J");
      clear_screen = 0;




  if (stop_soon) printf("\x1b[1;31m" "\n+++ Testing aborted by user +++\n" "\x1b[0m");


  do { fprintf(
# 1347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
 , "\x1b[1;32m" "[+] " "\x1b[0;37m" "We're done here. Have a nice day!"); fprintf(
# 1347 "afl-fuzz-single.c" 3 4
# 1347 "afl-fuzz-single.c"
 , "\x1b[0m" "\n"); } while (0);



Could you see what happens when you try to compile it?

from c2rust.

d33tah avatar d33tah commented on June 3, 2024

It does seem to drop the function.

from c2rust.

glguy avatar glguy commented on June 3, 2024

OK, the problem appears to be that when I upgraded the translator version on the website that I forgot to turn relooper support back on. I've fixed that mistake and also updated the website to document which extra flags I was using in the demonstration.

Could you see if this resolved your issue?

from c2rust.

d33tah avatar d33tah commented on June 3, 2024

@glguy Yup, it helped and only leaves this:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `__dirstream: std::marker::Sized` is not satisfied
    --> /tmp/
1037 |     if d.is_null() {
     |          ^^^^^^^ `__dirstream` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
     = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `__dirstream`

error: aborting due to previous error

from c2rust.

glguy avatar glguy commented on June 3, 2024

I don't seem to get that error locally. What version of rustc are you using?

from c2rust.

d33tah avatar d33tah commented on June 3, 2024


[12:04:18] ➜  ~  % rustc /tmp/                                           
error[E0277]: the trait bound `__dirstream: std::marker::Sized` is not satisfied
    --> /tmp/
1037 |     if d.is_null() {
     |          ^^^^^^^ `__dirstream` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
     = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `__dirstream`

error: aborting due to previous error

[12:04:41] ➜  ~  % rustc --version
rustc 1.23.0-nightly (fa26421f5 2017-11-15)

from c2rust.

glguy avatar glguy commented on June 3, 2024

OK, you'll need to update your rust nightly version. We're using 2018-06-20 for testing now. Sometime between your version and the one we're using .is_null became a const function. That will fix the problem!

from c2rust.

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